Research News

  • SMAFS Technology Gets Patented September 26, 2024

    Dr Anirban Ghosh and his BTech students, Mr Taraka Sai Tanishq Chebrolu and Mr V.M.V.S. Aditya from his department, have come up with a pathbreaking innovation where a Smart Face Shield (SMAFS) helps detect a virus and reminds the wearer to maintain a safe distance. This innovation, patented under the Indian Patent Office Journal, with application number-548708, marks a milestone step towards public health and safety.


    The recent spurt of corona virus has wreaked havoc across the globe and led to huge loss of human lives. An intelligent system with innovative technologies can be implemented to address the rapid spread of the deadly virus. The wearable face shield that can not only help to maintain appropriate social distancing in a crowded place but also to identify a person with preliminary symptoms of corona virus. It is designed as a technically improved face shield to maintain social distancing by appropriate use of proximity sensor and to measure temperature of the wearer by using contact temperature sensor. LED’s and buzzer are placed strategically to alert people via visual and audio signals respectively. Such precautionary detection and proximity alert prototype can prove instrumental in early diagnosis and isolation aiding in crowd management and free movement in places of social gathering.

    Practical Implementation of the Patent:

    Such precautionary detection and proximity alert prototype can prove instrumental in early diagnosis and isolation aiding in crowd management and free movement in places of social gathering. Hence, wearable face shield ensures adequate separation between persons and facilitates temperature monitoring and early disease detection.

    Future Research Plans:

    Future research plans are to further improve the capability of the existing prototype for example integration of oxygen saturation measurement, Heartbeat, Blood pleasure, Temperature, Location, etc of the user. In the event of an emergency or critical drop in any of the vitals, the system can automatically alert the local hospital, ambulance service, and relatives.


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  • From Concept to Reality: The Promising Future of AlN-GDC-HEMT in Electronics September 25, 2024

    The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University-AP, is pleased to announce that Assistant Professor Dr Durga Prakash has published a noteworthy research paper titled “A Novel LG=40 nm AlN-GDC-HEMT on SiC Wafer with fT/IDS,peak of 400 GHz/3.18 mA/mm for Future RF Power Amplifiers.” This accomplishment reflects Dr Durga Prakash’s expertise and dedication to advancing research in the field and further enriching the academic contributions of the varsity.


    This study presents the initial RF/DC performance of innovative AlN/GaN/Graded-AlGaN/GaN double-channel HEMT (AlN-GDC-HEMT) on SiC wafer. Traditional AlGaN/GaN/Graded-AlGaN/GaN double-channel HEMTs (AlGaN-GDC-HEMT) and the AlN-GDC-HEMT are compared. Both devices form two quantum wells, resulting in prominent double peaks in transconductance and cut-off frequency graphs, demonstrating efficient inter-channel communication. AlN-GDC-HEMT and AlGaN-GDC-HEMT are compared based on gate recess length (LR) and top barrier thickness. Gate lengths (LG) are also used to study HEMT scaling. Additionally, gate engineering and lateral scaling affect both devices’ DC/RF behaviour. Based on rigorous comparison investigation, the AlN-GDC-HEMT outperforms the AlGaN-GDC-HEMT due to its higher polarization (spontaneous) density and larger bandgap. The optimized AlN-GDC-HEMT with LG = 40 nm, LGS = 250 nm, and LGD = 400 nm has high performance, with transconductance (GM) values of 203.1 and 787.5 mS/mm at two peaks, IDS_peak of 1.97 A/mm, IDS_sat of 3.18 A/mm, and the highest fT of 285.1 and 416.8 GHz from the left and right peaks First-stage results suggest AlN-GDC-HEMTs could be used in future RF power amplifiers.

    Practical & Social Implications of the Research:

    It can be concluded that the AlN-GDC-HEMT that has been proposed is extremely promising, as it possesses remarkable performance and is appealing for power microwave GaN-based HEMT production. This highlights the fact that it is suitable for a broad variety of high-performance applications.


