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- Energy efficient MIMO-NOMA aided IoT network in B5G communications August 8, 2022
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is glad to announce that Assistant Professor Dr Sunil Chinnadurai and his research scholar Mr Shaik Rajak have published a paper titled “Energy Efficient MIMO-NOMA aided IoT Network in B5G Communications” in the Q1 journal Computer Networks having an Impact Factor of 5.5. With an intent to accelerate the development of future intelligence wireless systems, the paper proposes an energy-efficient massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO)- non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) aided internet of things (IoT) network to support the massive number of distributed users and IoT devices with seamless data transfer and connectivity.
Abstract of the research
Massive MIMO has been identified as a suitable technology to implement the energy efficient IoT network beyond 5G (B5G) communications due to its distinct characteristics with a large number of antennas. However, providing fast data transfer and maintaining hyperconnectivity between the IoT devices in B5G communications will bring the challenge of energy deficiency. Hence, they considered a massive MIMO-NOMA aided IoT network considering imperfect channel state information and practical power consumption at the transmitter. The far users of the base stations are selected to investigate the power consumption and quality of service. Then, they calculated the power consumption which is a non-convex function and non-deterministic polynomial problem. To solve the above problem, fractional programming properties are applied which converted the polynomial problem into the difference of convex function. And then they employed the successive convex approximation technique to represent the non-convex to convex function. Effective iterative-based branches and the reduced bound process are utilized to solve the problem. Numerical results observed that their implemented approach surpasses previous standard algorithms on the basis of convergence, energy efficiency, and user fairness.
Explanation of the research in layman’s terms
- A cost-effective (i.e., energy efficient) maximization problem for the multiple cells NOMA heterogeneous network scheme is explored when meeting the transmission power and data necessity of far users. The singular value uncertainty model (SVUM) is deliberated to add the errors with the transmitted signal. Since it’s a non-convex problem and challenging to solve, they used the properties of fractional programming to convert it into its corresponding mathematical terms. ITS needs higher data rate and seamless connectivity to operate with maximum speed and safety.
- SCA methods are then applied to change the optimisation problem. After that, an effective iterative scheme is employed based on Branch and Reduced Bound (BRB) that resolves the energy-efficient SVUM problem and satisfies the convergence criteria.
- The proposed iterative BRB method enhances user fairness and decreases inter-tier interference (ITI). IRS has been recognised as the key enabling technology to provide the data required by the ITS with less power consumption.
- Energy efficiency achieved by the proposed BRB method is examined with the help of numerical results and found that the proposed algorithm provides better efficacy than the majorisation minimisation (MM) method and the well-known OMA scheme.
Practical implementations of the research
- To provide high data rates to wireless sensors and the internet of things (IoT), future communication systems can ultimately be advanced by implementing NOMA, small cell, and heterogeneous networks (HetNets) along with MIMO.
- An energy-efficient massive MIMO-NOMA aided IoT network to support the massive number of distributed users and IoT devices with seamless data transfer and connectivity between them in B5G communications.
Future research plans
- To explore the energy efficiency of AI-driven IoT networks for applications such as intelligent health care and intelligent vehicular communications.
- MIMO-NOMA with IRS elements to reduce power consumption and improve the connectivity between the users.
- Indian Bank inks MoU with SRM University-AP to lend up to 50 Cr for start-ups August 8, 2022
Indian Bank has collaborated with Hatchlab Research Centre, TBI of SRM University-AP to launch ‘IND Spring Board’, an initiative for financing start-ups and MSMEs. The bank will extend loans of up to Rs. 50 crore to start-ups incubated at SRM Hatchlab for their working capital requirements or purchase of machinery and equipment. This collaboration is one of its kind in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Introducing the ventures at Hatchlab Research Centre, which will be availing of the Ind Spring Board scheme, Mr Udayan Bakshi, Associate Director – Entrepreneurship, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, highlighted the successful student ventures from SRM University-AP that has crossed 1Cr turnover. “SRM AP actively engage in business through the local community. This collaboration will further strengthen the MSME sector,” stated University Registrar Dr R Premkumar, signing the MoU.
