SRM University-AP celebrated the birthday of Founder Chancellor Dr T R Paarivendhar as Founder’s Day on August 24, 2022. The university observed Prerana Vanam and planted trees in the nearby village, Neerukonda, as a part of the celebrations. Prof V S Rao, Vice-Chancellor; and Dr R Premkumar, Registrar; addressed the gathering.
In his address, Vice-Chancellor Prof V S Rao commended the services rendered by Dr T R Paarivendhar for the progress of the education sector. He advised the students to move forward by taking inspiration from the Chancellor. Speaking on the occasion, Deans and Directors paid tributes to the leadership of Hon’ble Chancellor. They further explicated the benefits of growing trees and how that sustainably contributes to the oxygen level in the atmosphere.
Prerana Vanam is an initiative by SRM University-AP to fundamentally raise awareness among people about the importance of ecosystem preservation. The formal event held at the university campus was attended by students, staff, and faculty members of the university. The celebration continued with the students visiting and distributing fruits at an Old Age Home and Orphanage in Mangalagiri. Prof V S Rao lauded the gesture of the students that extends services to society.