Scope for ECE Students

Electronics and Communications Engineering or ECE is a very popular educational choice for the prospective engineering students. ECE students can have careers in industries like consumer electronics manufacturing organization, Automotive, Telecommunication & IT industries, Health care equipment manufacturing, Mobile communication (2G, 3G, and 4G), Internet technologies, Power Electronics, and other industries like steel, petroleum, and chemical industry etc.

ECE students also have lots of opportunities in Government and private companies in the areas of design, manufacture, installation, operation, and maintenance of electronics equipment and systems. New opportunities and avenues are also opening for electronics & communication engineers due to the integration of electronics into various new industrial verticals.

The latest technologies include self-driving cars, autonomous drone logistics, robotics, automation in industries, smart energy systems etc. But getting acquainted with these industries will not be easy. They demand engineers who have more hands-on experience with the latest technologies.

Electronics students with skills in robotics, automation technologies, renewable energies, Internet of Things (IoT), mechatronics engineering concepts add more value to their average pay scale. Students pursuing electronics engineering aim to get a highly paid job, so improving their skill sets will impact their pay scale a lot.

Major technologies in which an ECE engineer can work on:

  • Analog and Radio Frequency Circuits: Without these cell phones, Wi-Fi, television will cease to exist. A lot of industries are established to meet consumer demands, and, in the process, they opened a lot of job opportunities for electronics engineers.
  • Communication & Signal Processing: This technology particularly finds its application in the transmission, storage, and analysis of information signals.
  • Computer & Digital Systems: All the industries are able to advance technologically at a faster pace than before with the help of computers. These digital systems are everywhere from smartwatches to Mars rovers.
  • Networking: With the boom on the internet, we are experiencing 3G, 4G services that help organizations and industries to easily collaborate with people. There is a lot of scope for engineers who want to work in this technology.
  • Computer vision & Image processing: These technologies are helping computers in the areas like medical, surveying, photogrammetry etc. For instance, now we have medical devices that can analyse data to not only display images but identify diseases too with the help of magneto-resonance imaging technology
  • Control systems & Robotics: With the advancement in technologies lately more and more industries are adopting automation and robots into their operations to improve their efficiency. And a lot more industries are expected to adopt these technologies in the coming years.
  • Remote Sensing: Communication via radio waves is essential for mobile devices, radios, and all the devices that are connected to the internet. From mapping to navigation, remote sensing plays a vital role in various technologies.
  • Nanotechnology: The more efficient solar cells, faster transistors, tracking chips and microscopic sensors that we see today are the products of nanotechnology. A lot of industries are adopting this technology to make their products smaller and more efficient.
  • Sustainable Energy & Power systems: Now industries are investing lots of their money and time to develop more efficient solar cells, windmills, systems that can generate power from tides etc. This technology offers a wide range of job opportunities for electronics engineers.
  • Energy Storage Technology: The demand for energy storage systems is likely to grow exponentially globally as the world shifts towards renewable energy sources. This shift will mandate both grid level and unit level energy storage systems that are of viable size, cost, and energy efficiency. Significant research is currently being conducted on materials, engineering, and other optimisations.

Skills that an ECE student needs to develop to improve job prospects:

If you are an ECE student, here are some of the skills and areas that you need to concentrate on to improve your job prospects:

  • Computer proficiency is a must these days; try to get acquainted with some of the industrial-grade software.
  • Develop your communication and interpersonal skills
  • Develop more practical skills and get hands-on experience on theoretical concepts
  • Get exposed to current industrial methodologies as much as possible
  • Stay updated with the latest technologies by developing projects on them
  • Do additional certified training programs to build your profile
  • Take additional responsibilities in your college to showcase your managerial skills
  • Develop your leadership and team working abilities


Studying ECE at SRMAP offers students the unique opportunity to gain experiences, skills and knowledge which will set them apart from their peers.

  • Semester Abroad Programme: For those who strive to learn cutting edge practices from reputed Universities abroad, SRMAP offers a dream-come-true opportunity to the selected students to obtain necessary skills and insights which will make them shine among their competitors.
  • Centres of Excellence: The centres of excellence will nurture the potential in students by giving them a working environment and allowing them to test their mettle.
  • Multidisciplinary curriculum: The curriculum at SRMAP is fluid. It draws upon traditional courses with a modern and practical outlook. However, the most prominent feature of the curriculum at SRMAP is that it transcends convention, focuses on recent trends in research and technology. and provides the students with the essential tools wot take the forefront positions in their field.
  • Placements: Placements at SRMAP are extremely motivated by the individual’s needs and career aspirations. The students are given relevant advice since day one and often train to acquire skills as per their strengths and ambitions. This makes them the suitable candidate for their dream job with exciting offers in their hands.