Speaking on the occasion, Sri N K Sharma GM – MSME Indian Bank expressed his delight in collaborating with SRM University-AP along with other premier institutes like IITs and IIMs across the country. Sri C D Ramarao – Zonal Manager, Indian Bank, Guntur, described the genesis of the Ind Spring Board project and said Andhra Pradesh has a start-up-friendly ecosystem to nurture innovations.
Hatchlab Research Centre – the technology and livelihood business incubator of SRM University-AP facilitates the incubation of student startups. 10,000+ sq. ft., state-of-the-art incubator space and Seed Funding are provided to eligible student ventures. 40+ student startups, 200+ industry mentors, and $120,000 angel investment are peculiar to the conducive entrepreneurial environment of SRM University-AP. The alum entrepreneurial venture received an additional investment of $50,0000. Integrating global vision and grassroots connect, the entrepreneurship-based clubs and activities like Socio Impacto, Explorer Hive, Saurvi, Research Clan, etc., are vital elements of SRM E-cell. The university further promotes student-run labs such as Next-Tech Lab and Ennovab, where students share their ideas to curate those into applications that benefit society.
Sri C Jagan Mohan Rao – Deputy Zonal Manager, Sri Raghavendra – Senior Manager, Sri Satya Dev-Branch Manager, Sri M S Sagar – Chief Manager and Jaya Prakash Narayana – Head of International Collaboration & PR – Hatchlab Research Centre were also present on the occasion.
Continue reading → - Charge transfer in photoexcited cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals August 8, 2022
The Department of Chemistry is glad to announce that Assistant Professor Dr Nimai Mishra and his research group Manoj Palabathuni, Syed Akhil, and Rahul Singh have published an article titled “Charge Transfer in Photoexcited Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals: Review of Materials and Applications” in the Q1 journal “ACS Applied Nano Materials ” published by The American Chemical Society. The journal has an Impact Factor of 6.14.
Cesium Lead Halide (CsPbX3) perovskite nanocrystals (PNCs) have attracted significant views from researchers due to their essential optoelectronic properties, especially long charge carrier transfer, high efficiency in visible light absorption, and long excited states lifetime, etc. Because of these properties, these materials exhibit outstanding charge transfer and charge separation, which enables them for solar cell applications. Recently, cesium lead halide perovskites have emerged as photocatalysts. In photovoltaics or photocatalysis, upon photoexcitation, the exciton dissociates, and the electron/hole is transmitted from the conduction/valance bands to the electron/hole acceptors. Therefore, it is essential to understand how the charge transfer occurs at the PNCs interface, which can help the researcher maximize the output in solar cells and photocatalytic efficiency.
In this article, Dr Mishra’s research group has outlined different charge transfer dynamics based on critical factors and discussed their optoelectronic properties. Electron/hole transfer dynamics are the most concerning characteristic; thus, they reviewed the relevant literature that reported efficient electron/hole transfer performance. In the end, they highlighted the recent development of the use of perovskite nanocrystal as photocatalyst in organic synthesis.
Continue reading → - Sustainable strategies for solid waste management August 5, 2022
Dr Pankaj Pathak from the Department of Environmental Science has been keenly involved in research studies involving solid waste management and the effective conversion of wastes to energy. Her latest research publication Sustainable approach for valorization of solid wastes as a secondary resource through urban mining proposes an enhanced solution for the sustainable management of different types of solid wastes. It was published in the Journal of Environmental Management with an impact factor 8.98.
In this paper, sustainable alternative valorisation techniques that aid in maximum recovery from waste materials, and associated challenges and limitations have been highlighted. These solid wastes mainly include construction and demolition wastes, organic food wastes, plastic, and WEEE (Waste electrical and electronic equipment) from various sources. In order to overcome these challenges, a sustainable circular model is recommended in this paper that will help minimise the negative environmental impacts, maximise the life cycle of material, reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, and thereby sustainably manage waste. Implementation of this recommendation can help in achieving the target of sustainable development goals (SDGs).
