All Management Events

  • Dr Karthik Rajendran’s research highlights different mechanisms of using algae for wastewater treatment September 25, 2020

    Dr Karthik Rajendran, Department of Environmental Science, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, has published a paper on “Mechanism and challenges behind algae as a wastewater treatment choice for bioenergy production and beyond” in the Fuel journal, which is published by Elsevier. His research work encompasses wastewater treatment using algae for bioenergy production. In his words, “Conventional wastewater treatment systems use activated sludge processes. This process not only uses energy, but also results in emissions. Wastewater contains valuable nutrients and energy recovery options, which are the least explored. Algae helps in reducing emissions by sequestering carbon which leads to negative emissions. The research highlights different mechanisms of using algae for wastewater treatment.”

    India as a country is under water-stress and the need for recycling and reusing water is on the rise. The wastewater contains essential nutrients for agriculture and plant growth which are limited resources available to us. Such limitations have inspired efforts to provide solutions to work on algae as a wastewater treatment method. Processes for the same are studied in this paper to comprehend its efficiency and for developing a sustainable choice for the industry. This work will enable the scientists and industrialists to appreciate the usage of algae as an option for wastewater treatment.

    Dr Karthik further provides insights on his current research proceedings by saying, “We are currently working on recovering nutrients including phosphorus and nitrogen from wastewater. We are currently performing the theoretical evaluation of the amount of nutrients that can be recovered from different nutrient recovery technologies including microalgae. Such systems not only reduce emissions, but also reduce the amount of virgin materials used.”

    Link to the research paper: Please Click Here

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  • Dr Karthik Rajendran proposes industrial solutions by exploring mechanisms to produce alternative fuel September 25, 2020

    An intriguing paper on “Recent developments and strategies in genome engineering and integrated fermentation approaches for biobutanol production from microalgae” has been published in Fuel by Dr Karthik Rajendran, Department of Environmental Science, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh. Fossil fuels such as petrol, coal, and natural gas deplete natural resources and increase emissions leading to global warming and climate change. As the transportation sector is heavily dependent on liquid fuels and only a few alternatives are available including ethanol, there is an urgent need for higher energy-dense liquid fuel, which is researched across the world, and butanol is considered as an alternative.

    There is a constant conflict between food and fuel where the debate lies on whether to swap agricultural lands to produce fuel. An alternative to tackle this problem is identified to be microalgae which is the third-generation feedstock. This feedstock does not conflict with the production of food, as agricultural land is not necessary for its creation. In his work, Dr. Karthik explored different mechanisms for producing butanol from microalgae.

    Dr Karthik has been curious on developing industrially feasible solutions for bioenergy, waste management, and sustainability as these industrial solutions are least researched and transferred. This has motivated him to work on economically viable solutions for industries. Dr Karthik explains, “In this work, the mechanisms and fermentation strategies of butanol production from microalgae is explored. Advancing with the research, our team will work on identification of the bottlenecks pertaining to such pathways along with assessing the profitability of producing butanol from microalgae.”

    Link to the research paper: Please Click Here

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  • Ms Karuna Gopal to inspire freshmen in an engaging session September 24, 2020

    Our Orientation Programme-2020 has been graced by the presence of eminent personalities of the different sector who have shared their views and experience with the student to inspire and motivate them. We now have another renowned personality among us who will be honouring us with her presence in tomorrow’s session. Ms Karuna Gopal is an internationally acclaimed smart city builder, Leader, Keynote Speaker and Visionary. She is the Founder President of Foundation for Futuristic Cities, a think tank that has greatly influenced Urban Transformation in India for one & a half decades. Her work is at the intersection of technology and innovation for future cities. Governments of various countries have invited her for opinions on Smart Governance. She has been instrumental in various government projects in India and abroad.

    Ms Gopal contributed to the design of the ‘100 Smart Cities Mission’ of India. Her innovation SCULPT YOUR CITY- 2009 (Crowd-Sourced Protocol for Co-Creation) has shaped the Mission guidelines and has been declared a National Best Practice.
    In the past, she served as an Urban Expert for The WORLD BANK, DFID (Department for International Development, UK), USAID (United States Agency for International Development) & ADB (Asian Development Bank).

