Edala Naveen climbing the success ladder

Edala Naveen International PlacementThe moment he got the placement offer was surreal for Edala Naveen from the Department of Computer Science Engineering. Naveen was incredibly pleased with the opportunity. He has been placed at Crossover with an exciting offer of 44.91 LPA. He will be working at the company as an innovator to handle multiple technology stacks and develop projects and research work for use across the group of companies. He believes that his role in the company itself beckons interesting challenges and that he is in a well-poised position to make maximum use of it.

The training he received from the university has largely been from the ISCP and ISES subjects. These subjects are beneficial in preparing for GRE and IELTS and thus helped him clear the assessments for the placement. He secured high scores for CSAT and GRE and aced IELTS with a score of 8.5 in 9. He could also crack the coding tests with the knowledge he earned from the ISCP classes at the university.

Naveen was in awe of the Next Tech Lab of the university, which was a robust support system for him throughout the process. “Not only did the student-run nature of the lab help me have a safe environment to fail faster, but it also helped me to maintain the sense of autonomy that ultimately provided me with the confidence to attempt and clear the role’s requirements,” he said.

He was impressed with the personnel and staff who had helped him by availing resources and knowledge when he reached out to them. The constant assistance from the Directorate of Corporate Relations and Career Services was a valuable addition to his preparation for the technical interviews. He conveyed his gratitude to his former professors; Dr Prateek from Screenwriting, Dr Anupama Ghattu from Teaching and Learning, and Dr Priyanka from Computer Organisation and Architecture. Their patience and welcoming learning environment allowed him to express and learn from his mistakes.

Naveen considers this placement an excellent stepping stone to launching a career. He aspires to continue his higher education alongside this job. In the near future, he wishes to gather the experience and technical skills necessary to give back to the community through education.

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