The article was published in collaboration with her PhD Scholar MSSR Tejaswini, and D.K. Gupta, Member Secretary in the Hazardous Substance Management Division in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, New Delhi.
The incessant population has increased the production and consumption of plastics, paper, metals, and organic materials, which are discarded as solid waste after their end of life. The accumulation of these wastes has created growing concerns all over the world. However, conventional methods of solid waste management i.e., direct combustion and landfilling have caused several negative impacts on the environment (releasing toxic chemicals and greenhouse gases, huge land use) besides affecting human health. Therefore, it is requisite to determine sustainable alternative technologies that not only help in mitigating environmental issues but also increase the economic value of the discarded solid wastes. This process is known as urban mining where waste is converted into secondary resources and thereby conserves the natural primary resources. Thus, this review highlights the technological advancements in the valorisation process of discarded wastes and their sustainable utilization. We also discussed several limitations of the existing urban mining processes and further the feasibility of valorisation techniques was critically analysed from a techno-economical perspective. This paper recommends a novel sustainable model based on the circular economy concept, where waste is urban mined and recovered as a secondary resource to support the united nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). The implementation of this model will ultimately help the developing countries to achieve the target of SDGs 11, 12, and 14.
- Dr Divya Chaturvedi to join as a special issue guest editor at Hindawi August 5, 2022
It is a matter of incredible honour to SRM University-AP, for Dr Divya Chaturvedi, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been chosen as a special issue guest editor at Hindawi, one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, fully open access journals of scientific, technical, and medical literature. Dr Divya has been keenly pursuing the umpteen possibilities of substrate integrated waveguide based cavity backed antennas, leaky wave antennas, wearable antennas for medical applications, and Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) for 5G communication since the beginning of her career. And her research genius has bestowed her with numerous awards and recognitions over these years.
As a guest editor for Hindawi, Dr Divya would be responsible for the special issues “Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Based Circuits and Systems” and “The Future of Wireless Communications Systems: 5G and beyond” from the journals: International Journal of Antennas and Propagation and Journal of Computer Networks and Communications respectively. While the former aims to publish outstanding papers presenting cutting-edge advances in the field of microwave and millimetre-wave circuits and systems, the recent technological advancements in wireless communication systems will be focused in the latter.
Having served as the reviewer and member of various editorial boards and conferences, Dr Divya comes with a wealth of experience to put her expertise for the advancement of the publication. At Hindawi, she gets to work with a strong team of editors and network with like-minded colleagues around the world. ”It is truly fascinating to be a part of the Hindawi editorial board. The influential network that we build here could provide leads on professional opportunities or introduce us to new contacts in our discipline”, she remarked. This would also give her the liberty to handle manuscripts close to her professional interests and exert her creativity in the inception and development of a topic. The tenure of her role as an editor is expected to last for twelve months.
Continue reading → - A happy conclusion to the UTP Familiarisation Programme August 5, 2022
The UTP Familiarisation Programme was brought to a successful closure with the last batch of SRM University-AP students landing back from Malaysia. The familiarisation programme at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) Malaysia, was organised as part of Global Immersion facilitated by the Office of International Relations and Higher Studies at SRM AP. Students and faculty have participated in various on and off-campus programmes such as campus tours, training sessions, and cultural exchanges, organised as part of the programme that commenced in June 2022. The last batch of students was accompanied by Dr Uma Maheswar Arepalli on their educational trip to Kuala Lumpur and PETRONAS Twin Towers.
Several short courses centred on Data Analysis, Latex presentations, Finance and Economics for engineers were organised to acquaint students with the emerging engineering technologies. Students were also introduced to UTP’s facilities, programmes, research capabilities, and campus life. In the words of Shravani Vedantham, “The UTP Campus and its students were so welcoming that they made our journey an unforgettable experience”. While as far as Vishnu is concerned, the exposure to international teaching methodologies was the best part of the trip.
