
A dedicated team of researchers and professors have developed an innovative patent titled “System and a Method for Assisting Visually Impaired Individuals” that uses cutting-edge technology to significantly improve the navigation experience for visually impaired individuals, fostering greater independence and safety.

The team, comprising Dr Subhankar Ghatak and Dr Aurobindo Behera, Assistant Professors from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and students Ms Samah Maaheen Sayyad, Mr Chinneboena Venkat Tharun, and Ms Rishitha Chowdary Gunnam, has designed a system that transforms real-time visual data into vocals via a mobile app. It will utilise wearable cameras, cloud processing, computer vision, and deep learning algorithms. Their solution captures visual information and processes it on the cloud, delivering relevant auditory prompts to users.


This patent proposes a novel solution entitled, “System and a method for assisting visually impaired individuals aimed at easing navigation for visually impaired individuals. It integrates cloud technology, computer vision algorithms, and Deep Learning Algorithms to convert real-time visual data into vocal cues delivered through a mobile app. The system
employs wearable cameras to capture visual information, processes it on the cloud, and deliver relevant auditory prompts to aid navigation, enhancing spatial awareness and safety for visually impaired users.

Practical implementation/Social implications of the research

The practical implementation of our research involves several key components. Firstly, we need to develop or optimise wearable camera devices that are comfortable and subtle for visually impaired individuals to wear. These cameras should be capable of capturing high-quality real-time visual data. Secondly, we require a robust cloud infrastructure capable of processing this data quickly and efficiently using advanced computer vision algorithms and Deep Learning Algorithms. Lastly, we need to design and develop a user-friendly mobile application that delivers the processed visual information as vocal cues in real-time. This application should be intuitive, customisable, and accessible to visually impaired users.

The social implications of implementing this research are significant. By providing visually impaired individuals with a reliable and efficient navigation aid, we can greatly enhance their independence and quality of life. Navigating city environments can be challenging and hazardous for the visually impaired, leading to increased dependency and reduced mobility. Our solution aims to mitigate these challenges by empowering users to navigate confidently and autonomously. This fosters a more inclusive society where individuals with visual impairments can participate actively in urban mobility, employment, and social activities.

In the future, we plan to further enhance and refine our technology to better serve the needs of visually impaired individuals. This includes improving the accuracy and reliability of object recognition and scene understanding algorithms to provide more detailed and contextually relevant vocal cues. Additionally, we aim to explore novel sensor technologies and integration methods to expand the capabilities of our system, such as incorporating haptic feedback for enhanced spatial awareness.

Furthermore, we intend to conduct extensive user testing and feedback sessions to iteratively improve the usability and effectiveness of our solution. This user-centric approach will ensure that our technology meets the diverse needs and preferences of visually impaired users in various real-world scenarios.

Moreover, we are committed to collaborating with stakeholders, including advocacy groups, healthcare professionals, and technology companies, to promote the adoption and dissemination of our technology on a larger scale. By fostering partnerships and engaging with the community, we can maximize the positive impact of our research on the lives of visually impaired individuals worldwide.


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at SRM University-AP is proud to present its research paper titled, Study on Properties and Microstructure of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured 2209 Duplex Stainless Steel by Dr Maheshwar Dwivedy and post-doctoral researcher, Dr B Prasanna Nagasai. Below is a brief write-up on their research.


This study investigates the properties and microstructure of 2209 duplex stainless steel (DSS) components fabricated using the wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) technique, specifically employing the gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process. The research focuses on the mechanical properties and microstructural characteristics of the produced cylindrical components. Detailed examination revealed that the microstructure varied from the bottom (region ①) to the top (region ②) of the cylinders, with hardness measurements ranging from 301 HV0.5 to 327 HV0.5, and impact toughness values from 118J to 154J. The tensile properties exhibited anisotropic behavior, with ultimate tensile strength and yield strength ranging from 750 to 790 MPa and 566 to 594 MPa, respectively. The study highlights the significant influence of complex heat cycles and cooling rates on the primary phase balance, resulting in a 50/50 austenite/ferrite distribution. Additionally, σ-phase precipitation was observed at the ferrite grain boundaries. The observed increase in austenite content from region ① to region ② is attributed to reduced cooling rates and extended time for solid-state phase transformation. This research provides valuable insights into optimizing the WAAM process for enhanced performance of 2209 DSS components.

Citation Format:

Prasanna Nagasai, B, Maheshwar Dwivedy, Malarvizhi, S. et al. Study on Properties and Microstructure of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured 2209 Duplex Stainless Steel. Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2024).

Practical implementation:

The practical implementation of this research on Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) for Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) has significant implications for industries requiring high-strength, corrosion-resistant components, such as construction, marine, and chemical processing. By optimizing the WAAM process to produce DSS parts with balanced microstructures, manufacturers can create durable and efficient parts more cost-effectively and with less material waste than traditional methods. This advancement could lead to more sustainable manufacturing practices, reducing the environmental impact and operational costs associated with producing large metal components. Socially, the widespread adoption of this technology could drive innovation, create new job opportunities in advanced manufacturing, and contribute to the development of stronger, longer-lasting infrastructure and machinery, ultimately benefiting the economy and society at large.


Dr V Balasubramanian,
Professor & Director,
Centre for Materials Joining & Research (CEMAJOR)
Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar-608002, Tamilnadu.

Dr P Snehalatha,
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalam, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh-517502, India.

Future Research Plans:

In our upcoming work, we will focus on developing Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM), combining nickel and stainless steel. This research aims to harness the unique properties of each metal to create components tailored for specialized applications requiring high performance. Key challenges include optimizing material interfaces, refining deposition processes, and ensuring robust structural integrity throughout production.

