
Study abroadDiscover top universities from around the world in the free virtual events organised by the Office of International Relations and Higher Studies, SRM University-AP! This time, we are organising an online awareness programme with one of our partner universities James Cook University (JCU), Singapore. Official representatives from JCU will do presentations on the Semester Abroad Programme offered to the students of SRM University-AP on November 29, 2021, at 11.30 am (IST).

Studying at the Singapore campus of James Cook University allows exploring the rest of Asia along with their high-quality Australian education. The Semester Abroad Programme enables students to learn for 1 or 2 Trimesters (4 or 8 months), earning credits towards their home institution degree. As a Semester Abroad student at James Cook University, our students will be able to choose subjects from a wide range of study areas that will add value to their degree and broaden their experience.

From networking sessions to university fairs to seminars and panels, the Office of International Relations and Higher Studies is the ultimate way to find your way to study abroad! Stay tuned to this awareness programme on November 29, 2021, at 11.30 am (IST).

Register here!

Shivering with the change of weather is welcome. Trembling with nerves is not. So, if the upcoming tests are making you anxious and jittery, then the second session of Test Anxiety and Learning Styles would be an excellent opportunity to take a deep breath before the sprint.

Ms Aayushi Sharma, Student Counsellor, will coordinate the session on November 27, 2021, at 6.00 pm. This session would be greatly useful to the students and help them understand how to use the benefits of tests to combat test anxiety. A test is more than marks and rankings. It is for finding gaps in our knowledge, for devising methods that work the best for us, and, most importantly, for learning management at the most basic interpersonal level so that we might transfer these skills to our professional lives one day.

Tune in on November 27, 2021, at 6.00 pm for an engaging, interactive and informative second session on Test Anxiety and Learning Styles with Ms Aayushi Sharma, to arm yourselves and head-on to the test tomorrow and the challenges ever after.

MSV-IV with Shaik Rajak

The world of communications is constantly changing. It is transforming, evolving, and becoming better, faster, and smarter. So, for the fourth edition of My Scholar’s Voice (MSV-IV) we would like to present Shaik Rajak from the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering for a titillating discussion on “Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for B5G Communications” on Saturday, November 27, 2021, at 11.00 am.

Shaik Rajak will give us an insight into the future with communications with his talk. He will elaborate in this session on the importance of his research. He will talk about the scopes of implementation as well as further research that can follow his work. It would be really beneficial to learn about the developing phase of communication research to make an informed decision while choosing research or career plans.

About the speaker:

Shaik Rajak received his B. Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from JNTU, Hyderabad in 2013. He completed his M.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering, JNTU Hyderabad in 2016 and is currently working towards the PhD at the School of Engineering And Science (SEAS), SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, India. Before joining SRM University-AP, he worked as a lecturer for a year in QIS College of Engineering and Technology (QISCET), Andhra Pradesh. He was awarded a gold medal for the paper presentation organized by SRM University-AP. His current research interests include the Internet of Things, beyond 5G communications, Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces, Millimeter-wave, Massive MIMO, OMA, and NOMA schemes.

So, take a seat and be a part of this amazing session on Saturday, November 27, 2021, at 11.00 am to hear from Shaik Rajak’s voice in MSV-IV.

On the journey of writingSRM University – AP, the multidisciplinary research-intensive university located at the heart of Amaravathi, initiated another unique programme titled “University Eminent Lecture Series for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences” today with Mr Jairam Ramesh – Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha. Mr Ramesh participated in a vigorous interactive discussion “On the Journey of Writing”. Ramesh shared his process of and insights into writing and interacted with the members of the audience comprising faculty, students, scholars and attendees across the country. His generosity in terms of sharing tips for better writing, developing principles of writing, being well-disciplined about writing, and persisting and being patient with the process inspired others.

Ramesh also spoke about his latest book The Light of Asia: The Poem That Defined The Buddha sharing that it was written during the lockdown period. His daily routine of sticking to a certain number of words or any other form of goal had made it easier for him to produce the work. This particular book is quite different in nature from its predecessors and reflects the same positive mindset that is an attribute of the author’s persona itself.

jairam ramesh at SRMAPRegarding rejections of writing, he advised that failure should never be seen as something that deters a writer. He shared that his own journey began quite late and that his own writing goes through at least three drafts before it gets published. He emphasised that it happens because writing is an iterative process, in engineering terminology, and not a linear process, and that is what makes it a process full of surprises. He put a great emphasis on reading as well. To be a great writer, first, one needs to invest one’s time in order to be a good reader. He further shared his thought that this generation lacks the discipline of writing. It is never easy to communicate with readers until one is able to understand the mass psyche as writing is not only about expressing one’s point of view but also understanding the psychology of the targetted readers.

The universities need to establish a system whereby they can encourage students to read a body of work from disciplines other than their own and produce a paper at the end of their reading, Ramesh argued. The engineering students need to know what is happening in economics or literature, for instance. Similarly, students studying literature should know what is happening in sciences. This cross-fertilisation would help students get exposed to thinking in general.

The audience asked him several questions about the sources that can be consulted for getting better at writing, ways of integrating feedback into writing, means to writing with objectivity, balancing conscious effort with spontaneity and so on. His ideas inspired students and faculty alike.

Prof V S Rao, Vice-Chancellor of the University, who was there to welcome Ramesh kept interacting with him throughout the programme. He extended an invitation to Ramesh to visit the university early next year to motivate the students in person. The event ended with a vote of thanks by Faculty Coordinator Dr Supriya Daniel.

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