Students were also taken on study visits to cities such as Ipo and Penang to render them a brief cultural impression of the country. “The trip to Penang was my personal favourite. It is one of the best memories I have ever made”, exclaimed Payaswini. Other major highlights of the visits were Petrosains, the discovery centre, Batu Caves Temple, and KL Sentral. “The local tourist destinations, their architecture, culture, and street art were so mesmerising, and I am looking forward to more such experiences”, remarked Shravani. The UTP Centre for Student Development expressed its gratitude to SRMAP for being part of this global collaboration programme.
Continue reading → - Combining intelligent systems for social good August 5, 2022
Merging the calibre of two well-fledged technologies will massively impact the momentum of social life. Decoding the possible links between promising technologies would employ solutions to various societal issues. Dr Ashok Kumar Pradhan, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, gave life to this thought by publishing a book titled Intelligent Systems for Social Good Theory and Practice. He published this work as an editor in a book series named Advanced Technologies and Social Change by Springer Nature.
The book highlights the connection between the two technologies: Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). It shows the better impact of the relation between these technologies in society, using real-world examples. Each chapter in the book proposes novel solutions to societal problems along with the challenges in the application of AI and IoT to solve them. The adverse attacks on Machine Learning models and how to protect sensitive data over the IoT network are discussed in the book.
The book is significant to Dr Ashok Kumar Pradhan as applying the two technologies mentioned helps resolve various social problems related to healthcare, agriculture, green environment, renewable energies, smart cities, etc.
Shyamapada Mukherjee and Naresh Babu Muppalaneni from NIT Silchar and Sukriti Bhattacharya from Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Belvaux, have worked together with Dr Ashok for this work. The book’s target audience is undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students from Science and Engineering backgrounds.
- Dr Ghanshyam Kumar Pandey to join the Editorial Board of SN Business and Economics August 4, 2022
SN Business and Economics is a multidisciplinary journal that covers the areas of Economics, Finance, Business, and Management. Springer publishes the journal. It is supported by a team of experienced in-house editors and an international Editorial board. Recently, Assistant Professor Dr Ghanshyam Kumar Pandey from the Department of Economics was appointed as a member of the editorial board of SN Business and Economics.
He is responsible for providing feedback on an ad hoc basis to the in-house editors. He is in charge of verifying submitted papers’ suitability for external review. All SN Business and Economics editors work together to ensure that the submitted research is expertly handled. The team assesses and confirms the paper to be technically sound, academically valid, and ultimately suitable for publication.
Dr Ghanshyam Kumar Pandey will be the handling Editor for up to 3 papers per quarter. This involves nominating academic referees and making an editorial recommendation following peer review. When requested, he shall give the editorial policy or strategy feedback to the Editorial team. Initially, his tenure will last for one year.
Continue reading → - Ranked among the Best Young universities in India August 2, 2022
Ranked first among the Top Promising Engineering Universities in India, SRM University-AP is a multi-stream research-intensive global university in Andhra Pradesh. The university believes in the power of transformative education. Therefore, the interdisciplinary research-oriented undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programmes at SRM AP ensure global exposure, entrepreneurial experience, and employability edge for students. The university offers various engineering, sciences, liberal arts, and management programmes through its 18 departments spread across three schools. Students learn the subjects they are passionate about, gain independence, enjoy adventures and meet world-class faculty who challenge them to do things they never imagined! SRM AP nurtures a thriving intellectual community prepared for a dynamic world.
As a premier educational institution, SRM University-AP is unique with the ‘Inter-Disciplinary Experiential Active Learning’ (IDEAL) curriculum, ‘Undergraduate Research Opportunities Project’ (UROP), Capstone Projects, rigorous training on coding and other skillsets; and international language training. The curriculum is designed to incubate various managerial qualities, including teamwork, independent working abilities and versatility. Given the latest trends and industry demands, SRM University- AP’s pedagogical system is designed in partnership with MITx and has evolved to meet the changing needs of education. One of the core strengths of SRM AP’s pedagogy is industry alignment. Co-curricular activities-based clubs like SAE Club, App Design and Development Club, Coding Club, Hackathon Club, and & Student Chapters like ASCE Student Chapter, ACM Women’s Chapter, IEEE Student Chapter, etc. focus on the development of analytical and problem-solving skills and knowledge assimilation through technology-enabled case studies and industry interactions.