    She has received numerous awards and recognitions for her innovation and out-of-the-box ideas. She has served as a mentor, international jury, council member for many national and international organisations. She has launched the India Infrastructure Dialogue Series, Smart Procurement Framework (MoHUA) and many other technology start-ups mentoring the Youth. Her Innovation (IWIN) International Women Innovators Network has been launched by the Vice President of India in 2020 March. Her current initiative SURGE (Smart Urbanization Reinventing Growth with Equity) is about transformative policies for ushering a NEW INDIA.Join the entertaining and engaging session tomorrow with the dynamic Ms Karuna Gopal at 10.45 am and learn more from herself.

    For details, Please Visit Here

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  • Orientation Programme-2020 brings a motivating session with Mr V V Lakshminarayana September 24, 2020

    SRM University-AP has made arrangements to introduce our new students with renowned people from every sphere of life as a part of their Orientation Programme to help them understand and experience the diversity of life and occupations. It is now time to meet another great personality, Mr Vasagiri Venkata Lakshminarayana, Former Additional Director General of Police in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Mr Lakshminarayana, the son of the soil, dedicated his life to the service of the nation. He is well-known for leading some high profile investigations with repute and valour. The Retired-IPS officer had previously held the posts of Joint Commissioner of Police of Thane, Maharashtra and Inspector general of police Rank under Y-category security for dealing with high-profile corruption cases. He has also worked under Anti-Terrorism Squad and CBI. Mr V.V. Lakshmi Narayana has been conferred with the Presidents Police Medal for Distinguished Services on 26 January 2017.

    He is known for his impactful speeches and interactions with youth that impels them towards maturity and development. He was an active member of Lead India Foundation which was started with the blessings of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. Mr V.V. Lakshmi Narayana is also an avid blood donor. Moreover, as a part of his social duties towards the nation, he has adopted several villages that voluntarily prohibit alcohol – Chinnamandadi of Mahabubnagar District, Sahalalaputtuga of Srikakulam District and Seetharamapuram of Vizianagaram District are among them. He extensively travels in the villages of Andhra Pradesh to understand prominent issues especially those of farmers, youth and women. I request to all of you to please welcome Mr Lakshminarayana to share his thoughts with us.

    For details, Please Visit Here

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  • 68th outreach programme of IIRS-ISRO: “Geographical Information System” September 24, 2020

    Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) -Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is organizing the 68th outreach programme “Geographical Information System”. Students of SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, due to the university’s collaboration with IIRS-ISRO, have the prospect of attending this programme from September 28 to October 15, 2020.

    A Geographic Information System (GIS) captures and stores data pertaining to earth’s surface such as population, landscape, vegetation, sites of factories, farms, schools, storm, drains, roads, and electric power lines.

    With GIS technology, locations of different elements can be compared to comprehend linkages among them, and to identify risks. Considered as the future of geospatial studies, this outreach programme on GIS will enable students to accomplish great milestones in their future endeavours.

    Programme Schedule: Please Click Here

    Registration Link: Please Click Here

    For further details, Visit Here

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  • Techfest IIT, Bombay in association with SRM AP presents workshop on Mental Health September 23, 2020

    Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay organizes an annual science and technology festival or Techfest. This year on September 26, IIT Bombay will conduct Online Workshops on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in association with SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh. The initiative is primarily designed for young students to combat mental health issues, especially the ones concerning the pandemic situation.

    Professional counselor will exclusively cater to participants through individual workshops and enlighten them to recognize mental health issues. The participants will also learn about the key aspects of living a stress-free and fulfilling life, particularly during these uncertain times.

    In addition to this, signed certificates on behalf of Techfest, IIT Bombay, will be provided to every participant who attends the entire workshop, as a token of solidarity with the initiative.

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  • Students certified on successfully completing outreach programmes organized by IIRS-ISRO September 23, 2020

    SRM University AP-Andhra Pradesh has collaborated with the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) -Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)’s outreach programme. As part of the association, the students of SRM AP have the excellent opportunity to register for annual courses as well as live and interactive programmes being organized by IIRS-ISRO.

    Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM AP, have participated and successfully completed the programmes offered IIRS-ISRO. Lehitha Paturi, Bharadwaj Kadiyala, and Sai Yasaswini Metla have been awarded the certificate from the IIRS-ISRO on completing the online course on “Satellite Photogrammetry and its Application”. Also, Annapragada Sai Mounika has been certified for taking up the course on “Application of Geoinformatics in Ecological Studies”. Further, Tamatam Sravani Ratna has been accredited for undertaking both the aforementioned programmes organized by IIRS-ISRO.

