GenZ and technology are inseparable. Computers are just one small example of that. While GenX played a pioneering role in introducing computers in day-to-day life, GenZ has undoubtedly mastered that and evolved into becoming the digital shepherd of a new era in the arena of technology adoption and reliance. Most members of Generation Z have used digital technology since a young age and are comfortable with computers and internets. GenZers, children of GenX, are the first digital natives, born between 1997 and 2012, into a world of vast technological advances and innovations. They are unlike other generations, who either grew up without or came into adulthood during the rise of social media, smartphones and instant accessibility of information. The Department of Student Affairs of SRM University-AP has organised a quiz content to encourage technology fondness among the students. The quiz is on the computer sciences with particular emphasis on the ‘World of computers’. All students of SRM University-AP are encouraged to participate in the contest and face the fun-filled challenges to test their knowledge. The event is scheduled today at 5 p.m.

Department of Physics, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh organizes the webinar titled “Econophysics of Income & Wealth Inequalities” on 18th July, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.

Prof. Bikas K. Chakrabarti, acclaimed physicist, will be delivering a lecture during the webinar encompassing interdisciplinary aspects of the socio-economic application of Physics.

Registration Link: Please Click Here

Department of Student Affairs, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh organizes a session titled “Learn to do Mind Mapping”.  A mind map is a tool for the brain that captures the thinking that goes on inside your head. Mind mapping helps you think, collect knowledge,remember, and create ideas. Most likely it will make you a better thinker. Mrs. Deepa Narayanan, Assistant Professor, SRM IST, handling soft skills has been invited to deliver a lecture during this session to help in understanding the concept better, and to enable learning the technique for better understanding and clear decision making.

Session Link: Please Click Here

Department of Student Affairs, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh organizes a session titled “How to Review a Movie”. A celebrated movie critique presents his/her opinion on the cinema reviewed in an entertaining, informative, and persuasive approach.

Mr. Mohamad Ibrahim, Assistant Professor, SRM IST, has been invited as the guest speaker to illuminate the audience on the techniques of reviewing a book.

Session Link: Please Click Here

SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh is organizing a webinar titled “EFFECTIVE WAYS OF WRITING RESEARCH ARTICLE” on 25th July from 11.00 AM till 12.30 PM. Writing a research paper is a great opportunity for young students to explore ideas that are relevant and socially beneficial. Being effectively able to write a research paper enables scholars to demonstrate their expertise on the domain, and the writing process helps in enhancing the critical analyzing skills of Ph.D students, and the young faculty members.

Prof Shobhana Narasimhan from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru will be delivering a talk as the resource person. She is a highly reputed theoretical Physicist and has a great passion for ‘writing of Research Articles’. Prof Shobhana did her MSc in physics from IIT Bombay, and her Ph.D. from Harvard University. Since 1996 she has been the faculty of the Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru, where she is a Professor in the Theoretical Sciences Unit.

Registration Link: Please Click Here

The Department of Student Affairs brings another exciting session of THE NEWSMAKERS today. Dr Tousif Khan N, who was very recently honoured with APJ Abdul Kalam Memorial International Travel Award for his remarkable research on “Online adaptive fast output voltage tracking in DC power supply system”, will be joining the participants to share his research experience with them. Dr Khan is the Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering and internationally acclaimed for his impactful research. Join Dr Khan on July 21st 2020, between 5.00 to 6.00 pm to know more from the man himself.

To watch the session live on our official Facebook page, stay tuned on –

Investigating giant bacterial viruses to explore the origin of cellular complexity

Dr. Sutharsan Govindarajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, SRM University-AP has been awarded the prestigious ‘Early Career Fellowship’ grant by DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance, funded by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and the Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom. The fellowship supports outstanding young scientists to pursue high-quality research in the field of biomedical science and establish themselves as independent researchers in India. Dr. Sutharsan sought a total research grant of 1.1 crore for a period of 5 years as a DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Early career fellow. The India Alliance grants are highly competitive and is based on the profile of the applicant and the novelty and the importance of the proposed research. Nationwide only less than 10 Early Career grants are awarded every year. Dr Sutharsan is a highly accomplished scientist, having published research articles in highly reputed journals, including the most prestigious Nature and Nature Microbiology. Through this fellowship, Dr. Sutharsan will establish an independent research laboratory at SRM University – AP with the support of Prof. Jayaseelan, Head, Department of Biological Sciences, and the fellowship supervisor of the project.

In this project, Dr. Sutharsan plans to venture and explore the biology of a novel class of bacteriophages called Jumbo-phages. “Bacteriophages, which are the most abundant biological entities on the planet, are viruses that infect bacteria but do not harm humans. Jumbo-phages, as the name suggests, are giant viruses with large genome. A sneak peek into their lifestyle during my postdoctoral research led me, to realize that these phages build fascinating complex structures inside the bacteria they infect. Such complex structures are well known to be formed in eukaryotic cells like human cells but was not thought to be made by bacteriophages, which have evolved billions of years before eukaryotes. Thus, studying how such cellular structures are formed by jumbo-phages provides a unique opportunity to investigate the origin of complex life” informs Dr. Sutharsan. He also explains that the proposed research has several biotechnological applications such as phage therapy and synthetic biology.

Dr. Sutharsan further shares, “This is one the best fellowships, a young scientist can obtain in India. It is an honour, prestige and a recognition for the scientist as well as to the University. In the next 5 years, I anticipate major fundamental discoveries in the field of bacteriophage biology and evolution”.

Department of Student Affairs, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh organizes the webinar “My Corner”. During this session, Muhammad Muazu Bala, Research Scholar, Department of Economics, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh will deliver a talk as the resource person on the” Political Economy of Nigeria”. Tune in on 24th July 2020 at 5. p.m. for an interactive and illuminative session.

Session Link: Please Click Here

Dr. Raviteja KVNS

How to write a perfect e-mail? How to choose the salutation and subject line? How to begin and end the e-mail? These questions have bothered individuals at some point in their life. Needless to say, E-mail etiquette are now an essential part of professional grooming, and it is as important as your social etiquette. Get all your queries answered in this engaging session with Mr JOSEPH ARC LEO. Mr Leo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Loyola College, Chennai. He will be joining us today, 22nd July at 5 pm to discuss proper e-mail etiquette that are to be followed. Registrar yourself quickly to avail the opportunity.