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Research Blog

Careers Blog

The fact that academics in the country are responsible for staggering amounts of research is well known. But it’s not very often that you come face to face with someone

Five jobs for Mechanical Engineering

What to do after a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering? If you love to know how things work and invent new products, a career in mechanical engineering may be perfect for

Innovation Blog

Next Tech Lab : A Mangrove Of Ideas

How Next Tech Labs of SRM University is one of its kind across the entire country When as a student, you get an opportunity to listen to a world leader

COVID-19 stifled activity across the globe in an unprecedented manner. Most industries in almost all countries have been massively impacted but education was disproportionately impacted as schools, colleges, and universities

Engineering Blog

Design, Build & Thrive with a BTech in Civil Engineering The field of civil engineering is experiencing a surge in demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there’s an