Coding Club


The main goal is to establish a platform that motivates students to participate in technical activities characterized by creativity, originality, and innovative ideas. These activities hold the potential to encourage innovation, result in patents, and even lead to the creation of startup ventures. Students can take on the responsibility of forming an executive committee to oversee club activities, document these endeavors, and maintain records of resources and member details.

We facilitate interactions between students and experts from other institutions, contributing to the enhancement of cognitive abilities. Furthermore, the program encourages students to engage in national and international hackathons, coding events, and appathons, thereby enhancing their technical skills and problem-solving capabilities. It motivates them to tackle challenges on platforms like HackerRank, HackerEarth, and CodeChef, thereby increasing their readiness for employment opportunities in their desired or ideal companies. This comprehensive approach enhances students' technical expertise and prepares them for success in the professional world.

Outcomes of the Club

Becoming a part of the Coding Club provides avenues for improving coding proficiency and engaging in hackathons and coding events. Members can employ fundamental design principles for efficient website communication, cultivate organizational and managerial skills, and contribute to a supportive environment by aiding peers with diverse learning styles. The club promotes mutual respect for varied working approaches.


Byas Yadav


Naman Pant

Faculty Advisor

Dr M Mahesh Kumar