
  • “GETTING GOAL DIRECTED”-Captivating session by Aayushi Sharma April 3, 2021

    A worthy life is full of admirable goals with a fool-proof plan to achieve those. Be it completing the syllabus, getting a good job, living a peaceful life or retiring with enough money to live; all can be achieved with good planning only. In his celebrated book “Thinking Fast and Slow”, the noble laureate Daniel Kahneman opined, “Intelligence is not only the ability to reason; it is also the ability to find relevant material in memory and to deploy attention when needed.”

    Therefore, it need not be debated that only planning is not enough. You will need proper ways to execute it. This is where Aayushi Sharma comes into the picture. Ms Sharma is your Student counsellor and the appropriate person who can enlighten you on how to plan and turn those plans into actions. Join the captivating session with Ms Aayushi Sharma on April 03, 2021, at 5 pm to know more.

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  • Newsmakers: G Ram Dheeraj to recount the tale of his expedition to “Deo Tibba Peak (6001mts)” April 1, 2021

    G Ram Dheeraj, 2nd year, Civil Engineering, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh voyaged to the summit of “Shetidhar Peak(5358mts)” and “Friendship Peak (5287mts)” prior to his recent successful trek to the “Deo Tibba Peak (6001mts), Manali, Himachal Pradesh”. DeoTibba is the second highest peak of the PirPanjal Mountains. Basking in the meadows, and glaciers, Dheeraj reached the mountain peak – an exceptional snow dome with a magnificent view.

    A trek enthusiast, Dheeraj fancied adventure, mountaineering, seeing places, and embracing the serenity of nature. Bending barriers, he climbed the peak only to marvel at the picturesque view. He rejoiced being at a place traversed by a few. On April 3, 2021, at 4 PM, Department of Student Affairs, SRM University-AP invited Dheeraj to recount the thrilling tales of his expeditions. In the interactive session – “Newsmakers”, he will also share insights on his fitness regime, along with giving the audience a glimpse of his future trekking plans.

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  • “Overcoming Procrastination!-Doing Vs Delay”- in conversation with Dr Smita Sharma March 26, 2021

    How many of you thought, “It’s just the beginning of the semester, there’s a lot of time to catch up with studies,” and then struggled with the syllabus before the exams? How many of you were frustrated with assignment submissions just because you did not start it on time? How many sleepless nights have you spent before taking the exams because the revision was due? We are sure that you all have experienced some kind of trouble because you put the work on hold. Admittedly, we all have a procrastinator within ourselves. We all love to postpone things a bit, allowing us some free time to enjoy ourselves. However, we often forget that all the work that is being piled up due to our procrastination will come back to us with a bitter consequence.

    A student’s life is a time to learn the essential skills that are going to support them in their future professional and personal growth. Doing tasks on time has its own substantial benefits that are not only going to help you in your academic career but also in every sphere of life. Do you find it to be too difficult to learn?

    Dr Smita Sharma is the ideal person who can enlighten you on how procrastination affects our thinking and behaviour. She will further guide you with the techniques to defeat it. Dr Smita, as you know, is your counsellor at SRM University-AP, and she will be available in an Interactive session with you on “Overcoming Procrastination!-Doing Vs Delay”. Join the session on March 27, 2021, at 4 pm.

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  • The Mantras for success”: A Special Address by Ms Anu Hasan on International Women’s Day March 6, 2021

    Celebrating the individuality of women on International women’s Day, the Department of Student Affairs, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh has invited Ms Anu Hasan for a special address on “The Mantras for success” at 3 PM. Anu Hasan is a prominent Actor, Entrepreneur, Presenter, Writer, and Motivational Speaker. She refrained from conventional commercial roles in her acting career but has etched her niche in the industry.

    Anu grew up climbing mango trees, playing street cricket, and watching ‘The Sound of Music’ relentlessly. In her media career spanning six languages and two countries, she hosted celebrity talk show, cookery show, reality, and game shows, while acting in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, English, and Arabic movies.