    Department of ECE, Faculty of Science and Technology (IcfaiTech), ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education Hyderabad, Hyderabad-501203, India.

    Future Research Plans:

    Novel semiconductor device development


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  • Dr Rupesh Kumar Secures Major Research Grant for Amazon Forest Canopy Mapping Project September 24, 2024

    In a groundbreaking development, Dr Rupesh Kumar, a Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, has been awarded a significant project titled “Mapping the Canopy of the Amazon Forest Using an Aerial Drone Platform Coupled with Radar Sensors.” The initiative, funded by the International Peruvian National Research Institute, boasts an impressive outlay of Rs. 1.11 Crores and is set to span over a two-year period.

    The project is spearheaded by Principal Investigator Dr Mark Donny Clemente Arenas, an Associate Professor at the National Technological University of South Lima in Peru. This collaboration aims to enhance the understanding of the Amazon’s intricate canopy structure and promote conservation efforts through innovative technology.

    In recognition of this notable achievement, SRM University-AP proudly congratulated Dr Kumar and highlighted the significant impact this project could have on environmental research and sustainability. The university’s support underscores its commitment to fostering research initiatives that address global challenges, encouraging faculty members to pursue innovative solutions through collaboration and the application of cutting-edge technology.

    This initiative marks a significant milestone in international research collaboration, leveraging technology to address critical environmental challenges in one of the world’s most vital ecosystems.

    A Brief Description of the Project

    This project facilitates the mapping of the Amazon forest in Peru. An integrated approach of advanced sensors such as LiDAR, Millimeter-Wave Radar, Camera, etc. and UAV will achieve this.
    This will help assess the Amazon forest’s health in real time by leveraging the ML/AI approaches.

    Figure 1: Scheme for height estimation

    Explanation of the Research in Layperson’s Terms

    The plant/tree generally reflects radio waves and other signals, and this reflection depends on the density of the forest. If a suitable signal processing is applied to the reflected signals, it will provide insight information about the forest profile. Nevertheless, this will help in the quantification of land covered by trees, identifying the location of those trees. Consequently, the tree canopy assessments help in determining the amount and location of impervious cover.

    Funding Agency and Amount Sanctioned

    National Scientific Research and Advanced Studies Program (PROCIENCIA) of the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC), Peru.

    In Spanish: “ Programa Nacional de Investigación Cientifica y Estudios Avanzados (PROCIENCIA), del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
    Tecnológica (CONCYTEC), Perú”.

    Practical Implementation of the Research or the Social Implications Associated with it

    The proposed research work help will help in the assessment of deforestation as well as its impact on climate change and global warming. Not only this, but the research will also contribute to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050!


    Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur
    Collaborator: Prof. Mark Clement Arenas

    Future Research Plans

    In future, this work will be extended for infrastructure monitoring. With the boom in real estate, a continuous monitoring system is desired for proper maintenance.

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  • Dr Jaidev Kaushik’s Publishes New Publication on Graphene Incorporated Aerogels September 24, 2024

    Dr Jaidev Kaushik, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, has recently published a pioneering research paper in the prestigious journal Langmuir (ACS). The paper, titled “Graphene Incorporated Sugar-derived Carbon Aerogel for Pyridine Adsorption and Oil-Water Separation,” explores innovative applications of graphene-based materials.

    Dr Kaushik’s research focuses on the development of a novel carbon aerogel derived from sugar and incorporated with graphene. This material demonstrates exceptional efficiency in adsorbing pyridine, a harmful organic compound, and effectively separating oil from water. These findings hold significant promise for environmental remediation and industrial applications, offering a sustainable solution to pollution and waste management challenges.

    The publication of this paper in Langmuir highlights the cutting-edge research being conducted at SRM University-AP and underscores Dr Kaushik’s contributions to the field of chemistry. His work not only advances scientific understanding but also paves the way for practical applications that can benefit society at large.


