Admissions Blog

The School of Engineering and Sciences at SRM University – AP, Andhra Pradesh offers Engineering courses across:

  • Computer Science and Engineering;
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering;
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering;
  • Mechanical Engineering; and
  • Civil Engineering

What makes us the preferred destination for the most talented aspirating engineers?

Here are 5 key reasons


Our experienced engineering faculty has several years of teaching experience at reputed institutions, with some possessing industry experience as well. They possess Ph.D.’s from universities with a reputation for research rigour and quality like IITs, IISc, and reputed foreign universities, and their research output has been published in several international publications.

A Curriculum With Students in Focus

The IDEAL (Interdisciplinary Experiential Active Learning) approach of our curriculum allows our students to focus on their career path as well as pursue their passions. Students can choose their own curriculum by designing their degree, combining Major programmes with a choice of specialisations and a Minor programme. Depth of learning is promoted through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP), combined with the chance to gain industry experience through practice school and the final year capstone project.

The SRM Group Advantage

The SRM Group of Educational Institutions have a long legacy of promoting academic excellence going back all the way to 1969 when the first school was founded by the group. Since then, the group has established multiple full-fledged universities, engineering colleges, medical colleges, and other specialist colleges across India.

This has not only provided us with a rich heritage and network in academia but also established us as a source of talent for industry, giving us deep networks with corporates.

Placements Track Record

650+ recruitment partners from across the globe and industries very well received students of our first graduating class. With the highest offered CTC reaching 50 LPA, the average salary package our B.Tech. students earned amounted to INR 7 LPA.

Recently, SRM University – AP became the first private university in India to achieve twin foreign placement in the maiden batch when Rajarshi and Saptarshi Mazumder B.Tech. CSE graduates received offers for Technical Engineers-IT at PVP Inc Japan, a strategic partner of Google, Japan, with a pay package of 50 LPA.

Creating Entrepreneurs

A combination of mentorship by faculty, research centres, incubators, and accelerators on campus, student-run labs, and competitions help budding entrepreneurs to find direction in bringing their plans to life. We have incubated 40+ student startups at Hatch Lab, our in-house incubator.

SRM University – AP is also the 1st private Indian university to have an angel-funded student startup in its maiden batch., founded by our B.Tech. students have received an angel investment of $120,000.

Experiential learning at SRM University AP

“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

While there is no dispute about the value of teaching a person a skill, the manner in which it is taught makes the difference. Imagine getting a person into a classroom and teaching him about: the technicalities of the fishing rod, the bait, what to do once the fish bites, how to reel it in, etc. How much do you think this person will learn sitting in a classroom?

This brings us to another quote that is more relevant and effective:

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”

– Benjamin Franklin

Involvement in learning that Benjamin Franklin referred to is the hands-on opportunities students have to apply theory, to discover for themselves, to fail, to try again, and to learn from mistakes. This investigative and exploratory way of learning is what is known as ‘Experiential Learning’.

Experiential learning is one of the cornerstones of the SRM AP experience. Across all our programs, faculty encourage students to make use of the well-equipped labs to enhance their understanding of the theory taught in class. Students get to experiment under guided supervision in a way that not only deepens learning but prepares them for creating and implementing solutions in their careers.

Internships are another source of experiential learning for our students. All students across all programs have access to these opportunities, which in most cases are their first exposure to job roles and which prepare them for their careers. These structured, short-term, supervised placements are usually focused around particular tasks or projects with timescales defined by the organisation hiring for the internship. These internships are mutually beneficial for both the student and organisation – for students these are educational and career development opportunities, providing practical experience in their chosen field. For organisations, there are two benefits:

  • – internships are a chance to free up their regular workforce from tasks that can be handled by interns;
  • – the internship period can serve as a means to evaluate potential hires. Little wonder that most internships turn into what is known as PPOs, or pre-placement offers for regular employment.

Coupled with the all-round development that our students undergo, experiential learning gets them industry-ready in their time at SRM University – AP. This enhances their employability, prepares them to add value from the start, and provides a lasting career advantage.