    Anu heads the South India Cine Creations, and is the director in an IT company operating in the industry offering mobility solutions. Her first book Sunny Side Up has been recognized and appreciated across the globe. This versatile woman represents the epitome of individualism, and strength. She believes in the seven mantras for success, which are:

    1. Being successful is being happy
    2. Do not compare yourself with others
    3. Start working towards your goal
    4. Focus on the basics and go step by step
    5. Have realistic targets
    6. Make sure you evaluate the cost of success
    7. Remember that success is transient!

    In this intrinsic session, Anu will discuss the relevance of the aforementioned mantras in achieving success. Success provides confidence, security, a sense of well-being, and the ability to contribute substantially to the society.

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  • Profound discussion on “Work, Women and Pandemic”: comprehending the ramifications of COVID-19 on employed women March 6, 2021

    Women confront several routine challenges, which upend the balance in their personal and professional lives. Additionally, the pandemic ushered them to a quandary. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Department of Student Affairs, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh organizes a discussion on ” Work, Women and Pandemic” to gauge its unprecedented impact on women.

    The propagation of the virus is impairing the physical and mental health of many working women, triggering a skepticism on their career prospects. Managing extra caregiving responsibilities due to school closures, etc., while working full-time is adversely affecting a woman’s wellbeing. Further, the economic fallout prompted by the pandemic is having a regressive influence on gender equality, widening disparities in remuneration and job security.

    On March 8, 2021, at 4 PM, proficient women across disciplines associated with SRM University-AP – Dr. Salome Divya Joseph, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology (Moderator), Dr. Jayasree Subramanian, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Dr Srabani Basu, Associate Professor, Department of English, Dr Malavika Binny, Assistant Professor, Department Of History, and Dr Arundhati Ghanwar, Associate Director, Department of ITKM will attempt to comprehend the detailed ramifications of COVID-19 on women.

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  • A session on “Examination Anxiety”: Aayushi Sharma to help students discover their potential March 4, 2021

    Department of Student Affairs, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh presents a session on “Examination Anxiety”, where Aayushi Sharma, the University’s Student Counsellor will enlighten the students on aspects of examination stress, and propose techniques to maneuver through this common psychological condition.

    Examination anxiety is a widespread phenomenon that induces tension or angst among students while appearing for an examination. The discomfort spurts in several forms among individuals across spheres. Examination nerves, worry, or fear of failure are common for even the most talented student. Though varying intensity of stress is perhaps experienced among learners before and during exams, it impairs learning and adversely affects performance in examinations.

    Anxiety disorders are prevalent and impact about 18 percent of adults. An estimated 25 percent of 13-18-year-olds experience anxiety. However, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), only one-third of people suffering from angst seek treatment. Untreated childhood anxiety can trigger poor performance in all walks of life. On March 6, 2021, at 5 PM, Aayushi Sharma will be addressing this crucial phenomenon to help students exhibit their true potential.

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  • The Newsmakers presents Khushboo Sharma’s journey to Adobe-India February 20, 2021

    The Newsmakers is back with another inspiring story from your peers. The Department of Student Affairs is featuring Khushboo Sharma this week on The Newsmakers on February 20, 2021, at 4 PM IST. Khushboo is a brilliant student who is pursuing her undergraduate studies in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She has recently bagged an envious internship offer at Adobe India with a stipend of Rs. 1 lakh/ month. Through their women-only hiring challenge “SheCodes”, Khushboo not only bagged an internship offer, but she may also have an opportunity of a Pre Placement Offer upon successful review after this internship with an attractive pay package. Khushboo is joining Adobe, a multinational software company, as a Product Intern in May 2021. Getting an internship at Adobe is not easy. Khushboo had to go through a rigorous hiring process before she was offered an internship at Adobe. SRM University-AP always strives to bring exposure to the students so that they can accommodate themselves with the changing needs of the industry and corporate world. Adobe India is an esteemed company where today’s engineers would love to get employment. This session with Khushboo will help the aspirants get an idea of preparing for such interviews and the challenges associated with it. Join this engaging session with Khushboo, where she will be sharing her experience throughout the hiring process and the guidance she received from the University.

