Power and Control Club

Member Hierarchy

  • Convenor
  • Co-convenor
  • Executive Members
  • Associate Members


The Power and Control Club aims to serve as a platform for students who share a fascination for the intricacies of power generation, distribution, and control systems. Our primary objectives include Organizing workshops, seminars, and hands-on sessions to enhance members' understanding of power systems, control theory, renewable energy, automation, and emerging technologies in the field. Facilitating collaboration among students from diverse backgrounds, including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, and related disciplines. Offering opportunities for members to interact with industry professionals, academic experts, and researchers, thereby providing valuable networking opportunities and insight into potential career paths. Initiating community outreach programs to promote awareness about sustainable energy solutions, power efficiency, and control techniques, fostering a sense of social responsibility among our members.

Outcomes of the Club

By establishing the Power and Control Club, we aim to enrich the educational experience of students at SRM University AP by providing a dynamic platform for them to explore, learn, and contribute to the advancement of power and control technologies. We believe that this club aligns perfectly with the University's commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and community engagement.