Studying abroad at UC Berkeley

Studying abroad is a dream for many. Studying abroad in reputed universities like the University of California, Berkeley is a golden opportunity. The Semester Abroad Programme at SRMAP gives wings to the aspirations of many who wish to gain educational experience abroad.

Mohammed Khizar Baig, a student of Computer Science Engineering, recently went to UC Berkeley through SRM University-AP’s Semester abroad Programme. Here’s what he has to say about his experience,

“It was a holistic selection process starting with an interview from SRM AP. Then the shortlisted candidates were invited for an interview from UC Berkeley. Apart from this, we were also required to submit a Statement of Purpose. Several factors including academics, extracurricular involvements, leadership background were considered for the evaluation.

The selection at the University of California, Berkeley was indeed ecstatic. A place where dreams are given the right guidance to turn into a reality. Situated right next to Silicon Valley, every aspiring entrepreneur’s dream destination, what could be a better experience than attending a university comprising staggering alumni of Nobel laureates, Olympic medallists, and legendary tech pioneers such as Steve Wozniak, Andrew Ng, Gordon E. Moore, and many more.

It is a semester-long program involving diverse courses from Entrepreneurship, Creative and Emerging Technologies, Design, and informative lecture series by eminent Founders and CEOs.

SRM AP extended its immense support throughout the selection process of UC Berkeley. Dr Naga Swetha ma’am helped in the interview and the shortlisting process along with establishing the connection with the team at UC Berkeley. I would also thank Dr Sonam Maurya ma’am for her immense support in the smooth Academic mapping process, which would make the transfer of credits easier once we are back to SRM AP. Dr Ashu Abdul sir and Dr T. Raghunathan sir also extended their guidance during the process.

As rightly said, “Dreams don’t work unless you do”, I aspire to assimilate the knowledge, experience, and most importantly the real-life lessons learned during my SAP at UC Berkeley and proliferate it to augment the entrepreneurial ecosystem back in India. This would be the most fundamental exposure pivotal in accomplishing my dream of establishing a start-up and eventually in manifesting my ambition of fostering a meaningful impact on humanity.”

SRM University-AP has enables the students to pursue their dream PhD at many prominent institutes along with UC Berkeley. Students are also provided with training and guidance for pursuing higher education abroad. Check out our International Relations page to learn more

If you would like to be a part of SRM University-AP’s vibrant and innovative culture of knowledge, ideas and research then see here what more we have on offer for you.

Getting the chance to study abroad is a ticket to acquiring skills that are highly sought after and will give a special and unique boost to your profile. SRM University-AP provides students with opportunities and training to join a course from a number of renowned foreign Universities to give them that unique edge that top recruiters look for.

In a long list of achievers, Yuvraj Tankala has made it into the University of California, Berkeley through our Semester Abroad Programme. Yuvaraj shared his elation with us,

“It is the spring season here; I’ll be spending solid 6 months (a semester) here at UCB to learn and explore. UC Berkeley is a one-of-a-kind university. From its history to its recent innovations in the research community, UCB has been a major player in various fields. Getting selected and sitting and writing this in the heart of the campus at UCB is really a moment to cherish. It is surely a dream come true for an ambitious person like me. Waiting for every new day to learn new things and connect with more people over here.

The selection process was smooth, SRMAP and UCB had their own prerequisites to tick off so that the whole process would be smooth. I have gone through a series of interviews, and I am tested on my entrepreneurship skills and technical skills and having a balanced academic score.

Using the teachings of here, and my skills, which I’m sure to enhance; I’m planning to use them towards my entrepreneurial mindset. These would help me satisfy the requirements of launching a potential start-up.

All these achievements would not be possible without SRM-AP’s support. The support was through constant motivation, mentoring. I would like to thank Ragunathan sir, Sonam ma’am, Ashu Abdul sir, Nagaswetha ma’am for extending their full support during the process.”

Your overseas education journey story could be next. Join SRM University-AP to receive unique educational training and career guidance through our international collaborations.

