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Your Gateway to a World of Exciting Career Opportunities

In this rapidly evolving world, one constant that has always stood at the forefront of human progress is Mathematics. Usually addressed as the universe language, its value has expanded beyond solving equations or deciphering intricate theorems. Believe it or not, the backbone of advancement is Mathematics, making way for cutting–edge innovations in technology, science, and, of course, our day-to-day lives. As we rush towards the future, the imperativeness of Mathematics becomes even more pronounced. In the world of artificial intelligence, algorithms fuelled by mathematics principles allow machines to learn, adapt, and jump to autonomous decisions.

Whether related to self-driven cars or customised medical treatments, Mathematics is the “X” factor behind these recasting developments.

Believe it or not, the global economy thrives on data, and mathematics motivates us to extract information from data for meaningful insights. Financial institutions utilise mathematical models for introspecting market trends and handling risks. Besides technological and economic implications, mathematics promotes and fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It motivates you to unleash your creativity to reveal the mystery of the universe. Be it from deciphering the cosmos via astrophysics to ravelling secrets of our DNA via genetics, Mathematics gives us the tools to dig deeper and precisely understand the world around us.

Moreover, it is a universal language promoting collaborations and cooperation amongst scientists, engineers, and researchers worldwide, accelerating the pace of discovery and innovation.

Thus, if you love playing with digits, make maths your superpower by enrolling in a BSc Mathematics programme from the best University that fulfils your desire to emerge as the hero of innovation and problem-solving.

BSc Mathematics is amongst the most sought-after courses for candidates after 12th. It has massive scopes and career options, such as mathematics equations, which are used in every step of life.

Scope of BSc Mathematics

A BSc in Mathematics offers a broader range of opportunities and a promising scope for graduates in many fields. Below are a couple of the key aspects of the scope of BSc Mathematics:

  • Engineering
  • Academic Pursuits
  • Teaching and Education
  • Actuarial Science
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Financial Services
  • Computing and Technology
  • Operations Research

These are some of the many scopes of BSc Mathematics. However, this is not it; there is much to explore in the course.

Career Options After BSc Mathematics

A BSc in Mathematics opens up a plethora of exciting and diverse career options for graduates. Below are some popular career paths that can be pursued:

  • Actuarial Analyst
  • Teaching and Academia
  • Data Analyst/Scientist
  • Financial Analyst
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Operations Research Analyst
  • Statistical Analyst
  • Software Developer

The amalgamation of analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and mathematical expertise opens doors to multitudes of industries and fields where their contributions are highly valued.

Moreover, several high-salaried career paths are available to students after completing BSc Mathematics. Listed below are high-salary courses after BSc Mathematics:

  • Master’s in Actuarial Science
  • Master’s in Financial Engineering
  • Master’s in Quantitative Finance
  • Master’s in Applied Mathematics
  • Master’s in Pure Mathematics
  • Master’s in Computer Science
  • Master’s in Data Science or Data Analytics

Subjects in BSc Mathematics

Some of the subjects covered under a BSc Mathematics degree are –

  • Mathematics for the Physical World
  • Real Analysis
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Algebra
  • Linear Algebra
  • Complex Analysis
  • Number Theory
  • Programming Language Concepts
  • Measure Theory
  • Optimization Techinique

Open the Door to Endless Possibilities with the BSc Mathematics Programme at SRM University-AP

The BSc in Mathematics programme at SRM University-AP is precisely curated to instil an in-depth understanding of multitudes of mathematical disciplines, readying candidates for endless possibilities. The curriculum is thoughtfully structured, ensuring a magnificent blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications. From fundamental calculus and algebra to innovative topics, such as number theory and mathematical modelling, this course wraps up a wide spectrum of mathematical fields.

Amongst others, one of the highlights of the BSc Mathematics programme is the emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking. Mathematics is not just about memorising formulas but developing a keen analytical brain to solve real-world challenges. SRM University-AP fosters this skill by encouraging aspirants to engage in hands-on projects, group discussions, and research opportunities that allow them to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios.

