UDL on Scientific Progress and Market Paradigms by Dr Girish Sahni

17th UDLSRM University-AP proudly hosted the seventeenth edition of the University Distinguished Lecture series on the topic “Scientific Progress to Grand Progression: Opportunities and Challenges in Science-to-Technology-to-Market Paradigms.” The event took place on January 25, 2024, and featured an enlightening address by Dr Girish Sahni, Former Director General of CSIR and Former Secretary of the Government of India.

The lecture centered around the dynamic relationship between scientific progress and its translation into marketable technologies. Dr Girish Sahni shed light on the immense opportunities and challenges that arise in the process of transforming scientific advancements into tangible solutions for society. He emphasised the crucial role of imagination and concentration in fostering innovation, which ultimately leads to groundbreaking inventions. Dr Sahni’s thought-provoking discourse resonated with the audience, inspiring them to embrace curiosity and innovation in their pursuit of scientific excellence.

Following the lecture, an engaging Q&A session allowed the attendees to further explore the nuances of the topic and seek clarification on various aspects of science-to-technology-to-market paradigms. The interactive session fostered an environment of intellectual exchange and provided valuable opportunities for the audience to engage.

Reflecting on the significance of the University Distinguished Lecture, Prof. Manoj K Arora, Vice Chancellor of SRM University-AP, remarked, “The lecture by Dr Girish Sahni illuminated the critical role of scientific progress in driving grand progression. It highlights the opportunities and challenges that lie before us in translating scientific advancements into meaningful technological solutions that can benefit society at large”.

The event was skillfully moderated by Dr Sutharsan Govindarajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences. Dr J P Rajapandiyan, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, expressed his appreciation for the enlightening lecture delivered by Dr Girish Sahni. He highlighted the significance of such platforms in fostering a culture of research and innovation within the university and beyond. Prof. Ranjit Thapa, Dean of Research, and Dr Vinayak Kalluri, Dean of Academic Affairs, presented a memento on behalf of the institution as a token of respect and appreciation for his esteemed presence at the seventeenth edition of the University Distinguished Lecture series.

This event stands as a testament to SRM University-AP‘s dedication to academic excellence and its ongoing efforts to provide students and faculty with enriching opportunities for intellectual growth and exploration.

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