“Family businesses are the core of Indian economy,” said Mr K R Sekar, Partner, Deloitte India in an interview with the Economic Times last year. Numbers back his claim as family businesses contribute close to 70% of India’s GDP. They are as much about family values and legacy as they are about reinventing themselves over generations. As the flagbearers of a growth-oriented economy, they deserve a new vision to build on the legacy. MBA In Family Business offered by the School of Entrepreneurship and Management Studies (SEAMS) at SRM University-AP is designed to groom students for organic growth of their self and family businesses.

The Importance of MBA In Family Business

With a longer-term perspective compared to other organisations, family businesses have traditionally focused on the next generation for future growth. Young leaders in family businesses have the unenviable task of preserving the legacy while demonstrating their risk-taking abilities through nuanced plans, given the changed customer and business eco-systems. MBA In Family Business can be the vehicle for aspirants to discover their strengths, develop a vision for the future, and get in the driver’s seat to promote growth. The experiential programme also aims to bring insights into family dynamics while shaping socially conscious leaders and game-changers of the business world.

New-age curriculum for new flagbearers of family businesses

Learning by doing under the watchful guidance of mentors is the foundation of MBA In Family Business programmes. Experienced academics as well industry pioneers and entrepreneurs pass on the proverbial mantle to the new generation through knowledge sharing. Electives designed for specific industry domains, leadership activities like role-playing, experiential courses and projects on building business plans and growth plans, are some of the hallmarks of new-age programmes. At SEAMS students also develop skills in emerging areas like Business Analytics, which encourage them to understand and work on past organizational limitations, through technological tools at their beck and call. and to take things to the next level.

SRM University-AP edge for business scions

Built on the pillars of state-of-the-art infrastructure, strong industry network, and international linkages with renowned institutions, SRM University, AP has made a mark on the global stage in a short span of time. Its collaboration with Harvard Business School Online has resulted in high impact online courses that help students learn about the best global practices. The learning model built around active, case-based and social learning enables upskilling of students and puts them at the forefront of an ever-changing economy. The university’s emphasis on innovation is passed on to students, who can leave an indelible mark on the future of the business world.

Advantages of MBA in Family Business at SRM University- AP

Aligned with SRM University-AP’s vision for leadership excellence, SEAMS is set to raise the bar for family businesses with this cutting-edge programme. Its future-focused curriculum delivered through new age pedagogies ensures that students understand their family business through diverse and holistic perspectives. While being part of the family business, students can learn, apply new skills and chalk out a growth map for the future. Overall, the programme equips scions with skills, vision, leadership abilities, practical exposure, and confidence to take over the mantle and be responsible for carrying the legacy of their family business into the future.

Landing in a foreign university for higher education is an enviable opportunity that every student aspires for. Proper guidance, passionate effort and unwavering faith are the factors that drive you forward to give shape to your dream. The training received from your educational institution also has a substantial impact in helping you earn a seat in international universities. SRM University-AP has turned into a centre of excellence giving wings to the dreams of hundreds of students to fly high.

Shanmukh Rachakunta is one among the lucky handful who has made it into UC Berkeley through the Semester Abroad Programme of SRM University-AP. Let us hear from Shanmukh as he shares his excitement upon learning the news.

“It was unbelievably awesome; I still feel emotional when I think about it now, as it’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I have always looked up to my seniors who got this opportunity earlier and shaped their futures. Now seeing myself there indeed excites me.

The first eligibility for applying for semester abroad program is overall GPA, which is supposed to be >=9.0 until that semester, and the resume for further interviews. My first interview was more technical, and the questions were on my major studies – computer science. Selected candidates had a second interview, where they were assessed on their projects, interests, and future goals. The last interview was from the University of California. Most of it was on analysing our communicative skills and what we expect from them.

The semester abroad program is for six months. UC Berkeley Engineering’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology – SCET, offered us courses for our SAP program. SCET teaches using the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship and offers a suite of highly applied, experiential project courses that develop the entrepreneurship and innovation potential for students, professionals, and academics.

Apart from maintaining good academic performance, I plan to work on my start-up and its research. Being a contextual leader, currently, I am working with my team on our idea.

I would always be grateful for the people who have generously shared their advice and wisdom and guided me to this opportunity. SRM University-AP has awarded us with a scholarship of $21,900 which covers the semester fees, application fees, and health insurance throughout our stay. The perks of the SRM student exchange also include reserving my seats for courses, and the travel cost is free in Berkeley. It is hard to mention everyone because everyone played a major role in getting this opportunity. Special thanks to Prof Raghunathan T, Naga Swetha ma’am, Sonam ma’am, and Ashu Abdul sir who are still guiding us through our journey here. Not to forget the friend circle who always gave me the competitive spirit to go forward.”

