“We aim to be at the forefront, bridging the gap between research & policy to actual action & outcomes on the ground which benefit the common people particularly those most affected by the environmental degradation.”

Vice Chancellor Jamshed Bharucha

SRM AP’s social service initiatives, partnered infrastructure development and environment sustainability projects serve as a grassroots level engagement with communities in the surrounding clusters of villages – Saakhamuru, Thullur and Nelapadu to the north, Pedaparami and Kuragallu to the west, and Neerukonda and Nidamaru to its east.

Through the NSS wing SRM Andhra Pradesh delivers social programs to villages (Neerukonda and Kuragallu) and school adoptions (renovations and advisory) blood donation camps, first aid and cancer awareness, cleanliness drives, environment protection (substituting plastics with jute bags,) donations to temples and environment sustainable programs like the university’s 1-acre kitchen garden that grows vegetables as a co-op with local villagers. In partnership with communities SRM AP Amaravati invests in infrastructure projects – working with villagers to build link roads. On campus – mechanised plants and technologies enable the deployment of environment sustainability projects like organic waste management, water harvesting, power conservation units for lights, heating, and generators; sewage treatment plant (treated for gardening and cooling towers) and rooftop solar power generation.

As VC Dr. Bharucha explains it, these programs speak to the university’s broader vision on its role and responsibility to the community and to do so in a manner that is integrated with university academics and policy.

How important are sustainability and environmental issues and how can universities play a part and provide solutions?

Dr. Bharucha: The sustainability of our environment is a collective responsibility for all humans on this earth, for all governments, for all parents and of course for all educational institutions. There is a concept called the ‘tragedy of the commons’ where if each individual person or each family or each company or each nation only pursues their own narrow interests – nobody is looking out for their collective good. The environmental destruction, degradation, is a consequence of the tragedy of the commons where anyone can put pollutants into the atmosphere or into the water system believing that it somehow gets blown away, somehow gets washed away but the research now makes it clear that we all get affected by it. Our health is affected; our well-being is affected.

As an educational institution it is critical that we become models of using the latest scientific knowledge, social organisational policy-related knowledge and to leverage the passions that many of our students and faculty feel about the environmental issues to really set an example. Academia must integrate with real world initiatives – we aim to be a university united with its region in thought and action.

On our locational advantage versus being in an urban setting – working with the surroundings?

Dr. Bharucha: It is a dramatic advantage for us to be located where we are. We, as educators, often tell our students, ‘go outside your comfort zone, make the world a better place, tackle the world’s problems.” So as educational institution we are located in a place where we can actually make a difference as there is a lot work to be done here. Of course there is a lot work to be done everywhere but whether we are talking about clean water, or waste management or energy consumption or air pollution we are in an ideal place to be a living laboratory, to demonstrate how latest research and good organisation of people can create a model – of the university as custodian of key pillars of education, community responsibility, sustainable growth and progress for all. So what I’d like to see is that we start with our campus and consistently and rapidly increase the percentage of energy (that is renewable energy that does not put pollutant in the air). We will have 30% solar power which is a legal requirement but we will seek to go beyond that by integrating our scientific and engineering research on alternate forms of energy. We would like to see what could be done by way of biomass energy production – turn waste into energy. Even maybe turn plastics into energy and maybe untapped wind energy to harvest water, be mindful of the water table levels and to clean the canals and streets that immediately surround our campus, to recycle and eliminate use of plastic. Our aim is to get a campus that does these things and then expand our influence into our communities – street by street, house by house, block by block and eventually village by village.

Combine that with a policy institute that we are considering to create that brings together scholars, researchers, practitioners, and political leaders and activists that brings together their wisdom to devise innovative ways to come up with and look for successful existing models where we can succeed and work with local communities, community leaders, residents and the villagers to show how in fact this is beneficial to them and is not an elitist idea.

What are your thoughts on Self Help groups within the college, biodegradable recycling, working with farmers and teaching them about new technology and better methods of farming, water management, and garbage and waste disposals?