Picking the right B School to pursue your management aspirations can be a daunting decision at the best of times. It has assumed greater significance in the unprecedented times that have followed the Covid-19 pandemic. Its shadow loomed over most industry sectors and led to many professionals taking stock of their career prospects. They have joined ranks with freshers in large numbers as management aspirants keen on shaping their futures in the new world.

In the past, post the global economic recession over a decade ago there was a surge in the numbers of B School students. History repeated itself last year as the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) survey revealed. Aspirants all over the world are trying to gain new skills, upskill, get industry exposure, stay abreast with the latest in management, and propel their careers in the right direction.

Experts assert that in times like these, you simply cannot settle for another run of the mill MBA programme. It’s crucial to identify B Schools that are keeping up with the f times and are ready for the new normal, which is also the future.

  • If there was one aspect that managed to “tech” us through the perils of the past year; it was technology. Top B Schools have embraced it with gusto and are giving their students a competitive advantage. Zoom platforms, webinars along with a focus on new technologies like Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning are the way ahead.
  • However, just having online learning platforms isn’t enough. B Schools need to leverage them to spark discussions and debates that students will benefit from. As an aspirant you need to focus on whether the B School has managed to transfer its pedagogies like case studies, role-play sessions etc. to online platforms.
  • While there have been roadblocks, the new world is also filled with exciting opportunities. The online nature of learning has encouraged B Schools to create a wider scope of experiences for students. That’s where international relationships of B Schools come into play allowing you to learn from renowned global names.
  • B Schools that realize the importance of personalized learning experiences will be able to shape future leaders, who understand their strengths to the T. As a student you should have access to customized learning experiences not only in the classroom but also through peer groups and projects that bring out the best in you.
  • Online or blended learning is here to stay in some form or another, but that doesn’t mean your overall campus experience has to be compromised. As you step into the new normal choose B Schools that facilitate equal and exciting opportunities for extracurricular activities on both, online and offline platforms.

The new normal might be unchartered territory in many ways but by no means it’s an uncertain, unsteady ground. By staying flexible and adaptable to the changes you can explore its true potential with help from B Schools that are leading the way.

Motivation is what gets you started; MBA is what gets you going. It’s a phrase management aspirants have heard many times over. Your management programme is not just a course to imbibe crucial business skills; it’s a stepping stone for a long-term, successful corporate career. It should be seen as the vital stage in your journey towards your goals, which prepares you for the fast-evolving business scenarios today and in the future as well.

Staying Ahead Of The Curve With Future proof Management Programme

World economies have been in a state of flux, the job market has always been intensely competitive; today it’s also riddled with uncertainty. It’s your training and experiences during your management programme that will set you apart from other candidates for dynamic career profiles. School of Entrepreneurship And Management Studies (SEAMS) at SRM University-AP is driven by the goal of nurturing leaders of tomorrow with its futureproof programmes.

The new entity carves out its identity

SRM University-AP brought to the state the legacy of the SRM brand renowned for its excellence in the fields of engineering, science, medicine, social science, commerce, law, and management education. In a short span of time, it raised the bar for higher education in India making its mark on the global stage. Meanwhile, SEAMS carved out its own identity within the University becoming a force to reckon with thanks to its future-forward management programmes.

Staying Ahead Of The Curve With Future proof Management Programme

  • Strong Foundation: The cutting edge, industry-oriented curriculum of the programmes is designed to help students understand the inside outs of the business world in areas of Finance, HR, Marketing, Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Management. These skills hold students in good stead in their long term careers.
  • Innovative pedagogies and assessment: Case studies, group discussions, role-plays, quizzes, research projects have been integrated into the programmes to promote active learning. Along with digital exams and online tests, they are also part of the assessment process that helps determine students’ progress.
  • Mentorship from the best in the business: Given its reputation, SEAMS has attracted a strong faculty pool that includes industry-experienced names. Through various industry interaction sessions, workshops and seminars it also brings students in close contact with professionals who can mentor them.
  • Industry exposure: Students of the university engage in research projects guided by their faculty members and transform into problem solvers. They also get vital real-world exposure through live projects and internships with top corporate companies, to be groomed into industry-ready professionals and leaders.
  • Multidisciplinary way ahead: Business leaders who can think laterally and out of the box, are the need of the future. Lateral thinking is just one of the many benefits students experience as they study in the multidisciplinary environment at the University. Peer learning through interactions with students from diverse backgrounds is enriching.
  • Going global: Business managers and leaders from the country have the potential and platform to make their presence felt on the global stage. The university has endeavoured to facilitate that with its international collaborations with top organizations. Its partnership with Harvard Business School Online is one of many such initiatives.