Check out our international page to know more about our pioneering initiatives that facilitate the abroad journey of our students. Join SRM University-AP, the next-generation learning institute and get exposed to global education culture.

A semester abroad at UC Berkeley

Pulkit Jasti has found his place in the line of students taking off to UC Berkeley through the Semester Abroad Programme at SRM University-AP. The programme aims to offer its students an opportunity to get exposed to global education culture and gain advanced training in their field of studies. It opens the door to a world of possibilities to explore and experience. The university also takes immense pride in setting the right path for its students to scale greater heights.

Pulkit is over the moon as he talks about the incredible offer he has been bestowed with,

“I’m extremely delighted to land this once in a lifetime opportunity. Spending a semester abroad in one of the world’s most prestigious universities in the heart of Silicon Valley is a dream come true for any technology entrepreneurship aspirant.

It would have been impossible for me to get an opportunity like this if not for SRM AP. I fall short of words to express my sincere gratitude to the management and faculty of SRM AP. I would like to thank Ragunathan sir, Sonam ma’am, Ashu Abdul sir, Nagaswetha ma’am for extending their full support during the process.

There were multiple rounds of interviews, and I interacted with different panel members who were very friendly and supportive. The panel closely examined each of our resumes, academic performances, and entrepreneurial activities to make a fair and impartial decision.

The start-up semester is a six-month-programme where I network with the world’s topmost entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley and learn from them. Additionally, I will be working with UC Berkeley’s distinguished faculty on a few projects which have the potential to become successful start-ups in the future.

I strongly believe in giving back to society, so my future plans are to get my current start-up ideas to life that are going to have a significant impact in people’s lives and open employment opportunities to my juniors from college.”

Pave the way to a successful career with SRM University-AP. Catch a glimpse of our International Relations page to know more about our global collaborations.

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”– Paulo Coelho.

Be it a dream or a wish, when you are determined to pursue what the mind really wants, SRM University-AP helps you reach that goal. Ms Pragya Gupta and Ms Swikriti Khadke joined SRM AP with vibrant dreams, and in their third year, they have attained the prestigious Mitacs Globalink Research Internship. The students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering will spend three months in Canadian universities as a part of this fully-funded research internship. Ms Swikriti will intern at Université du Québec en Outaouais – Gatineau on the research project titled “Systematic PV farm power losses calculation and modelling using computational intelligence techniques”. Ms Pragya will be going to Athabasca University – Edmonton as a research intern to work on the project titled “Blockchains for Data Storage and Mining in Learning Analytics”.

About Mitacs Globalink Research Internship

Mitacs Globalink Research Internship is a highly competitive programme that pairs top-ranked international students having specific research expertise from 15 countries worldwide with faculty at top Canadian academic institutions. This is a twelve (12) week research project of mutual interest between May and October 2022. The Canadian host faculty project leader makes selections by verifying the student’s background and skills in the research area and the unique contribution they will be made to the research during the stay. As a fully-funded programme, Mitacs and AICTE will administer the grant. Students can choose from about 14k+ projects in disciplines like Engineering, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and the Humanities.

Mitacs will be responsible for providing the following to the students:

1. An airfare stipend of Can$1,500;
2. A stipend of Can$175 to contribute to the cost of transportation from the Canadian airport to accommodation unless otherwise arranged by your host institution
3. A stipend of Can$200 per week for living expenses
4. Ensure that students receive Canadian medical insurance.
5. A daily allowance of Can$45 for housing for the duration of the research internship.
6. A stipend of Can$300 for any student fees charged by the Canadian host institution
7. Reimbursement of immigration permit application fees (as required to participate in the research internship — up to a maximum of Can$240)
8. A stipend of Can$500 for any COVID-19-related expenses (e.g., COVID test, quarantine, expenses incurred during isolation, etc.)