    In this report, we have synthesized three-dimensional and hydrophobic graphene-incorporated carbon aerogel (G-SCA) derived from sugar. G-SCA is being used as a multifunctional sorbent material for removing various advanced water soluble and insoluble pollutants Initially, G-SCA is being explored for the adsorption of nitrophenols, nitroaromatics (3-nitroaniline), insecticide (Phoskill), antibiotic (ciprofloxacin), and pharmaceutical drug precursor (pyridine). Later, same G-SCA is also explored in the absorption of various protic and aprotic organic solvents and oils (including crude oil, waste cooking oil, and waste Mobil oil), with excellent recyclability checked up to 10 cycles. Moreover, oil-water separation experiments are also being done in various industrial wastewater samples and seawater to support the real-life accessibility of present approach. Large-scale applicability of G-SCA is also checked by performing crude oil-seawater separation experiments using a laboratory-scale prototype demonstrating the successful continuous recovery of crude oil.

    Explanation of The Research in Layperson’s Terms

    This research demonstrates the synthesis of carbon aerogel from edible sugar followed by the incorporation of graphene oxide to make a near superhydrophobic and good water-floating sorbent material. Later, this sorbent material was used to decontaminate wastewater from advanced pollutants such as explosive wastes, expired antibiotics, pharmaceutical waste, insecticides, etc. This report also showed the practical demonstration of crude oil recovery from seawater, thus contributing to the circular economy process.

    Title of Research Paper in the Citation Format

    F. Agrawal, K. Gupta, J. Kaushik, K. M. Tripathi, S. K. Choudhary, S. K. Sonkar, Graphene Incorporated Sugar Derived Carbon Aerogel for Pyridine Adsorption and Oil–Water Separation, Langmuir 2024, 40, 18028–18038.

    Practical Implementation or the Social Implications Associated with the Research

    This work describes the synthesis of low-cost near superhydrophobic carbon aerogel, displaying its multiple applications in wastewater treatment from water-soluble and water-insoluble pollutants. It is also an alternative and cost-effective approach for recovering valuable oil and organic compounds from water rather than degrading or destroying them so they can be reused.


    Dr Sumit Kumar Sonkar (MNIT Jaipur, India)

    Future Research Plans

    1. The adsorption/photodegradation-assisted quick and efficient removal of next generation advanced pollutants such as microplastic, pesticides, pharmaceutical waste, etc. by hydrophobic carbon aerogel and their doped and functionalised versions.
    2. Utilizing waste derived heterogeneous catalysts in organic transformation reactions.
    3. Selective sensing of toxic metal ions/biomarkers/biomolecules using fluorescent nanomaterials.
    4. Upcycling of carbonates/CO2 via photo/thermal assisted reactions to get C1 and C2 hydrocarbons (green fuel).

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  • Unveiling Innovations: Dr Ghosh Publishes Findings on 300 GHz Communication Links September 24, 2024

    Dr Anirban Ghosh, an esteemed Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, has recently published a significant research paper titled “Channel Modeling and Characterization of Access, D2D, and Backhaul Links in a Corridor Environment at 300 GHz.” This paper has been featured in the prestigious Q1 Journal, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, with an impressive impact factor of 4.6.
    Dr Ghosh’s research delves into the intricate aspects of channel modelling and characterisation, focusing on access, device-to-device (D2D), and backhaul links within a corridor environment at a high frequency of 300 GHz. This study is poised to make substantial contributions to the field of wireless communication, particularly in enhancing the understanding and development of next-generation communication systems.
    The publication in such a renowned journal underscores the quality and impact of Dr. Ghosh’s work, reflecting the cutting-edge research being conducted at SRM University – AP. The university community extends its heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Ghosh for this remarkable achievement and looks forward to his continued contributions to the field of electronics and communication engineering.


    This paper presents comprehensive double-directional channel measurements at 300 GHz across various corridor scenarios, including Access, Device-to-Device (D2D), and Backhaul, using an in-house developed channel sounder. The measurements, validated by ray tracing simulations, reveal that while 300 GHz quasi-optical propagation in corridors can be modeled using ray optics, non-trivial propagation phenomena, such as quadruple-bounce reflections, also occur. To accurately model these mechanisms, a quasi-deterministic (QD) channel model combining deterministic and random components is proposed. The QD model results align well with observations, highlighting similar propagation mechanisms for Access and D2D scenarios, while Backhaul scenarios show Line-of-Sight (LoS) impacts from ceiling reflections. These findings are crucial for designing next-generation THz communication systems.

