KGV Saritha joined the International Women’s Day Celebrations 2022

Every International Women’s Day is a new opportunity to render new definitions to womanhood. It calls the attention of the world to take a moment and marvel at the unimaginable, women across the globe have made possible. It is indeed incredible what the womenfolk has been contributing to the world amidst a thousand adverse circumstances. SRM University-AP proudly celebrated this women’s day by marking respect to women across different walks of life for the enormous grit and endurance they have put on. Smt KGV Saritha, Superintendent of Police, Women Protection Cell, CID-AP was the distinguished guest of the day. Her valuable presence and enriching experience added much essence to the day and made the celebrations more meaningful.

Ms Revathi Balakrishnan, Assistant Director, Student Affairs, welcomed the gathering. She introduced the history of the observance of women’s day which goes back to the early 1900s when women in the industrialised world raised their voices and rebelled against the harsh working conditions. She also enunciated the importance of celebrating the success story of every woman on a global scale.

Prof. V.S Rao, Vice-Chancellor delivered the presidential address. He started off by offering warm women’s day greetings to all the faculty, staff, and students. He also emphasized the importance of achieving the goals of the university by giving impetus to women’s empowerment. Citing various examples of renowned women leaders from different spheres, he reminded the unbeatable power of womanhood. He also recalled how the state government has formulated reservation policies that helped women of Andhra Pradesh to excel in the field of education. “The university also strives to open new vistas of learning for the girl students through different clubs such as the e-cell that promotes women entrepreneurship.” he asserted. While gender disparity continues to perpetuate even in the industrial capitals of the world, he reminded, how important it is for India to look up to countries like Bangladesh that have been taking extraordinary strides in empowering women over the last two decades.

Smt KGV Saritha, the chief guest of the day, addressed the gathering. She paid respect and obeisance to all the teachers of SRM University-AP and expressed her happiness to be a part of the university in the women’s day celebrations. Talking about ‘Gender Equality’ which is one of the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030, she articulated the relevance of this year’s IWD theme #BreakingTheBias. While taking references from myths and history to exemplify the fortitude of women, she did not overlook the record of men in India who have played a crucial role in placing women on high pedestals. She also took pride in the cultural and political legacy of the country that always honoured womanhood. “While ladies of many countries in the world are taking out to streets to choose their leaders, We Indians are proud to have a constitution which ensures the right of Indian women to choose their leaders through universal adult franchise,” she remarked.

Despite the prevalence of social evils like Child marriage and Sati, women in India like Savitribai Phule have stewarded various socio-religious movements to transform the patriarchal face of the Indian milieu. She went on to cite examples of Sindhuthai Sapkal, the great Indian social worker and Manasi Joshi, the Indian para-badminton player who have displayed the mettle of Indian womanhood by transforming their weaknesses into the greatest of their strengths. She called out to all the women to awaken their innate strength and break the biases they carry within. Revealing the mantra “Love Yourself, Respect Yourself, and Look at yourself with your own eyes”, she alerted all the women to pay attention to their physical fitness, mental agility, and emotional balance.

Further, Ms Revathi Balakrishnan introduced the Uttam Pratibha Mahila Awards, a new initiative of Prof. VS Rao foundation to honour the women who have been contributing to the welfare of the university. Awards were distributed across various categories such as security, landscaping, mess and canteen etc. All the women faculty, heads of various departments and other staff were also felicitated. Cultural events including dance performances, music medley presentations were also organised as part of the celebrations. Dr Arundhati Ghanwar, Associate Director-ITKM proposed the vote of thanks. She expressed gratitude to Smt KGV Saritha on behalf of the university for her inspiring presence on the day. She also thanked the vice-chancellor, other dignitaries and the management who continue to make this university a wonderful working place for all the women.

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