Dr. Bharucha: We have, in our main iconic building, a water management drainage system which is part of the architecture. Currently, the water is used to refresh the ground water and we need to take additional steps to store some of that water for the dry season to reduce the consumption of water that we receive from the municipal supply. We need to make sure that we monitor water quality. As of now, we have started testing it so on campus but we would like to extend that to the canal around our campus and make this information available to local communities and make them aware and understand the national/international standards are for drinking water so that we can reduce disease, particularly childhood diseases are results of and spread by water. So if we can take care of the quality of water, we can eliminate a lot of suffering, illnesses which all drags down the economy.

All of these are incredible ideas and I would like to thank the Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi to move forward on it. We would like to explore all of them and set us several committees that will bring together the expertise of our faculty and the passions of our students and then we can connect with the local communities, first with their leaders and also with other organisations which might be on the ground to see where we can make the most difference in any of these areas.

Our higher education institutions have been focussed on theoretical knowledge. It is much more difficult to actually work with cultural, linguistic issues, socio-economic issues in the community than it is to go out and spread the knowledge we have.

This is not something that universities know how to do well but they need to figure it out especially if they are to be potent engines of change for society and for policy.

What I hear from you is that you would like translate the philosophy of the university into a more a practical classroom model to a more practical hands-on experience. So are you planning to create a new classroom model where the students get enough practical experiences in addition to the theory and work with the surroundings?

Dr. Bharucha: The word practical has a lot of historical baggage so what I would say that we have been too theoretical, particularly in the Indian education system. We need to offer applications of it (the teachings imparted). Applications can occur at different levels. We can apply the scientific knowledge in the design of technology, the production of new product/system. One can also apply the knowledge in economics and social sciences, psychology and sociology to try to design organisations that do good community work.

Social entrepreneurship programs aimed at communities give students the opportunity to find where they fit along the spectrum from theoretical (pure sciences, curiosity-driven knowledge) to the practical, the day-to-day tangible, all of which are essential for a university.

Next Tech Lab : A Mangrove Of Ideas

How Next Tech Labs of SRM University is one of its kind across the entire country

When as a student, you get an opportunity to listen to a world leader like the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, you listen. You take notes and hope the learning pays off at some point in your career. But two students from SRM University took things a step further, and it has resulted in the innovative, buzzing, Next Tech Lab.

As Anshuman Pandey and Aditthya Ramakrishnan did their internship at the MIT Media Lab, US, the multidisciplinary nature of research stood out. The inspiration came from a conversation with Kofi Annan about research brain-drain. The concept note that followed sowed the seeds for first of its kind, student-led lab that has won accolades for itself and its members.

Wide scope and growth of the student-led lab

Next Tech Lab came into being at SRM University (now SRM IST), Kattankulathur and has made its strong presence on the sprawling Amaravati campus too. What makes it unique that it is a complete student-led activity with no faculty in charge. However, the multidisciplinary lab has a board of advisors, including industry bigwigs and academics.

Where ideas create winners

Since its inception, Next Tech Lab has been a success story for student-led innovation. It has been behind prototyping of ideas that have been well received. Some of the work that has emanated from the lab has been published in renowned journals across the world. The work has made top intellectual minds sit up and take notice, offer guidance and mentorship.

The results have also been astounding for individual members and teams of students involved with Next Tech Lab. In the past four years, they have won prizes at around 20 top events, including highly followed hackathons. Earlier this year, Aakanksha Chouhan, 2nd Year CSE student and member of Minsky group at Next Tech Lab gave an invited talk at PyCon X Italia in Florence, Italy. She was the youngest invited and funded speaker at the International Conference on Python programming and its applications.

Innovation is the future of all industries, economies and thereby, the Nations and the world. Next Tech Lab, the only Indian organisation to win the QS Reimagine Education 2018 award, is paving the way for it with student-led innovations, one exciting idea and experiment at a time.

