Creating History: A Chase to Mt. Everest!


SRM University-AP is gearing up for the ultimate thrill-seeking escapade, which will have hearts racing and adrenaline pumping like never before! The Directorate of Entrepreneurship & Innovation and the Directorate of Student Affairs jointly organise the “Everest Base Camp Expedition”, the mother of all adventures – a daring conquest of the Earth’s highest mountain above sea level – Mount Everest!

The 15-day exhilarating journey will take flight with a maiden batch of 20 young adventurers selected through a rigorous physical and mental ability test on October 11, 2024 (tentative). 4 months of extensive training will commence in full swing, with the selected students pushing their limits and testing their endurance, moulding them into a complete voyager. Various training and practice trips have been scheduled to Arakku Valley to test their strength, Mangalagiri temple for elevation trekking training and much more.

This is a first-of-its-kind initiative by a university in India, presenting a unique opportunity for every enthusiastic explorer to witness the magnificence of the cold, icy peaks of the Himalayas. In addition to providing students with exemplary academic, research and entrepreneurial resources, SRM AP also emphasises the significance of 21st-century skills in nurturing them into socially aware and ethical citizens of tomorrow. This one-of-a-kind trip will ensure that students imbibe the value of belief and courage to instil purpose or a greater aim for anything that they might pursue in life, the importance of not losing faith during hard times and overcoming the obstacles that hinder your aim, the significance of camaraderie and teamwork, to develop essential leadership skills etc.


Students and their mentors have already begun their footsteps on a journey that will transform their lives! Embracing the thrill, embracing the adventure!

This journey will undoubtedly etch unforgettable memories into the fabric of their existence!


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