A programme is only as good as its faculty, and SRM University-AP takes great pride in its exceptional team of professors and mentors. The faculty members at SRM University-AP are highly skilled with immense experience and expertise in numerous mathematical domains, and their passion for teaching ignites the same flame of curiosity in their students. They ensure to go the extra mile so that the students can grasp the nuances of mathematics, making the learning process informative and enjoyable. Below mentioned are some other things that make this University stand out. Have a look.

  • Research Opportunities
  • Interdisciplinary Connections
  • Career Prospects
  • State-of-the-art Facilities

Embark on a Journey of Numbers and Possibilities with a BSc in Mathematics

Pursuing a BSc in Mathematics is a rewarding and intellectually stimulating journey opening doors to a world of endless possibilities. Mathematics, often referred to as the “Queen of Sciences,” offers a profound understanding of the universe’s complexities and empowers students and other individuals with analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to travel through intricate challenges. If you love how numbers play, enrol for BSc in Mathematics at SRM University-AP.

These days, the popular saying that has started taking rounds in the SRM- Amaravati campus is- “once a SRM-ian, always a SRM-ian” and why wouldn’t one be! With some real fun things at your calling twenty-four-seven, the kind of bonds SRM-ians are forging among themselves are meant to last them their lifetime. Why and how? After 7 to 8 hours of rigorous day schedule, the “after class” life at SRM- Amaravati is becoming quite splendid- for a host of reasons and here are our five favorites, taking the cool quotient of School of Liberal Arts and Basic Sciences (SLABS) and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) of SRM, Amaravati to a new high.


A free-wheeling discussion with Prof. Nicholas Dirks, Honorary Pro Chancellor of SRM University, AP- Amaravati

“Liberal Arts education can easily claim to be the oldest education stream in history,” elborates Prof. Nicholas Dirk, American academic and the former Chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley who has been recently appointed as the Honorary Pro Chancellor of SRM University, AP – Amaravati.

While content may differ between countries and institutes, it is widely agreed that Liberal Arts education at the core refers to matters not relating to the professional, vocational, or technical curriculum. Clearly it offers opportunity for deep study and specialisation to anyone interested in these fields. In that case, one would be tempted to ask ‘What is the importance of Liberal Arts for a person interested in pursuing a conventional career track?’

The answer is ‘a lot’.


SRM University, AP – Amaravati was established in 2017 with the vision to emerge as a world class university. The School of Liberal Arts and Basic Sciences (SLABS) established in 2018 offers BA, BBA, B.Com and B.Sc programs across 12 disciplines. The focus of SLABS is to develop multi-dimensional thought process and problem-solving skills amongst students which helps them to tackle the complex issues and challenges faced in the world today. As the name suggests, the focus will be on a professional education with a Liberal Arts bent. The training helps students to develop a multi-dimensional, creative, and innovative methodology towards tackling real life problems.


The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at SRM-AP is envisaged as a one-of-a-kind in terms of providing learning experience to its students. The School endeavors to provide its students with unique integrated components such as research-intensive education and training, multidisciplinary projects, entrepreneurial activities, enrichment of design experiences, experiential learning through industry collaboration, professional skill development, and extensive study abroad opportunities. Even more uniquely, Engineering students will also have the option of pursuing minors in disciplines related to Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities.


“No subject can be mastered in isolation to other subjects,” explains Prof. Janaki Bakhle, the author of Two Men and Music: Nationalism and the Making of an Indian Classical Tradition. Often described as the writer of brave history, Prof. Bakhle’s work touches the cultural and intellectual roots of modern tensions between India’s religious and ethnic communities. She currently teaches in the University of California, Berkeley and is one of the team members designing the path-breaking, innovative curriculum of School of Liberal Arts and Basic Sciences (SLABS) of SRM University, AP- Amaravati.


To study Liberal Arts is like possessing a power- a power that has the ability to change the world, one action at a time. Therefore, SRM University- Andhra Pradesh, is leaving no stone unturned to create the School of Liberal Arts and Basic Sciences (SLABS) as a place for students to push themselves beyond the given- question the norms, go against the tide, improvise, ideate and innovate.
