
Talk on Social Entrepreneurism

September 20, 2017

Mr. K. I. Varaprasada Reddy, Non-Executive Chairman of Shanta Biotechnics Pvt. Ltd. enlightened the students of SRM University, Andhra Pradesh with the exciting journey of a start-up, the fruits of the sacrifices and the power of a true entrepreneur in changing lives.

The students got a deep-dive into the vision and mission of Shanta Biotech to produce cost-effective drugs for the common man, the importance as well possibilities of maintaining international quality standards when developing such a powerful product

Aloha – 2017

Aloha – 2017 ( a Hawaiian word used when greeting or parting from someone. ), Freshers Party of SRM AP’s Historic First Batch was held on 8-Sep’17, Whole event was completely driven by students which included Song, Dance and Skit performances by students, International Immersion of the campus was evident by the performances of students from Nepal and Afghanistan which was one of the highlights of the evening.

September 22, 2017

Mr. Sanjay Renewade and Mr. Santosh Srinivas, representatives of Titan Company Ltd., Hosur engaged the students of SRM Amravati in a productive conversation regarding technological advancements in manufacturing. They spoke to students about the use of emerging technologies such as HCI (human machine interactions), IoT and Artificial Intelligence in businesses these days.

Date: 11th November,2017.

On this beautiful Saturday morning, the course designers of MITx, Mr. Brandon Muramatsu Associate Director, Ms. Glenda S. Stump and Ms. Kirky Delong, Senior Project Managers at Strategic Education Initiatives MIT, visited the campus of SRM University AP-Amaravati and interacted with the students regarding the impact of the on-going curriculum, designed based on MITx courses.

Mr. Brandon Muramatsu, the Associate Director of MIT started his informative speech by notifying the audience about the vision and aim of the MITx courses. He provided an insight about how the courses are designed and the history of the MIT Open Course Ware. He presented the vastness of these courses engulfing subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

Next, the students put forth their experiences about the MITx courses. As answer to one of the question, he assured the students that these courses will help build their careers. Kirkey Delouy, the Project manager of MIT and Glenda S. Stump, the Education Officer of MIT also shared their experiences and gave valuable suggestions.

Later during the day, a workshop to the faculty members was delivered by the MITx team. During interactions, the team expressed their strong confidence in the active learning mechanisms adopted at MIT. Since some of the faculty members of SRM AP-Amravati have already undergone training at MIT and subsequently implemented some of the exciting active learning exercises here, they expressed that this approach provides a faster and much enhanced understanding of core technical concepts among students and paves the way for stronger and in-depth learning outcomes.

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