    Explanation of Research in Layperson’s Terms

    This research contributes to building the next generation of communication networks, which will significantly impact society by improving connectivity, supporting technological advancements, and promoting economic development, and bringing forth several futuristic applications.

    Practical Implementation

    The results align with the design of high-frequency ultra-high speed, low-latency, reliable communication envisioned for several futuristic applications using beyond 5G and 6G networks.


    The measurement scenarios explored in the paper.


    Prof. Minseok Kim
    Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Course of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    Niigata University, Japan.

    Future Research Plans

    The efforts would be extended to other communication scenarios for a similar study. Additionally, generating appropriate channel models, coverage design, link budget, etc for the explored and unexplored scenarios would also encompass an interesting study.

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  • Dr Nilakantha Meher’s Research Uses Light to Improve Object Detection Precision September 5, 2024

    Dr Nilkantha Meher, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at SRM University-AP, has significantly contributed to science with his research paper on using thermal light to detect objects with unmatched precision. This phenomenal work that featured in the journal Physical Review A will positively contribute to the fields of sensing, gravitational wave detection, and phase microscopy.


    Estimation of the phase delay between interferometer arms is the core of transmission phase microscopy. Such phase estimation may exhibit an error below the standard quantum (shot-noise) limit, if the input is an entangled two-mode state, e.g., a N00N state. We show, by contrast, that such supersensitive phase estimation (SSPE) is achievable by incoherent, e.g., thermal, light that is injected into a Mach-Zehnder interferometer via a Kerr-nonlinear two-mode coupler. The phase error is shown to be reduced below, being the mean photon number, by thermal input in such interferometric setups, even for small nonlinear phase-shifts per photon pair or for significant photon loss. Remarkably, the phase accuracy achievable in such setups by thermal input surpasses that of coherent light with the same. Available mode couplers with giant Kerr nonlinearity that stems either from dipole-dipole interactions of Rydberg polaritons in cold atomic gas or from cavity-enhanced dispersive atom-field interactions may exploit such effects to substantially advance the interferometric phase microscopy using incoherent, faint light sources.

    Practical Implementation:

    The proposed nonlinear interferometer in this research can serve as a robust quantum sensor, making it suitable for a range of applications, including object sensing, gravitational wave detection, and phase microscopy.

    Your Collaborations:

    Prof. Gershon Kurizki (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
    Prof. Tomas Opatrny (Palacky University, Czech Republic)
    Dr. Eilon Poem (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
    Prof. Ofer Firstenberg (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

    Future Research Plans:

    He is currently investigating the sensing of quantum entanglement and generating highly nonclassical states using various nonlinear interferometers. This research has significant implications for distributed quantum communication and quantum information processing.

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  • Paper on Deciphering Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity: A QM/ML Approach with Single Atom Catalysts September 5, 2024

    Prof. Ranjith Thapa in collaboration with two of his research scholars, Mr E. S. Erakulan Mr Sourav Ghosh and has come up with a groundbreaking research that has resulted in the publication of a scholarly paper titled, Specific Descriptor for Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity on Single Atom Catalysts Using QM/ML.