The journey, in Pragya and Swikriti’s words:

The journey from applying for MITACS to getting selected as one of the GRI interns in one of the top-ranked universities in Canada was no less than a dream come true. The registration process included filling out an application form which was the most important step and a complicated one. This was also an elimination stage for many because writing down all our details in a limited number of words was quite difficult and challenging. After submitting the application form, the details about the Matching round were intimated in November. We received emails for the interview round from the professor himself. It was a technical interview that comprised of questions regarding our work experience, knowledge about the technology we will be contributing to the project during the internship, and personal details. The interview lasted for 30-45 mins, after which the professor assigned us some tasks to assess our knowledge regarding the topic. After completing and submitting the task, around Mid December, we received a congratulatory mail regarding our selection for MITACS GRI 2022, which will commence from May 2022 and continue for the next three months.

The Globalink Graduate Fellowship offers former Globalink research interns:

■ Direct financial support from Mitacs
■ Recognition as Globalink alumni
■ The opportunity to work with Canada’s research supervisors during your graduate studies
■ Additional exposure to the Canadian research and innovation landscape and increased Canadian experience.

A note of gratitude

“We would like to thank SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, for helping us build our skills and supporting us throughout the process. Our university management has always been kind and helpful to its students to explore new opportunities and create new relations. We would like to extend our gratitude to our mentors, Dr Goutam Kumar Dalapati and Dr Anil K Suresh, for their continuous support, guidance, and motivation. Last but not least, our parents have been our support system throughout our journey”.


“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”Theodore Roosevelt

Jesni M Jacob, currently doing research under Dr Mahesh Kumar Ravva narrates her journey to achieving CSIR-JRF All India Rank of 65 through persistent efforts.

I’m working in the field of computational chemistry on designing and developing organic molecules for OLED applications. Securing an AIR of 65 in the CSIR JRF in Chemical Science June 2021 exam is a dream come true moment for me.

In 2019, I completed my post-graduate studies at Madras Christian College, Chennai. The four-year-long journey from zero to JRF AIR 65 was of hard work, patience, sleepless nights, sacrifices and even frustrated moments. It was challenging to remain motivated after multiple unsuccessful attempts. But I wasn’t ready to give up hope. I believed in myself and dreamed big with faith in God Almighty.

My previous attempts didn’t provide me with any hope of continuing my preparation because my marks were consistently far below the cutoffs. That made me realise one thing: without coaching and ample guidance, qualifying for CSIR JRF is a toiling task for an average student. But I learned that with strong passion, proper dedication, and right strategies of do’s and don’ts, any aspiring student can pass the exam with flying colours.

After each attempt, I learned from my mistakes and tried to optimise my strategies. One should never try to cover the entire syllabus and be bothered about it. I analysed the unit-wise weightage and narrowed it down to a few important topics that I found exciting and comfortable.


  • Choose topics carefully and focus solely on mastering them.
  • Try to stick to and rely on reliable standard textbooks as much as possible.
  • The SRMAP library provided me with excellent access to a wide range of standard texts.

The JRF aspirants should try to solve previous years’ questions from standard exams (CSIR, GATE, IISc, etc.) and note new concepts or approaches every day. Enjoy and prepare short notes with a lot of scribbling and highlighting in various colours. Notes should be concise and simple to revise later. But don’t spend too much time making notes.

I made time for exam preparation along with my work and research activities. I’m grateful to my family, teachers, and especially my guide- Dr Mahesh Kumar Ravva, for their constant support and encouragement. He gave me a safe space to express my desire to ace the exam and my anxieties about it. Dr Mahesh always listened to my concerns and helped me to gain clarity on my thoughts. He always encouraged me to dream big and shared his perspectives and lessons from his life experiences. He is a great mentor, motivator, and teacher to me.

Every university becomes an epicenter of learning when designed around the realms of education, aspiration, happiness, and well-being. SRM University-AP is one of the youngest institutions in the country, making headway with a distinct vision and an uncommon modus operandi. The university internalises its role as a prime agent in bringing innovation and regional development. SRM University-AP fosters a distinguished learning culture with a plethora of avenues for the students to dive into and transform themselves as new-age professionals. Every innovation is introduced with the purpose of shaping its students to embrace the future in its fullest sense.

In the face of advancing technologies and growing digitisation, the university has set out on a mission to prepare its students with a future-oriented curriculum encompassing practical learning experiences. Having recognised as a broad-based multidisciplinary research-intensive university, the institution takes immense care in orienting its learning culture in line with the emerging demands of society. It also ensures that students are provided with challenging research opportunities having deeper social implications.