Dr Sujith Kalluri

“Research: The distance between an idea and its realisation,” said the powerhouse of 20th-century mass media, David Sarnoff. The present might be filled with ideas, but it’s only quality research that will take them to their logical conclusion in the future. At SRM University AP the focus on research is manifold. The University is forging stronger relationships with the industry to promote research that is high on application in the real world. It also strives to inculcate research bent of mind amongst students through their active involvement in projects.

Dr Sujith Kalluri, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the University, is part of one such project. The Venus International Foundation – Young Scientist Award winner 2017 is part of six-faculty team that is working on interdisciplinary research on Battery Technology, from the science to project development. The project has already attracted industry interest and offers brilliant exposure to students involved. The passionate researcher talks about his project and other initiatives at the University.

Charged about the project

Dr Kalluri’s research interest lies in Rechargeable Batteries, and Electronic Testing and advanced diagnostics of Lithium-Ion Batteries. He is grateful for the support of the leadership at the university, which has resulted in SRM-Amaraja Center for Energy Storage devices. “Our key objectives include fast charging technology in Lithium-Ion Batteries which enables fast charging of Electric vehicles. We also aim at implementing the additive manufacturing technology in the large scale production of battery electrodes,” he says looking ahead.

Research with high “application factor.”

Dr Kalluri reveals that the project being conducted at the University hopes to inspire manufacturing of large production of battery electrodes so that the industry can easily meet the demand for the Lithium-Ion batteries. “The goal would be to reduce the charging times for our Smart Phones and Electric Vehicles. So the research has tangible implications for these industries. Another aspect is the concern about Lithium resource around the globe. So we have to look at alternatives that are competitive with Lithium-Ion batteries,” he says.

The merits of interdisciplinary research

One of the highlights of the research project at SRM University AP is its multidisciplinary nature. It involves six faculty members from different engineering backgrounds, Physics and Chemistry. Dr Kalluri asserts that the expertise they bring to the table creates an enriching environment for research. “The faculty pool and resources give us perspective and direction. India has set a goal of at least 20% electric vehicles by 2030, so that gave us the motivation. Amaraja Batteries Limited have visited us several times and offered positive response,” he speaks of the impact.

Student involvement in research

Dr Kalluri states that they are currently in the process of recruiting PhD scholars, researchers and technicians for the centre. They also have a plan to recruit undergraduate and postgraduate students for the project. “They will be involved in R&D while researchers and faculty members focus on product development. Thus they will get first-hand insights into how research is done as well as how a product is developed. We also have an Undergraduate Research Program where students complete projects under the guidance of faculty mentors,” he explains.

Research-driven University

The prototype of Electric Vehicle, Bio-Medical analysis of MRI scans, Centre of Excellence in VLSI Design; the list of research projects at the University is endless. Dr Kalluri reminds us that their mission is to conduct research that addresses societal problems locally and globally. “Amaravati is planned to be a Smart City. All smart cities have a Smart Pole, which is completely Wi-Fi enabled. Our EC department is involved in developing the project, and the prototype has already been shown to APCRDA Department,” he says enthusiastically.

It’s this zest for research, to meet the demands of the evolving world around us, and the strong backing from the university that is nurturing future researchers. Strong Active Learning program, weekend labs to offer students ample time and exposure, and guidance of faculty members like Dr Kalluri helps students imbibe research skills and drive that can shape the future.

Dr. Writoban Basu Ball

Prof. D. Narayana Rao receives honoured for his outstanding contributions to Physical Sciences

Prof. D. Narayana Rao, Pro Vice Chancellor, SRM University-AP, Amaravati has been conferred with the Fellowship of the Indian Science Congress (FISC) for his outstanding contributions to Physical Sciences.

The Fellowship has been awarded to Prof. Rao by the Indian Science Congress Association at their Council Meeting held in Bangalore on 16th October 2019.  The main objective of ISCA is to advance and promote the cause of Science in India, recognize and support excellence in scientific research, technologies and innovations. Prof. Rao’s outstanding achievements and sustainable significant contributions to sciences were recognised and honoured.