    Abstract of the paper

    Descriptors are properties or parameters of a material that is used to explain any catalytic activity both computationally and experimentally. Such descriptors aid in designing the material’s property to obtain efficient catalyst. For transition metals, d-band center is a well-known descriptor that shows Sabatier type relation for several catalytic reactions. However, it fails to explain the activity when considering same metal active site with varying local environment. To address this, density functional theory was used for single atom catalysts (SACs) embedded on armchair and zigzag graphene nanoribbons (AGNR and ZGNR). By varying the anchoring nitrogen atoms’ orientation and considering pristine and doped cases, 432 active sites were used to test the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) activity. It was observed that S and SO2 dopant helps in reducing the overpotential on Co-SAC (h = 0.28 V). Along with the d-band center, a total of 105 possible descriptors were individually tested and failed to correlate with OER activity. Further, PCA was employed to narrow down unique descriptors and machine learning algorithms (MLR, RR, SVR, RFR, BRR, LASSO, KNR and XGR) were trained on the two obtained descriptors. Among the models, SVR and RFR model showed highest performance with R2 = 0.89 and 0.88 on test data. This work shows the necessity of a multi-descriptor approach to explain OER catalytic activity on SAC and the approach would help in identifying similar descriptors for other catalytic reactions as well.

    Social Implications:

    Computational studies have proven to be a vital tool to predict new materials and also assess the behaviour towards various catalytic reactions. They also identify the innate properties of the material which drives the catalytic activity. It helps in designing the material with required property to improve the catalytic activity. Descriptors are such computationally obtained properties/parameters of a material that has a meaningful relation with any catalytic property of a chemical reaction. d-band center, given by Hammer and Norskov in 1995, explained the binding strength of oxygen atom on pure transition metals. The d-band center shows Sabatier type relation with chemical activity and has been widely used to explain the catalytic activity of several reactions since its formulation. The adsorbate state after interaction with delocalized s-states of the metal atom is almost constant while that resulting from d-states interaction, is split into bonding and antibonding states. Hence the s-states were not considered. It is well known that, when the dimensions of a system are lowered the states become narrow and localized. In such systems, the d-band center does not explain the catalytic activity well and it is an open research problem.

    Future Projects:

    Density functional theory with machine learning approach could further be used and improved on similar SACs from which a predictive model equation could be constructed. Also, the proposed models are open to exploration on other catalytic reactions as well.

    The authors thank SRM University-AP and National Super Computing mission for providing the computational facility.

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  • Enhancing Visual Saliency in Group Photographs: A Novel Approach for Improved Security and Healthcare Applications September 5, 2024

    Patent Published - Dr Ravikant

    Dr Ravi Kant Kumar, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and his research scholar, Ms Gayatri Dhara, have come up with a patent titled “A System and Method for Enhancement Of Visual Saliency Of Intended Face In Group Photography.” The patent, with Application Number 202441040020, employs pathbreaking technology to enhance security and healthcare applications, with real-time face recognition and remote diagnostics.


    Visual saliency is a way of figuring out which parts of a scene draw our attention the most. When looking at a crowd or a group of faces, our eyes naturally focus more on certain faces than others. This happens because some faces have dominant features that stand out more. For faces that don’t naturally catch our attention, there is a need to make them more noticeable. This new method and system are designed to do just that. The system calculates scores based on various factors like skin tone, colour, contrast, position, and other visual details. These scores help identify which face needs enhancement, making it more prominent in a group of faces. The primary advantage of this invention is its potential to improve user experience in various applications, such as photo editing, social media, security systems, and more. By giving users, the control to select and enhance a specific face, it allows for a more personalised and targeted approach to face recognition and enhancement. This could be particularly beneficial in scenarios where the user wants to highlight a specific individual in a group photo or in a crowd. Overall, this invention represents a significant advancement in the field of face recognition and image enhancement, offering a novel and user-centric approach to visual saliency. It opens up new possibilities for user interaction and control in image editing and face recognition technology.

    Practical and Social Implications

    The practical implementation of this research lies in its ability to identify and enhance faces within a group or crowd that do not naturally draw attention. This innovative method and system address this issue by calculating saliency scores based on factors such as skin tone, colour, contrast, position, and other visual details. These scores are then used to identify faces that need enhancement to become more prominent in a group. The system’s ability to enhance specific faces has significant practical applications in several fields.

    Photo Editing: Users can easily enhance specific individuals in group photos, ensuring that everyone stands out as desired. This is particularly useful for personal photos, event photography, and professional photo editing.

