Dr Nilakantha Meher’s Research Uses Light to Improve Object Detection Precision

Dr Nilkantha Meher, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at SRM University-AP, has significantly contributed to science with his research paper on using thermal light to detect objects with unmatched precision. This phenomenal work that featured in the journal Physical Review A will positively contribute to the fields of sensing, gravitational wave detection, and phase microscopy.


Estimation of the phase delay between interferometer arms is the core of transmission phase microscopy. Such phase estimation may exhibit an error below the standard quantum (shot-noise) limit, if the input is an entangled two-mode state, e.g., a N00N state. We show, by contrast, that such supersensitive phase estimation (SSPE) is achievable by incoherent, e.g., thermal, light that is injected into a Mach-Zehnder interferometer via a Kerr-nonlinear two-mode coupler. The phase error is shown to be reduced below, being the mean photon number, by thermal input in such interferometric setups, even for small nonlinear phase-shifts per photon pair or for significant photon loss. Remarkably, the phase accuracy achievable in such setups by thermal input surpasses that of coherent light with the same. Available mode couplers with giant Kerr nonlinearity that stems either from dipole-dipole interactions of Rydberg polaritons in cold atomic gas or from cavity-enhanced dispersive atom-field interactions may exploit such effects to substantially advance the interferometric phase microscopy using incoherent, faint light sources.

Practical Implementation:

The proposed nonlinear interferometer in this research can serve as a robust quantum sensor, making it suitable for a range of applications, including object sensing, gravitational wave detection, and phase microscopy.

Your Collaborations:

Prof. Gershon Kurizki (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Prof. Tomas Opatrny (Palacky University, Czech Republic)
Dr. Eilon Poem (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
Prof. Ofer Firstenberg (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

Future Research Plans:

He is currently investigating the sensing of quantum entanglement and generating highly nonclassical states using various nonlinear interferometers. This research has significant implications for distributed quantum communication and quantum information processing.

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