SRM University AP organized a felicitation ceremony for Prof. Rao on this occasion where he encouraged the professors to pursue research by stating its significance. The ceremony was chaired by Dr. D Gunasekaran (Registrar), Dr. B Sivakumar (Deputy Registrar), and Dr. Anil K Suresh (Associate Professor,  Biotechnology) who congratulated Prof. Rao on his achievements along with the faculty and staff members of the university.

Bennet Benny has been honoured with the opportunity to attend an internship under the supervision of Prof. Ryo Maezono at JAIST, Japan. Established in 1990, JAIST is one of the research-intensive institutes for post-graduate studies located in the centre of Ishikawa Science Park (ISP). The internship is funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), a government funding agency.

Under the guidance of Prof. Ranjit Thapa, Bennet had applied for the internship in March. This internship begins on 16th December and will continue till 24th December,2019. Bennet will be given hands-on tutorial on electronic structure calculations using DFT and QMC computational methods on one of the supercomputers located at JAIST. He will be joined by five other students from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia.

“I am very excited to be given this opportunity as it will provide me with excellent practical experience and ample exposure that will be helpful to build my career.”, says Bennet and further expresses his gratitude towards Prof. D Narayana Rao, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, SRM University AP, and Dr. Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics for their immense encouragement and guidance.

Ravi Kant Kumar

If you’ve been dreaming of auditioning your next big business idea on Shark tank since the age of 10 or can’t wait to dive into the world of management and entrepreneurship, a Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA) is the right course for you. Launched less than 30 years ago in India, a BBA was one of the first professional Bachelor’s degrees on the block, excepting the fields of engineering and medicine. Since then, the course has only grown in popularity, allowing you a chance to get a good job right after college. Before we explore what kind of jobs are available after a BBA, it is helpful to know what you’ll be studying in a well-designed BBA course.

What is a BBA?

Typically, a three-year long course, a BBA includes core modules in business studies, economics, marketing, and computer science. Since it a professional course, the BBA emphasises project work & practical, hands-on training in management, leadership skills, teamwork, and communication abilities. This is carried out through case studies, visits to work sites, and internships. The end goal of a BBA is to leave you career-ready for management, in case you don’t want immediately to pursue higher studies. Another question you may have is how to get a job after your BBA. Most good institutes offer campus placements, primarily if you have scored well in your course, so doing well in academics always helps. Even if your institute doesn’t offer placements, many Indian and multinational companies (MNCs) hold recruitment drives for entry-level managers, analysts, and researchers.


20 Bachelor degree after Class 12th!

Wondering what your career options are after Class XII? Today, graduate and post-graduate universities in India offer many specialized, cutting-edge courses customized to your unique interests, which can help you kickstart a new career in tomorrow’s competitive job market. Here are the best courses to study at university, according to your stream!

Courses after 12th with Arts

A career in the Arts is often underplayed, but the truth is a grounding in liberal arts is extremely important in the development of emotional intelligence as well as social awareness, factors which distinguish leaders from managers in the long-term. Not only that, the arts also actually offer many degrees that open the doors to great career choices! (more…)

As your final BE semester rolls around, Indian and multinational corporations start visiting your campus for recruitments. Or you may be in the middle of admissions to a business school. In either case, you are likely to face a group discussion or a GD round as part of the selection process.

So, what exactly happens in GD rounds and why are they so important?

In a typical GD round, candidates are divided into groups of 8 to 10 members. Each group of candidates is assigned a topic or a situation, allotted time to brainstorm, and then asked to discuss the topic among themselves for 15-45 minutes. A panel of judges tests each group. Every individual’s ability is evaluated by how they articulate their point of view and communicate it effectively with group members. So, what can your performance in a GD tell an evaluator about you? Quite a bit actually. Organizations rely on GDs as a screening tool because working and communicating seamlessly in a team is one of the biggest markers of your success as a manager. Not only that, but GD rounds also evaluate candidates for awareness, the ability to lead and listen, and the ability to conceptualize. While all this may seem a bit daunting, remember there is no reason to get intimidated by a GD. Preparing yourself in advance for a GD round is half the battle won.