    Date: February 20, 2021

    Time: 4 PM IST

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  • Aloha – A magnificent welcome to the Freshmen February 13, 2021

    SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh presents Aloha, a virtual welcome to the freshers on this erudite journey. Though the pandemic impeded the young students to attend the classes and enjoy the conducive campus of SRM University-AP, an array of performances, contests, and fun awaits them on February 13, 2021, at 10.30 AM. Students are encouraged to unleash their talent in the gamut of competitions hosted by the seniors to celebrate the beginning of the journey of their juniors at SRM University-AP.

    The elaborate gala will commence with The SRM Matrix where teams will be participating in a Scavenger Hunt, and flaunt their wit by solving riddles to win the contest. Hurling forward, the freshers will be participating in Fun Trivia, a quiz competition for smart youngsters, where questions will be asked on General Knowledge, Sports, Movies, and other relevant themes.

    The freshers will rejoice by partaking in the meme contests, a platform where they will showcase their creativity. Also, Mic Drop has been arranged, where the freshers will shine by sporting their flair in singing, mimicry, or stand-up comedy. Finally, MR/MS Fresher will be chosen for the year through a series of segments such as Introductory round, Star Walk, Talent round, and Rapid Fire. Further, fun games such as Grab ‘N’ Get, Never Have I Ever, and “Aaja Nachle”, Let’s Enjoy (coordinated by Dance Club) will be the other highlights of the day.

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  • Resonating Ideology: Dr Ram Kulesh Thakur re-evaluating Bose in the present era January 22, 2021

    Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is nationwide revered as a legendary figure of the Indian National Movement. A study of his biography unfolds his unflagging zeal, as a leader and motivator. His social, economic, and political concepts were formulated with the sole objective of India’s emancipation from the British rule of exploitation and oppression. He also thought about the reconstruction of Free India.

    According to Subhas Chandra Bose, education was essential for character building and overall development of human life. Education unveils the internal discipline of mind and thoughts, which in its turn produces external discipline of control of action or deeds.

    He understood the need for female education and female emancipation- liberating from all shackles and artificial disabilities – social, economic and political. Netaji Subhas Chandra was completely against of any discrimination on the grounds of caste, race, sex, creed or wealth in Free India.

    His addresses at the Indian National Congress bears Subhas Chandra’s ideas on a comprehensive reconstruction of Free India. Bose wanted the states to adopt an elaborate scheme for gradually socialising the entire agricultural and industrial system in the spheres of both production and distribution. He also advocated the abolition of landlordism and liquidation of agricultural indebtedness. According to Netaji, liberty broadly signified political, economic and social freedom. For him, economic freedom was the essence of social and political freedom.

    However, if we look at today’s India and the happenings, can we claim for sure that we have imbibed the great leader’s vision in its true essence? We are free constitutionally, but are we really free at all? Is this the freedom our great freedom fighters like Bose envisioned for us?

    Department of Student Affairs is organising a webinar on the birthday of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose to honour and recall his beliefs on freedom and Nation. Dr Ram Kulesh Thakur will be talking on “Am I Free? Re-Contextualising Subhas Chandra Bose in the Present Era.” Dr Thakur is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English. Join the webinar on January 23 at 5 pm with Dr Ram Kulesh Thakur, who will be shedding some light on this much-debated topic.

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  • Commemorating the journey of Swami Vivekananda by reciting his exceptional writings January 11, 2021

    On the eve of the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, Department of Student Affairs, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh presents a Poetry Competition on January 12, 2021, at 2 PM. Being a spiritual leader and a reformer in India, Swami Vivekananda has perpetually inspired the youth, marking January 12, 2021, as the National Youth Day. During this contest, the participants will be remembering the remarkable contributions of Swami Vivekananda by reciting at least 20 lines of any poem written by the icon. In addition, the contestants are encouraged to encapsulate the poem in a few words for a clear depiction of the intriguing message presented by Swami Ji. The winner of the competition will receive goodies worth Rs 750 and the runner up will be awarded the second prize comprising of gifts worth Rs 500. All the students are urged to participate in the competition to get inspired by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, and win exciting prizes and e-certificates. 

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