Rolling out a slew of innovative initiatives such as Inter-Disciplinary Experiential Active Learning (IDEAL) methodology, Semester Abroad Programmes and other international collaborations, Hatch Lab Research Centre, Next Tech Lab, Corporate relations and Career Services, and a dozen of activity clubs to pursue their interests across the arenas of arts, sports, literature, photography etc., SRM University-AP leaves no stone unturned to arm the students to make themselves a niche in a world surging ahead with unprecedented opportunities.

Inter-Disciplinary Active Learning (IDEA)

IDEA is a pedagogical practice introduced with the intention of giving students the liberty to curate the curriculum aligning with their interests. It offers flexibility in learning and allows them to explore their interests cutting across disciplines. Having done majors in one subject along with other minors/specialisations will give them an added edge and amplify their job prospects. This active learning practice, coupled with industry internship programmes, makes this an avant-garde learning technique.

Semester Abroad Programmes

The global collaborations and partnerships established by the university with world-class institutions, including the University of California, Harvard Business School Online, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, and other top organisations, will open the gateway for its students to acquire international exposure and get acquainted with cutting-edge developments in the global market. Semester Abroad Programme is a lucrative opportunity for students to upgrade themselves on par with international quality professionals. Moreover, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between SRM University-AP and other universities will allow students to let out themselves to new cultures, mindsets, and work environments.

Hatch Lab Research Centre

The SRM Technology & Livelihood Business Incubator (SRMTBI) is a resourceful platform for students to embark on new ventures and business practices. With its vast network of domain experts, experienced professionals, and academicians, SRM TBI preserves a thriving ecosystem to motivate young researchers to promote the commercial research culture. SRM TBI essentially works intending to bring prosperity to socially backward places and train the students to make meaningful contributions toward nation-building. The entrepreneurship academy also organises exploratory competitions such as hackathons to unveil the entrepreneurial acumen of the students.

Next Tech Lab

Next Tech Lab is a student-led innovation that offers an exclusive platform for them to work on futuristic prototypes using cutting-edge technology. Forging ahead with a spectacular vision of making an immense contribution to future enterprises, Next Tech Lab is the only organisation from India to win the QS Reimagine Education 2018 award for its work in spearheading the student-led innovation lab model in India. It also holds an exemplary record of winning hackathons and publishing in high-impact journals. The venture was established with a fervent motive to reverse the brain-drain culture in the country, and it stays true to its intention by impelling students to learn, research, and develop their skills in tune with the industrial demands.

Corporate Relations and Career Services

The Department of Corporate Relations and Career Services works with the intent to ensure cent per cent campus placement for its students. The department provides hands-on training and internships for students to hone their skills and learn from experts in the field. Having established a strong tie-up with leading companies, including Infosys, ONGC, Electronics Corporations of India Limited, etc., the CR&CS department offers students abundant opportunities to walk into a career of their choice. It also provides a forum for the industry experts to share their experiences with the students and learn the skills needed to stay productive in today’s globalised Industry 4.0 world.

Clubs and Societies for Students

The university nurtures a learning environment beyond academics to encourage students to enhance their talents and passion. The student clubs and societies give them umpteen platforms to engage in extra-curricular activities and make learning a wholesome experience. To list a few, literary club, movie club, sports club, theatre club, photography club etc., are some of the highly engaging clubs sought-after by students. The Department of Student Affairs is doing a remarkable job by co-ordinating with the faculty and students and hosting such enriching activities on the campus.

SRM University-AP is a choice destination for the next generation of students to learn, explore and transform themselves into resourceful individuals. The university is stewarding an educational revolution in the country by taking a detour from the conventional pathway to walk students into a fathomless world of opportunities. As society evolves with unpredictable changes with each passing day, it is imperative to capacitate the students to remain flexible to such uncertainties. SRM University-AP fosters an academic culture to mould its students to be multi-talented individuals daring enough to embrace any challenge that comes their way.

“In a properly automated and educated world, then, machines may prove to be the true humanizing influence. It may be that machines will do the work that makes life possible and that human beings will do all the other things that make life pleasant and worthwhile.”

― Isaac Asimov

liberal artsThe urge to get exposed to a more diversified learning approach is understandable. Choosing a major that can help develop essential life skills while gaining a broader world perspective can be a great stride in your career. Liberal arts have always been an underrated field of study with numerous unexplored scopes. However, there is a shift in the air since the increasingly evolving world demands the production of skilled professionals with a knack for critical thinking. The trend is gradually spreading in the Indian educational scenario too.

