
August 25, 2017, New Delhi

Two students from SRM University, Andhra Pradesh namely Rishabh Minocha and Shubham Rao attended an annual hackathon HACKIIITD, organized by IIIT-Delhi on the 25th of August. They emerged as the winners (1st Position) of the hackathon out of the 800 teams who had applied.

The teams were provided a set of themes out of which they could choose any to work on. Team Bash, which included Rishabh Minocha and Shubham Rao chose to work on “Reliability of Media”. Using the concept of Blockchain, a decentralized peer to peer anonymous network, the team worked on the theme by creating an application where users could vote on a particular article. Based on the consensus amongst the users, a piece of news would then be classified as reliable or not. If the news reaches the consensus, the users who up-voted the particular news would get a small amount of cryptocurrency (Ex. Bitcoin) for their research on that news.

The point of using the concept of Blockchain was so that if a particular news reaches the consensus, it could not be modified in any matter and hence the public would get the original piece of news.

July 15, 2017, Andhra Pradesh

In pursuit of developing the culture of excellence, SRM University, Andhra Pradesh has forged collaborations with the world’s best universities, MIT and UC Berkeley College of Engineering, U.S., launching new program with design, innovation, and entrepreneurship focus for the first time in India.

SRM is working with MIT, U.S. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) for the design and development of their curriculum through the use of MITx courses. These courses will incorporate the concepts of hybrid learning by utilizing both traditional and technologically enabled teaching methods.

“SRM is embracing a contemporary method of learning for the digital world, not before seen in India. We are working with international universities to develop a progressive curriculum. We will emphasize application oriented learning via projects and lab courses rather than monologues that are the typical feature of our classrooms”, says Dr. P Sathyanarayanan, President of SRM University, Andhra Pradesh. The faculty recruitment has followed a similar strategy with over 90% of the faculty having international academic exposure and all faculty members having PhDs from foreign universities, IITs or IISc. Around 30 faculty members have been appointed across different disciplines and over 20% of the faculty recruited are foreign nationals.

SRM has also partnered with UC Berkley College of Engineering, California, U.S., to enable bi-directional information exchange in the areas of engineering education. SRM will also be a global partner of the Jacob’s Institute for Design engineering and the Sutardja Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET). This partnership would establish centers of design, innovation and entrepreneurship at SRM, which would embrace the study and practice of “technology-centric” innovation bringing together technical depth, design methodology, and a focus on societal impact. SRM students and faculty will be provided the opportunity to travel to UC Berkeley to imbibe these ideas. Every year, 20 undergraduate students will be given the opportunity to go to UC Berkeley for a semester to study engineering at Berkeley with a defined set of concurrent enrollment and bootcamp courses.

“We aim to bring a confluence of international ideas, technological innovation, and social impact, creating an ecosystem of meaningful creation originating at Amaravati and impacting the entire state, nation, and the world.”, says Dr. Sandip Tiwari, Cornell University, U.S., and newly appointed Vice Chancellor of SRM University, Andhra Pradesh.

The university will also establish centres of Excellence in Renewable energy, Satellite technology, Internet of Things (IoTs), Blue Economy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning, Rolls Royce – SRM Corporate laboratory, Jal – Janak Rail energy, and CRISPR for pushing the frontiers of modern technology. “Semester abroad programs and company internships across the world would also be present to create innovators and global leaders.” says Dr. Narayan Rao, Pro – Vice Chancellor of SRM AP.

Dr. Nicholas Dirks, Emeritus Chancellor of University of California, Berkeley has been appointed as the Honorary Pro Chancellor of SRM University, Andhra Pradesh.

He was earlier named the 10th chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley in 2012, and served in that role between June 1, 2013 and July 1, 2017. An internationally renowned historian and anthropologist, he is a leader in higher education and well-known for his commitment to, and advocacy for accessible, high-quality undergraduate education, to the globalization of the university, and to innovation and collaboration across the disciplines and between universities and outside partners.

September 11-13 2017

Venue: Class Room No: 4, Academic Block, SRM AP, Amaravati
By: Dr. Peter Looker, Head – Teaching, Learning and Pedagogy Division, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

A workshop was conducted for faculty of SRM Andhra Pradesh, by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore in order to help them develop practical skills and to increase student learning, teaching skills, assessment, course and curriculum design as well as communication. The lectures were delivered by Dr. Peter Looker from 11-13th September 2017 at SRM-Andhra Pradesh. The current pedagogical thinking based on student learning in higher education was presented to the faculty in six three hour modules. The participating faculty were trained in collaborative learning, technology-enabled learning and the flipped classroom.

Also discussed were wide variety of teaching approaches based on reflective and analytical methods. Various contemporary theories of learning and teaching strategies appropriate to a blended and student-centred orientation were debated and discussed. The faculty were encouraged to design courses with explicit outcomes aligned to assess learning activities. Effective student communication skills (both face to face and online) were studied. Further, assessment strategies based on student learning were presented to the faculty and outlined in detail. Last but not least, the prevailing strategies to increase student’s progress and performance were examined.