The employment and remuneration potential of degree programmes at SRM AP is unrivalled. Additionally, the Directorate of Corporate Relations and Career Services at SRM University-AP is dedicated to conducting rigorous professional development programmes. As a result, the brilliant maiden batch of SRM University-AP secured 100% placement and international offers up to 50 LPA in 2021. The drive for the Class of 2022 is going on with lucrative Marquee, Dream, Super Dream and international offers. The prominent 600 recruiters include Amazon, Microsoft, Bank of America, Standard Chartered Bank, Infosys, Barclays, and TCS, to name a few. Earn While You Learn (EWL) Programmes, training on coding skills and Japanese language, career counselling sessions, intensive corporate training modules etc., are some highlights that raise job-ready graduates from SRM AP. International internship opportunities from the USA, Italy, Poland, Europe, and Germany acquaint our students with leading enterprises and industry giants across the globe. These have enabled the students to secure placements on both global and domestic fronts.
Cutting-edge research of ₹24.06 crores outlay that benefits society betides in SRM University-AP. Doctoral scholars and faculty members received national and international fellowships, SERB grants, and prestigious research/consultancy projects last year. Consequently, 800+ research papers by students and faculty members are published in high-impact Scopus indexed journals. The university has filed/published/obtained 49 patents and 54 ongoing research projects. In addition, our brilliant students have received prestigious research scholarships, presented papers at international conferences and attained opportunities to do research internships at notable institutions such as Harvard Medical School. The students have developed nature-friendly e-bike and face shields with biodegradable elements and received copyright from the Indian Patent Office. SRM – Amara Raja Centre for Energy Storage Devices and Centre for Pioneering Studies in Gold and Silver are two Centres of Excellence with industry collaborations. The faculty members and research scholars partner with top names like Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore; IIT Madras, Chennai; The University of Newcastle, Australia, among twenty others.
The Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA) of SRM University-AP facilitates the incubation of successful student startups. 10,000+ sqft, state-of-the-art incubator space and Seed Funding are provided to every eligible student venture. 40+ student startups, 200+ industry mentors, and $120,000 angel investment are peculiar to the conducive entrepreneurial environment of SRM University-AP. Y Combinator has invested an additional amount of $50,0000 in the alumni entrepreneurial venture The university further promotes student-run labs such as Next-Tech Lab and Ennovab, where students share their ideas to curate those into applications that benefit society.
Continue reading → - Exploring the charge transport across protein-based molecular junctions August 2, 2022
The latest research at the Department of Physics is investigating the charge transport across protein-based molecular junctions. Researchers envision fabricating bio- FETs which is useful in electronic devices as an alternative to Si- technology. Assistant Professor Dr Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay and his PhD scholar Kunchanapalli Ramya published their paper Modulation of optoelectronic and mechanical properties across (bio) molecular junctions under external stimuli in the journal of Electronic Materials with an impact factor 2.04.
Molecular junctions are formed by wedging molecules between two metal electrodes. Besides the conventional parameters of the metal-molecule-metal junction, such as the work function of electrodes and the molecules’ energy gap, molecule-electrode electronic coupling strength also plays a vital role in modulating the electronic properties of the molecular junction under external stimuli. We have also calculated several transport parameters which play a crucial role in finding the origin of conductance modulation under the external stimuli. We could find that before particular humidity conditions, the modulation in the conductance is due to the variation in coupling strength, which is due to the modulation in the electrostatic environment of retinal chromophores of protein by changing the structure of protein under various external stimuli.
Researchers have explored the external stimuli (illumination, force, and humidity conditions) effect on charge transport across bacteriorhodopsin-based molecular junctions. Their future research plans include bio- FET fabrication with the protein reported and studying the transistor characteristics across it.
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