India’s National Education Policy 2020 holds a greater emphasis on Liberal arts education. It envisions the holistic development of individuals through multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary learning approaches. It insists on the need for higher education institutes to become multidisciplinary by 2040. De-compartmentalising the educational sector by breaking the rigid barrier between professional and liberal education is one of its major agendas. Educational structures in India are thus getting more flexible while contemplating the future of Liberal arts education. The rapidly changing employment landscape and the forthcoming industrial revolution clearly imply the extreme relevance of Liberal arts education. This calls the world’s attention towards the broader aspects of the stream of Liberal arts.

The stream of Liberal arts

The term liberal arts have roots in the classical Greek concept of a diversified education that focuses on the intellectual cultivation of the mind. The education of the Greeks in those days included different areas ranging from grammar to geometry and music. Liberal arts in the present day offer a wide range of majors and minors. These options fall into the more significant categories of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Liberal arts education evokes the ability to analyse socio-political, economic, and environmental problems while being contemplative and creative. These abilities are highly relevant in current social circumstances, especially in India.

Liberal arts in the era of uncertainties

In an age that keeps updating itself, the fear of getting outdated is real. Living in a world constantly exposed to digitization, outsourcing, automating, etc., will demand fierce competence from the jobseekers. What matters is not what you learned over the years but how you learned all those things. The chances of the things you learned getting outdated are higher, but not how you perceived that knowledge.

Liberal arts as a learning subject becomes highly relevant in this scenario. Students from a liberal arts background will have much more to contribute to the ever-advancing society than the students from other streams. Liberal arts nurture the abilities of problem-solving and critical thinking. It trains the learner to think out of the box and develop original solutions.

Why Liberal arts

Liberal arts majors have the privilege of entering varying career paths due to the holistic approach the learning process holds. The possibilities are never limited. The discipline of liberal arts targets to provide a general idea regarding the subject matter and trains to think critically. The skills they earn are not restricted to a specific technical profession. Writing, critical thinking, and research skills are continuously refined through exposure to various subject matters. The job market offers opportunities for liberal arts students in science, technology, engineering, business, and many other fields. Every mainstream working ecosystem will require the input of a liberal arts major.

Advantages of pursuing a liberal arts course

Democratised educational process

Modern liberal arts education is armed with a curriculum that promotes breadth as well as the depth of knowledge. The curriculum is sufficiently flexible and gives prominence to the student’s choice. They get to play a significant role in shaping their program. This facilitates the democratisation of the educational process.

Diverse disciplines and broader perspectives

Liberal arts education provides exposure to diverse disciplines of study, which makes the learner capable of gaining a broader perspective of the field they prefer. A positive mindset, readiness to look at the world with enthusiasm, and innovative learning strategies will benefit any organization.

Thinking capacity and expanded worldview

Obtaining knowledge will help the learner gain skills in a particular area, but it also helps develop thinking capacity. Liberal arts education makes sure to guard the learners with an ability to understand and widen their knowledge limits. It nurtures the enthusiasm of the learner. This, in turn, helps to adjust the lens with which they view the world around them.

Different thinking processes

Liberal arts education lets you understand the importance of different thinking processes in every learning environment. Be it creative, analytical, or critical, a Liberal arts major knows when and how to assert these thinking processes. Challenging the preconceived notions and showing the courage not to follow the crowd is a remarkable impact liberal arts education has on the learner. This is a much-needed quality an individual should aspire to master.


A liberal arts student knows how to build skills based on the broader foundational knowledge. Thus, they are very flexible in acquiring new knowledge and establishing needed skills. This will help them not settle down for one specific job for an entire lifetime.

Soft skills

Every industry needs individuals with skills that are in high demand. Some of them are effective communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership qualities. Liberal arts education prepares the students to attain these qualities.

Socially responsible learner

Liberal arts don’t focus on a specialised subject. It gives a vast knowledge and allows the learner to develop creative paths to resolve social challenges exposed to them.

Opportunity to explore and experiment

Innovative ideas, concepts, and unique experiences are always there in the vicinity of the learner. The advantages of community-based learning and peer-reviewed research are accessible to the learner. This allows them to explore and experiment with the knowledge they have.

Lifelong learning

Processing the information and thinking analytically will guide the learner to think across the disciplines. This will remain a crucial life skill that could be helpful in a variety of circumstances.

