• Unlocking Branding Insights with Mr Harish Bhardwaj April 29, 2024

    Harish BhardwajOn March 20, 2024, MBA students at Paari School of Business had the privilege of attending an enlightening discourse on communication strategies for branding, delivered by the distinguished speaker, Mr Harish Bhardwaj. Throughout the session, Mr Harish emphasised the pivotal role of problem identification in effecting meaningful change.

    Mr Harish urged the students to adopt fresh perspectives and delve deep into issues, highlighting the importance of uncovering root causes. He asserted that solutions to complex problems often stem from simplicity. By encouraging students to think critically and analyse situations from different angles, he empowered them to approach branding challenges with innovative and effective strategies.

    Furthermore, Mr Harish underscored the necessity of comprehending audience needs, stating, “It is not about what you have, but what they want.” He emphasised the power of active listening and genuine connections. By understanding the desires and preferences of the target audience, businesses can tailor their communication strategies to effectively engage and resonate with their customers.

    Engaging the students in stimulating discussions, Mr Harish explored various topics related to branding. He delved into personal branding, emphasizing the importance of cultivating a strong and authentic personal brand that aligns with one’s values and goals. He also discussed the concepts of the ‘moment of truth’ and the ‘zero moment of truth,’ highlighting the significance of making positive impressions during customer interactions and the influence of online research on consumer decision-making.

    He challenged the attendees to dissociate physical attributes from personality traits, emphasizing that serving others transcends mere personality. By focusing on providing value and meeting customer needs, businesses can build long-lasting relationships and establish a strong brand presence.

    The session culminated in the exploration of the transformative potential of storytelling. He exemplified how stories can catalyse change, foster connections, and leave indelible impressions on audiences. Through captivating narratives, he illustrated the power of storytelling in creating emotional connections and engaging customers on a deeper level.

    The discourse left the students at Paari School of Business enlightened and inspired, equipped with valuable insights into effective communication strategies for driving branding change. Mr Harish’s expertise and engaging delivery style ensured an enriching experience that will undoubtedly resonate with attendees for years to come.

    Paari School of Business is committed to providing its students with opportunities to learn from industry experts and gain practical knowledge. Such insightful sessions contribute to the holistic development of students and prepare them to excel in their future careers.

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  • PSB Hosts First Edition of Trending Issues in Management with Focus on AI March 5, 2024

    TIMIn a landmark event that marked the first edition of “Trending Issues in Management,” Paari School of Business at SRM University-AP brought together a stellar lineup of industry stalwarts to delve into the transformative world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The conference aimed at unravelling the complexities, exploring the opportunities, and addressing the challenges posed by AI in the ever-evolving landscape of modern management.

    The event featured an elite panel of speakers, including Mr Sudhakar Vadapalli, Senior Vice President IT and Corporate Affairs, Biological E. Limited, Hyderabad, Saurabh Singh, Senior Vice President, Global Delivery Leader, Polestar Solutions, Delhi, Shriram Vasudevan (FIE, FIETE, SMIEEE), Technical Evangelist, Intel India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, Laxminarayanan G, Global Head of Automation, Cyient, Bangalore, Karthiban Pandiyan MBB® PMP®, Leader Process Excellence, PwC India, Bangalore, and Ramya Sampathkumar, Independent Consultant and ex-Chief Digital Officer, Chennai.
    They were joined by SRM AP’s esteemed members, Dr R Premkumar, Registrar, Prof. Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, Dean of Paari School of Business, Dr CA Mahalakshmi Mudliar, and Mr Arun Prasad, offering a rich blend of theoretical insights and practical perspectives on AI’s impact on management.

    Prof. Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran set the tone in his welcome speech, emphasising the school’s commitment to embedding Quality, Innovation, Customer-Centric Approach, and Ethics into its curriculum. “Our aim is to provide students with a contemporary education that is at the forefront of industry trends, particularly in AI and Blockchain, ensuring they are market-ready,” he stated.

    Truly, considering the advent of technology in recent times, Paari school of Business is the first B-School in the country to include Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain as compulsory courses. It is also first in launching a Certificate Programme in Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI in Marketing.

    Keynote speaker Sudhakar Vadapalli captivated the audience with his exploration of AI’s evolution, referencing Howard Gardner’s definition of intelligence and highlighting the rapid advancements leading to today’s sophisticated Large Language Models like ChatGPT. “The journey from Turing’s initial concepts to today’s AI showcases a trajectory towards an intelligence that might one day parallel human cognition,” Vadapalli remarked.

    The subsequent panel discussion was a deep dive into AI’s role in reshaping management, highlighting the technology’s potential to enhance efficiency, innovate decision-making processes, and foster continuous learning and adaptation. Yet, the experts also cautioned about the challenges, particularly concerning data privacy, security, and the ethical use of AI.

    The consensus among the panellists was clear: AI is not a fleeting trend but a fundamental shift reshaping the business landscape. Embracing this change requires new skills, such as Prompt Engineering and a proactive approach to the ongoing developments in AI technologies.

    This seminal event underscored the importance of AI in contemporary management and positioned the Paari School of Business as a pioneering institution committed to integrating cutting-edge technologies into its academic fabric, preparing a new generation of leaders ready to navigate the AI-driven future.

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