In a thought-provoking paper titled “Justice A Distant Dream for Acid Attack Survivors,” published in 360 Info, Dr Sebanti Chatterjee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Liberal Arts, delves deep into the persistent challenges faced by acid attack survivors.
Despite the existence of legal provisions aimed at addressing gender-based violence, the harrowing reality is that acid attacks continue to be a stark and under-addressed form of violence. Dr Chatterjee’s paper sheds light on this critical issue, highlighting the urgent need for greater awareness, support, and legal reform to provide justice and support for survivors.
Through her research, she underscores the importance of recognising and prioritising the plight of acid attack survivors, urging for collective action to create meaningful change. As advocates for social justice, it is imperative that we amplify their voices and work towards a future where justice is not a distant dream but a tangible reality for all survivors.
Acid attacks can occur in private or public. These attacks are often rooted in ‘jilted lover’ syndrome or as a manifestation of continued domestic violence. Few cases offer a different narrative: one woman was attacked to teach her father a lesson about property disputes. Ultimately, the acid attack is yet another demonstration of patriarchy’s brutishness.
My (unpublished) research in 2021 with acid attack survivors (including Rima), lawyers, police and other stakeholders in West Bengal — as part of a collaboration between National Human Rights Commission and National Law School of India University, Bangalore — found that despite these various legal advances, acid attack as a form of violence is not prioritised as an issue needing immediate attention, unlike rape and child trafficking.
DOI: 10.54377/e719-077c
Future Research Plan
To explore how a state cultural heritage status makes us explore the social life of an instrument- it’s secular and sacred manifestations, questions of labour, gender and the sustainability model pertinent to its musical and material interpretations.
Topic of research
Soulful beats: Ecology, Labour and Aesthetics of Ghumott