Scope of liberal arts in India

liberal artsThe dynamics of education is an ever-evolving process. New learning methods and diverse professions will keep popping up from time to time. With the remarkable shift that happened in the field of education, a door to a diverse set of specialized career options has opened. Not to deny the requirement for skilled professionals in the age-old job market, but the jobs will be more reasoning-oriented in the future, favoring liberal arts education. Professionals should be able to analyse the present scenario and make decisions for future changes. They should be able to think critically and be ready to absorb the constantly changing knowledge environment. This indicates the demand for liberal arts majors in the future.

Liberal arts is an interdisciplinary model of education preferred by many youngsters worldwide. Introducing the student community to the perks of liberal arts education can do wonders in a developing country like India. The advantages of opening multiple career options for the country’s youth are immaculate. Also, including and enhancing liberal arts in the mainstream education sector will help improve the global ranking of Indian educational institutions.

The advancing job market demands competitive advantages from individuals. They are looking for someone more human and connected. Along with passion and energy, they also need their employees to be flexible during changes and see things as they are.

The pace, scope, and strategies of this generation are entirely different from that of the previous one. Drastic changes in climate, artificial intelligence, way of approach, etc., will demand more extraordinary resourcefulness to sustain the updating. The diverse economy of India will make sure that the students interact with different individuals irrespective of gender, religion, class, etc. This will enhance their development as valuable employees, citizens, and, most importantly, human beings.

A liberal arts degree prepares one to withstand the uncertainties of a career. It can cope with the test of time since there are no expiry dates for critical thinking and problem-solving. Polished proficiency in writing, speaking, presenting, and collaborating is another trademark of liberal arts education. It is immensely helpful if viewed from the perspective of a job aspirant.

Enhanced cultural understanding is another valuable reward from liberal arts. Interdisciplinary studies play a significant role in building this broader understanding. The importance of cultural anthropology and international relations is relatively higher, especially in India. The list of career options emerging from liberal arts includes law, politics, social work, psychology, public relations, journalism, Civil services, and many more. These job sectors are considerable investments in the development of the country.

The ability to find out opportunities and take unexpected directions will be beneficial irrespective of the interests of your comfort zones. Arming the students with flexibility and imagination will prepare them to be confident in the continuously updating job markets. In an era where the information and options are available at your fingertips, it is your perspective that makes the difference.

Selecting a career that will not disappoint you is a hectic task in every individual’s life. Especially when you don’t really want to focus on one specific field of study. If you are interested in multiple subjects and ready to get exposed to a diverse study environment, Liberal arts is your answer. If you are willing to invest yourself in a more diversified approach to learning, attending a Liberal arts institution like SRM University AP might be the right choice.

Liberal arts at SRM AP

The Liberal arts education at SRM University AP provides an opportunity to pursue an interdisciplinary program across Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce, Business Studies, and Physical sciences. Complex and increasing challenges are a part of this generation, and we are destined to face them. Multi-dimensional thought processes and problem-solving skills are the demanding qualities of an individual in a world of constant changes. A holistic education will help students to develop these necessary skills.

SRM AP has a School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (SLASS), allowing students to choose courses across the disciplines. The school is comprised of six departments, namely English, History, Psychology, Economics, Commerce, and Liberal arts. The Bachelor’s degree curriculum is broadly divided into Foundation courses and Majors. Students can choose their minor from a variety of subjects across the disciplines. This will help them to expand their knowledge beyond their subject of specialisation.

SRM University AP has faculties from all over India and across the world. SLASS at SRM AP offers a high-quality library that has the facilities of books or journals in print and electronic, extra-mural lectures, and colloquiums by academicians and eminent scholars. The diversity of available courses provides an unrestricted learning environment that is supported by the facilities provided by the university.

Advantages SLASS

Multidisciplinary learning ecosystem

Students are free to choose courses from diverse disciplines along with their major and foundational course.

Liberal arts; employer’s choice

The latest employment surveys state that multinational employers prefer aspirants with liberal arts degrees for their wide range of skills and ability to adapt to changes.

Learn from world-class faculties

75% of the faculty at SRM University AP holds international academic exposure or are from foreign universities, and 15% are foreign nationals.

International career opportunities

The global recognition of the courses grants a plethora of opportunities at international and postgraduation levels.

Liberal arts education will train you to learn things outside the textbook, making you confident enough to stand confidently in the face of change. In a world where machines overtake all the works of human beings, there should be more humans to look at life and think accordingly to provide much-needed responses.