    SRM AP encourages the students to proactively avail the interactive distance learning courses and webinars that will enable them to achieve their career goals in aerospace and geospatial technologies and make a mark globally.

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  • Dr Nimai Mishra’s research on popular fluorescent nanoparticles get published in reputed journal September 23, 2020

    Amine-free air- stable perovskite nanocrystals for future optoelectronic devices

    Dr. Nimai Mishra, Department of Chemistry, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, along with his research group comprising of his Ph.D. students – Mr. Syed Akhil and Ms. V.G.Vasavi Dutt, have published “Completely Amine-free Open Atmospheric Synthesis of High Quality Cesium Lead Bromide (CsPbBr3) Perovskite Nanocrystals” in the journal “Chemistry-A European Journal” (Wiley-VCH, Impact factor 4.86).

    Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals (NCs) CsPbX3 (X=Cl, Br, and I) have gained popularity in the last few years due to their high Photoluminescence Quantum Yield (PLQY) owning for Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), and other significant applications in Photovoltaic and Optoelectronics. Dr Mishra says, “In this research work, we demonstrated a facile and efficient amine- free synthesis of Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals using Hydrobromic acid as halide source and n-trioctylphosphine (TOP) as ligand in open atmospheric conditions.” He further explains, “The hydrobromic acid (HBr) served as labile source of bromide ion, thus, this three-precursor (separate precursors for Cs-Pb-Br) approach gives more control over conventional single-source precursor for Pb and Br (PbBr2). The use of HBr paved the way to eliminate oleylamine, as a result, we can completely exclude the formation of labile oleylammonium ion halide.”

    Dr Mishra and his research group extensively studied the various Cs-Pb-Br molar ratio and found an optimum condition that was able to stabilize with high PLQY CsPbBr3 NCs. These completely amine-free CsPbBr3 perovskite NCs synthesized using bromine-rich condition, exhibit good stability and durability for more than three months in the form of colloidal solutions and films respectively. Furthermore, they demonstrated stable tunable emission across a wide spectral range, via anion exchange process. More significantly, their work presents an open atmospheric stable CsPbBr3 NCs films demonstrating high photoluminescence (PL), which can be further used for optoelectronic device applications.

    These high-quality nanocrystals have the potential to be used as active material in LED devices. Advancing his research, Dr Mishra and his team are planning to make a prototype LED device using their nanocrystals.

    Link to the research paper: Please Click Here

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  • Mr Bhide to motivate students in Orientation Programme 2020 September 22, 2020

    To move forward with the Orientation Programme for the Freshmen-2020, Mr Vivek Bhide will be with us with an encouraging session for the students tomorrow, September 23, 2020, at 10.45 am.

    Mr Vivek Bhide is an Entrepreneur, Business Coach & Heartfulness meditation practitioner with 28 years of industry experience. He is the Co-Founder and CEO of TSL Consulting Pvt. Ltd, a technology marketing company and The Mail Punch, a Marketing Automation platform. He is the Promoter & Principal Advisor, of Impetus Sales Consulting, focusing on business strategy consulting for SMEs. Moreover, Mr Bhide enjoys to motivate and train people on Work-life balance, Wellness & Stress Management, Negotiation skills, Team management, Digital Marketing, Strategic Sales & Account Management, and more. Come, join us in this engaging conversation with Mr Bhide sharply at 10.45 am tomorrow.

    For details, Please Visit Here

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  • Inspiring talk by Dr Warlu in Orientation Programme 2020 September 20, 2020

    Progressing with the Orientation Programme 2020, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh requests Dr Nv Warlu to inspire the Freshmen on September 21, 2020 at 10.45 a.m. Dr Warlu is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming trainer, personality development coach, writer, motivator, and educator. His expertise in mind matters, communication, leadership, psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, and success education will make an indelible impact on the participants.

    Dr Warlu has conducted several transformative in-house and open public training programmes for Judges, Educationists, Civil Servants, MLAs, MPs, Print and Electronic Media Personnel, Doctors, Pilots, Priests, Business Tycoons, and Corporate Executives. The students are implored to benefit immensely by attending his session and reorienting themselves towards actualizing their potential.

    For details, Please Visit Here

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