Dr. Sriramulu Bojjagani

Dr. Neeraj Kumar Sharma

Dr. Bhamidi Lokeshgupta

Dr. Sibendu Samanta

Dr. Sambit Kumar Mishra

“He shines Hot, I absorb the heat intense;
He comes down with all blaze, I disappear slow;
He boasts his victory Grand, roars High;
The world surrenders to his Will and Grace”

Dr Ram Kulesh Thakur’s poem titled ‘The War’ is a metaphoric poetic tale that depicts the strife and struggle of the human race against the challenges that question their identity and existence. The poem has been recently published in the reputed journal “Contemporary Literary Review India” in its May 2020 edition where it was avidly congratulated by the readers.

The poem ‘The War’ reflects the continuous state of turmoil that any sensible person faces each second, each day. One has to be mighty enough to deal with all the impediments and strive to better one’s life; not only for the personal benefit but at the same time for the entire Humanity. In the poem, the speaker, a tiny water droplet, dares to war against the imperious and despotic Sun and in the attempt loses its identity itself. However, the droplet does not lose hope. It makes an attempt to survive and joins others to form a cloud. The Cloud, as known, can fight gloriously and save the world from the intense heat of the Sun. Thus, the water droplet stands victorious. The poem reminds us of how determination and wisdom can eradicate all hindrances that lie in our paths. The poem teaches and inspires one to fight for good and never to give up until one succeeds.

Dr Thakur belongs to the school of thought that advocates “Art for Life’s Sake”; and therefore, he celebrates ‘life’ and illustrates his ‘day to day experiences’ in his creative write-ups. Whenever Dr Thakur can manage some time between his teaching duties as an Assistant Professor at the Department of English, he indulges in publishing both ‘Academic’ and ‘Creative’ write-ups in noted Journals and Newsletters such as Indian Book Chronicle, Poetcrit, Contemporary Literary Review India, Akshara. His natural inclination is towards the ‘Academic’ writing. Presently, two of his essays are under review to find its place in the most reputed international magazine ‘World Literature Today’.

Dr Thakur finds his inspirations in every author he reads, though celebrated authors Ruskin Bond, Haruki Murakami, Shashi Tharoor, Gita Hariharan, and Paulo Coelho hold a special place in his heart.

Dr Thakur has been working on two major and a few minor projects simultaneously. His latest creations, “Teaching English to Non-English”, a compilation of essays celebrating his personal ESL/EFL Classroom experiences; and “Shadow under the Shade”, a novella with 12 chapters, are expected to hit the bookstores by January 2021.

The Poem:

The ‘WAR’
– Dr Ram Kulesh Thakur

The arrogant Sun mocks my little stature,
Challenges my weak and fragile form;
I stand firm to show the worth of a pure Soul,
Prepare for the tussle Great;
He shines Hot, I absorb the heat intense;
He comes down with all blaze, I disappear slow;
He boasts his victory Grand, roars High;
The world surrenders to his Will and Grace;
At once, it grows dark, the birds chirp;
The delight to each floats on air,
They look to the Savior above:
To see a CLOUD, that was a water-drop.


The Department of Student Affairs brings another exciting session of THE NEWSMAKERS today. Dr Tousif Khan N, who was very recently honoured with APJ Abdul Kalam Memorial International Travel Award for his remarkable research on “Online adaptive fast output voltage tracking in DC power supply system”, will be joining the participants to share his research experience with them. Dr Khan is the Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and internationally acclaimed for his impactful research. Join Dr Khan on July 21st 2020, between 5.00 to 6.00 pm to know more from the man himself.