    Social media: Enhanced face recognition and saliency can improve user experience by allowing users to highlight specific people in their posts, making photos more engaging and personalised.

    Security Systems: In surveillance and security applications, the ability to enhance less prominent faces can improve the accuracy of face recognition systems, aiding in the identification of individuals in crowded or low-visibility conditions.


    SRM University-AP,
    Dr Ravi Kant Kumar,
    Mrs Gayathri Dhara.

    Future Research Plans:

    Future plans for this visual saliency-based face enhancement system include refining algorithms for greater accuracy and efficiency, and integrating with popular photo editing software and social media platforms for seamless user experience. The technology will be expanded into security and healthcare applications, enhancing real-time face recognition and remote diagnostics. Emphasis will be placed on reducing biases, ensuring privacy protection, and enabling user customisation. Collaborations with academic institutions will drive further research, while commercialisation efforts will focus on launching products globally.

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  • Dr Negi’s Research Exploration of the Sugeno Exponential Function and Its Multidisciplinary Applications September 5, 2024

    Dr Negi's Research Publication

    Dr Shekhar Singh Negi from the Department of Mathematics has published a research paper titled “A note on Sugeno exponential function with respect to distortion.” Dr Negi’s research investigates the Sugeno exponential function. This research develops new mathematical tools and rules to work with a different way of measuring things, which can be useful in various fields like economics, biology, or any area where traditional measurements don’t quite fit the problem at hand.


    This study explores the Sugeno exponential function, which is the solution to a first order differential equation with respect to nonadditive measures, specifically distorted Lebesgue measures. We define k-distorted semigroup property of the Sugeno exponential function, introduce a new addition operation on a set of distortion functions, and discuss some related results. Furthermore, m-Bernoulli inequality, a more general inequality than the well-known Bernoulli inequality on the real line, is established for the Sugeno exponential function. Additionally, the above concept is extended to a system of differential equations with respect to the distorted Lebesgue measure which gives rise to the study of a matrix m-exponential function.

    Finally, we present an appropriate m-distorted logarithm function and describe its behaviour when applied to various functions, such as the sum, product, quotient, etc., while maintaining basic algebraic structures. The results are illustrated throughout the paper with a variety of examples.


    Prof. Vicenc Torra, Professor at the Department of Computing Science at Umea University. His area of research include artificial intelligence, data privacy, approximate reasoning, and decision making.

    Future Research Plans:

    To explore the aforementioned derivative and investigate results with applications in real life.

    The link to the article

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  • Research Paper on ESG Scores and Their Effect on Polluting Companies After COVID-19 September 5, 2024

    Dr Lakshamana Rao research

    The Department of Commerce, under the Paari School of Business, is proud to present the research publication of Dr Lakshamana Rao Ayyangari, Guest Faculty Dr Sankar Rao, and Research Scholar Mr Akhil Pasupuleti. Their research paper, titled “Assessing the impact of ESG scores on market performance in polluting companies: a post-COVID-19 analysis,” is featured in the Q2 journal “Discover Sustainability.” Here is an interesting abstract of their research.


    The study aims to unravel the impact of Environmental Social Governance (ESG) scores on the firm’s market performance of polluting companies. Moreover, the study also finds out the moderating effect of green initiatives. The study’s population consisted of 67 companies that were chosen from the list of polluting companies given by the Central Pollution Control Board of India for the post-COVID-19 timeframe of 2020–2023. The results indicate that the performance of ESG will improve the financial performance of the company.

    Practical Implementation:

    The analysis showed that companies with higher ESG scores generally perform better in the market. This means that firms that are more responsible in terms of environmental, social, and governance practices tend to do well financially. However, the study found that green initiatives did not have a significant impact on this relationship.

    These findings are important for company managers and stakeholders. Understanding the connection between ESG practices and market performance can help managers create strategies to improve their ESG scores, ultimately boosting their financial performance.

    Future Research Plans:

    i) Focus on the R&D investment and sustainability.

    ii) Studying the relationship between green finance and sustainability

    iii) Exploring the relationship of CSR in sustainability

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