Future beckons Indian business professionals. With its futureproof management programmes, SRM University-AP is ensuring that its socially-conscious managers, leaders and entrepreneurs are ready for it.

How SRM AP students are getting industry-ready

How SRM AP students are getting industry-ready

Motivation is what gets you started; MBA is what gets you going. It’s a phrase management aspirants have heard many times over. Your management programme is not just a course to imbibe crucial business skills; it’s a stepping stone for a long-term, successful corporate career. It should be seen as the vital stage in your journey towards your goals, which prepares you for the fast-evolving business scenarios today and in the future as well.

World economies have been in a state of flux, the job market has always been intensely competitive; today it’s also riddled with uncertainty. It’s your training and experiences during your management programme that will set you apart from other candidates for dynamic career profiles. School of Entrepreneurship And Management Studies (SEAMS) at SRM University-AP is driven by the goal of nurturing leaders of tomorrow with its futureproof programmes.

The new entity carves out its identity

SRM University-AP brought to the state the legacy of the SRM brand renowned for its excellence in the fields of engineering, science, medicine, social science, commerce, law, and management education. In a short span of time, it raised the bar for higher education in India making its mark on the global stage. Meanwhile, SEAMS carved out its own identity within the University becoming a force to reckon with thanks to its future-forward management programmes.

  • Strong Foundation: The cutting edge, industry-oriented curriculum of the programmes is designed to help students understand the inside outs of the business world in areas of Finance, HR, Marketing, Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Management. These skills hold students in good stead in their long term careers.
  • Innovative pedagogies and assessment: Case studies, group discussions, role-plays, quizzes, research projects have been integrated into the programmes to promote active learning. Along with digital exams and online tests, they are also part of the assessment process that helps determine students’ progress.
  • Mentorship from the best in the business: Given its reputation, SEAMS has attracted a strong faculty pool that includes industry-experienced names. Through various industry interaction sessions, workshops and seminars also bring students in close contact with professionals who can mentor them.
  • Industry exposure: Students of the university engage in research projects guided by their faculty members and transform into problem solvers. They also get vital real-world exposure through live projects and internships with top corporate companies, to be groomed into industry-ready professionals and leaders.
  • Multidisciplinary way ahead: Business leaders who can think laterally and out of the box, are the need of the future. Lateral thinking is just one of the many benefits students experience as they study in the multidisciplinary environment at the University. Peer learning through interactions with students from diverse backgrounds is enriching.
  • Going global: Business managers and leaders from the country have the potential and platform to make their presence felt on the global stage. The university has endeavoured to facilitate that with its international collaborations with top organizations. Its partnership with Harvard Business School Online is one of many such initiatives.

Future beckons Indian business professionals. With its futureproof management programmes, SRM University-AP is ensuring that its socially-conscious managers, leaders and entrepreneurs are ready for it.

Innovation in education

“Innovation is the only way to win,” said Steve Jobs, who certainly knew a thing or two about innovations. With Industry 4.0 and digital disruptions felt across every sector, innovation and creativity are the way forward. Institutions of higher learning that are focused on nurturing winners in varied walks of life have integrated innovation into their modes of learning, curriculum and ecosystem. And SRM University-AP has been leading the way.

Innovation in educationEstablished as a broad-based multidisciplinary research-intensive university, it has been the flagbearer for innovation in a short span of time. Of course, the unprecedented events of the past year necessitated the integration of innovation into modes of learning and classroom delivery. SRM University-AP was up to the challenge, swiftly transitioning to digital platforms, encouraging engaging pedagogies and novel assessment systems to enhance students’ learning experience.

