Finding Answers To Challenging Questions impacting the World of Technology, Arts, Management, Law, Finance and Health of the Global Communities.
At SRM University, Andhra Pradesh, we provide resources and facilities for pioneering research under the aegis of global leaders and SME’s while adhering to compliances and international regulations. Our mission is research excellence in the fields of science, engineering, liberal arts, management, law and medicine.
A Look into Sequential Art: Exploring Sean Michael Wilson’s Graphic Creations
Graphic novels, a subgenre of comics, have witnessed stellar growth in popularity, encouraging readers to decipher meaning from the text and the images. The combination of visual and textual storytelling
- Published in Departmental News, English Current Happenings, English news, News, Research News
Dr Sunil Publishes Paper on Ethereum Blockchain Framework in IEEE Access
We are thrilled to announce that Dr Sunil Chinnadurai, Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has published a significant research paper titled “Ethereum Blockchain Framework Enabling Banks
- Published in Departmental News, ECE NEWS, News, Research News