To watch the session live on our official Facebook page, stay tuned on – https://www.facebook.com/SRMUniversityAmaravati/


Dr. Raviteja KVNS

Dr Om Jee Pandey Two research papers of Dr Om Jee Pandey, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, have been accepted in reputed IEEE Journals. The papers titled “Multiuser Full-Duplex IoT Networks with Wireless-Powered Relaying: Performance Analysis and Energy Efficiency Optimization,” and “Time Synchronized Node Localization Using Optimal H-Node Allocation in a Small World WSN” are going to be published in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking and IEEE Communications Letters, respectively. The paper “Multiuser Full-Duplex IoT Networks with Wireless-Powered Relaying: Performance Analysis and Energy Efficiency Optimization,” was pursued in collaborations with Prof. Ha H. Nguyen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, and Dr Mahendra K. Shukla, who is associated with Macau University of Science and Technology as a Post Doctoral Fellow.

Block diagram of the full-duplex
wireless-powered relay based on power splitting
There has been a growing interest in improving energy efficiency for next-generation Internet of Things (IoT) networks due to the increasing demand for green communications. Motivated by this demand, energy efficiency maximization has been investigated for several networks. Specifically, without considering simultaneous wireless information and power transfer networks, various works have extensively studied energy efficiency maximization for half-duplex networks and full-duplex networks. Further, by considering simultaneous wireless information and power transfer networks, several works have examined energy efficiency maximization in half-duplex networks. Moreover, energy efficiency for next-generation IoT networks with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer has also been studied by considering half-duplex transceivers. It appears that energy efficiency problems for multiuser full-duplex IoT networks have not been studied in the open literature.

Multiuser FD-IoT network with
wireless-powered TWR
Motivated by the above discussion, in this work we consider a full-duplex IoT network in which a multi-antenna access point and several single antenna IoT devices exchange information bidirectionally with the aid of a wireless-powered single-antenna relay, under generalized Nakagami-m fading channels. In particular, we consider the power splitting protocol at the full-duplex relay terminal, and each communication terminal operates in the full-duplex mode. For such a network, we first formulate the instantaneous end-to-end signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios (SINRs) by employing maximum-ratio transmission (MRT) beamforming and maximum-ratio combining (MRC) at the access point A, as well as IoD scheduling. Then, based on the obtained SINRs, we evaluate the overall outage probability and ergodic sum-rate of the network. Furthermore, we develop an optimal power allocation to maximize the network’s EE.

Integral area for the
overall outage probability
Recently, with many technological advancements in wireless data transmission, IoT is expected to affect all aspects of our daily lives with its ever-growing and emerging applications. Traditional wireless communication networks are usually limited by the operational time of energy-constrained devices, and therefore energy consumption minimization is a crucial factor in IoT networks. Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer have emerged as a sustainable solution to the scenarios where replacing or recharging batteries is very costly, and may even be impossible. The basic idea of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer is that since radio frequency signals can carry information and energy at the same time, the received radio frequency signals can be utilized for energy harvesting to keep the energy-constrained devices operational. Existing studies adopt two different protocols, namely time switching and power switching, to implement simultaneous wireless information and power transfer receiver architecture. With these protocols, either the power or time of the received signal is split so that one part is used for information processing, and the other is used for energy harvesting.

The proposed research can play a crucial role in societal development as it can be applied in developing many state-of-the-art applications in the areas related to green healthcare systems, energy-efficient agriculture systems, green transportation, low power home automation, green manufacturing, low power smart utilities, and energy-efficient industries etc.

His other paper “Time Synchronized Node Localization Using Optimal H-Node Allocation in a Small World WSN”, DOI (identifier) 10.1109/LCOMM.2020.3008086, has been done in collaborations with Prof. Rajesh M Hegde, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur and Dr Mahendra K. Shukla, Post Doctoral Fellow at Macau University of Science and Technology. To know more about Dr Pandey’s work in the domain of Small-World Wireless Sensor Network, visit- https://srmap.edu.in/news/dr-om-jee-pandey-small-world-wireless-sensor-network-help-making-smart-applications-industries/.

Dr Pandey is now not only working for the commercial applications of his current research but also has devoted himself to his future projects, that include-
Full-Duplex Network Development for Green Healthcare Systems.
Energy-Efficient Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things.
Development of Energy-Efficient Agriculture Systems.
Green and Intelligent Transportation over Full-Duplex Context-Aware Pervasive Systems.