Innovation in education

But the university’s truly pioneering work lies in fostering an entrepreneurial and innovation-centric aptitude amongst students. Through mentorship from faculty members and industry experts, SRM University-AP has consistently strived to inculcate the values and penchant for innovation and creative solutions amongst students. It has also instated varied clubs and initiatives that promote students pursuits based on innovation.

  • The Innovation Cell at the university promotes the active participation of students in numerous activities that put innovative thinking into focus. From participation in events like Toycathon 2021 to Smart Idea contests, it is a buzzing hub of activity.
  • ENNOVAB, the Entrepreneurial Innovation Lab is a student-run centre that has added a rich layer to the ecosystem at the university. It was founded by alumni of the Saturdja Center For Entrepreneurship & Technology, University of California Berkeley.
  • It will also partner with SRM University-AP and Jacob Center of Design And Innovation to launch the Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA). It will harness the culture for students of liberal arts and sciences, engineering and management.
  • SRM Habitat for Research & Innovation in Science (SHRISTI) takes things a step further and has been designed to nourish young and fragile businesses through guidance and resources. It will enable students to develop their business ideas effectively.
  • The university is also keen on establishing Centers of Excellence on Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 5G Technologies, Weather Forecast, Satellite Technology, Renewable Energy etc.

SRM University-AP has been organising seminars and conferences that speak for the values of innovation in every industry sector. Together with these centers and labs, it has thus created an environment where students can ideate, innovate, be creative, and become the changemakers of tomorrow.

Strengthening Research Culture

“In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. Research is creating new knowledge,” said Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. The quest for knowledge creation has consistently pushed researchers and scholars to seek answers to evolving questions. And if there is anything we have learned in the past year, it’s that we are often posed with new challenges that require innovative solutions in today’s world.

The new world has its eyes trained on well-trained researchers, who are problem solvers of tomorrow. Their journey begins at institutions of higher learning, which should not only imbibe research aptitude but also equip them with cutting edge skills to see their projects to logical conclusions. Looking at teaching and research as independent entities can be a considerable loss, and new-age institutions like SRM University-AP are set on avoiding it at any cost.

Research in its DNA

Strengthening Research CultureSince its inception, SRM University-AP has been known as a broad-based multidisciplinary research-intensive university. As its Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. D. Narayana Rao says, “SRM University-AP provides exciting and challenging research opportunities that are of national and international importance and have social applications.” True to those words, it has developed a lively ecosystem conducive to research, showing the results.

The research focus at the University had drawn around 60 scholars from around the world pursuing their PhDs in their areas of interest. In a short span of time, faculty members and students of the University have published over 200 research papers. In 2019-20 alone, eight patents were published, and 5 were applied for under SRM University-AP. The staggering amount of quality output has caught the eye of aspiring researchers and leading institutions alike.

Strengthening Research Culture

Top names like DST, DBT, BRNS, Government of India and the British Council have sanctioned 24 research projects with a total outlay of Rs. 12.00 crores to faculty members at SRM University-AP. And this seems only the beginning for scholars at the University, who are encouraged by concerted initiatives and growing infrastructure on campus, which has a thriving ecosystem for research pursuits.

  • The University has drawn a dynamic pool of faculty members with international exposure. As they work on impactful research, they mentor students and scholars to think creatively and present solutions through projects.
  • It is set to create Centres of Excellence on Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 5G Technologies, Weather Forecast, Satellite Technology, Renewable Energy, Energy Storage Devices, Additive Manufacturing, Gene Editing, and Blue Economy to embrace new technologies.
  • Its international collaborations with MIT, the University of California, Berkeley and other renowned foreign universities offer students opportunities to interact with and collaborate with peers and academicians worldwide.
  • SRM University-AP has also focused on industry collaborations with powerhouses like TITAN, Amara Raja Batteries Limited (ARBL) for joint research. In fact, it is working with Indian Railways to develop hydrogen-powered fuel cell-based trains.

These and other projects in the pipeline can no doubt have an impact on society. But at the same time, shaping future knowledge creators and problem solvers will be a significant achievement stemming from the research culture on the SRM University-AP campus.