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A Survey on Resource Allocation and Energy Efficient Maximization for  IRS-Aided MIMO Wireless Communication

In a significant advancement for wireless communication technology, Dr Sunil Chinnadurai, Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, has made a remarkable contribution to the field. His latest paper, titled “A Survey on Resource Allocation and Energy Efficient Maximization for IRS-Aided MIMO Wireless Communication,” has been published in the prestigious journal IEEE Access.
The paper delves into the intricacies of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRS) and their role in enhancing Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) wireless communication systems. Dr. Chinnadurai’s research focuses on optimizing resource allocation and maximizing energy efficiency, which is a critical aspect of sustainable technological development.
This publication is expected to pave the way for more efficient and environmentally friendly wireless communication solutions, reflecting Dr Chinnadurai’s commitment to innovation and excellence in research.

Abstract of the Research

This paper surveys the integration of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems with Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRS) in wireless communications. It explores how IRS technology enhances MIMO performance by manipulating the propagation environment through improved signal manipulation and beamforming. The survey covers resource allocation, energy efficiency techniques, optimization strategies, and practical implementation challenges. Key research areas and future directions are highlighted, emphasizing the potential of MIMO-enabled IRS systems to enhance wireless communication efficiency and coverage significantly.

Explanation of the Research in Layperson’s Terms

This paper explores how two advanced technologies, MIMO and IRS, can improve wireless communications. MIMO uses multiple antennas to enhance data transmission, while IRS involves smart surfaces that direct signal paths to boost strength and coverage. By combining these technologies, the paper examines how to make wireless networks faster, more reliable, and energy-efficient. It discusses practical ways to implement these improvements and identifies challenges and future research areas to make these advancements widely usable. In essence, this combination promises better wireless connectivity for everyone.

Practical Implementation or the Social Implications Associated with the Research

Integrating MIMO and IRS technologies into wireless networks can significantly enhance network performance, especially in urban and rural areas. Telecommunications companies can install IRS panels on structures to boost signal strength and coverage, while smart homes and cities can benefit from improved IoT connectivity and energy management. This combination also promotes energy-efficient networks, reducing operational costs and environmental impact. Socially, this technology can bridge the digital divide, providing better internet access to underserved areas and enhancing education, healthcare, and economic development. It supports new business models and innovations, leading to job creation and economic growth. Improved connectivity enhances quality of life through better access to information, entertainment, and remote work opportunities. Additionally, it strengthens public safety by improving communication during emergencies. Combining MIMO and IRS technologies promises a more connected, efficient, and sustainable world.

Pictures Related to the Research:



Future Research Plans

Future research on MIMO and IRS integration should focus on advanced optimisation for resource allocation and energy efficiency, innovative beamforming strategies, practical deployment challenges, and robust security protocols. Enhancing energy efficiency and contributing to standardization and regulation is also critical. These efforts will unlock the full potential of MIMO and IRS, leading to more efficient, reliable, and secure wireless communication systems.

Link to the Article

vineethIn a significant contribution to the field of politics, Dr Vineeth Thomas and Dr Chandana Deka, Assistant Professors in the Department of Political Science, have published an insightful paper titled “Political Influencer in Indian Democracy” in the esteemed Journal Economic and Political Weekly. Their work delves into the burgeoning role of YouTube as a platform for political engagement, highlighting a shift in the digital landscape where entertainment and politics intersect.

The paper explores the emergence of a new breed of political influencers who are leveraging the power of social media activism to shape public discourse. This pioneering study offers a fresh perspective on the dynamics of political communication in the age of digital media.


In the YouTube landscape dominated by entertainment, Dhruv Rathee emerges as a prominent voice in political discourse and social media activism. His casual demeanour belies his impactful mission to mobilise Indians against perceived authoritarianism under the Modi government. Rathee’s journey began in 2016, focusing initially on educational content before delving into political commentary. His videos, known for their thorough research and straightforward presentation, address issues like governance, free speech, and electoral fraud. Despite criticisms of superficiality in his economic analyses, Rathee’s engaging style and significant social media influence highlight the transformative power of digital platforms in shaping public discourse. While YouTube journalism thrives on engagement and immediacy, traditional media’s depth and editorial rigor ensure its continued relevance in the media ecosystem.

Explanation of the Research in Layperson’s terms

Dhruv Rathee, a prominent YouTuber, has made a significant impact in the realm of political discourse and social media activism in India. Starting his journey around 2016, Rathee transitioned from creating educational content to addressing political issues, driven by his dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration. His videos are characterized by meticulous research and straightforward presentation, covering a wide range of topics such as governance, free speech, electoral fraud, and media bias. Rathee’s engaging style, which blends factual rigor with a conversational tone, has enabled him to connect with a broad audience, making complex political issues accessible to the layperson.

Despite criticisms of his sometimes superficial understanding of economic issues, Rathee’s ability to mobilise large audiences and his significant social media presence underscore the transformative potential of digital platforms in shaping public discourse. However, YouTube journalism, which often centers around individual personalities, can lack the depth and breadth of traditional journalism, emphasizing engagement and immediacy over comprehensive coverage.

In Traditional media, with its extensive resources, editorial rigor, and established trust, continues to play a vital role in the media landscape. Although mainstream media has faced criticism for spreading misinformation and manipulating public discourse, its structured approach to news remains indispensable. Both YouTube and traditional media have their strengths and limitations, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to news consumption from multiple sources to ensure a well-rounded understanding of current events.

Practical Implementation or the Social Implications Associated

The practical implementation of this research emphasises the necessity for a balanced approach to news consumption, combining insights from both YouTube influencers and traditional media to foster informed public discourse and preserve democratic values.


Electoral Politics

Future Research Plans

Indian govt and politics

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