

The Department of Chemistry is thrilled to announce the paper “Mechanochemically-induced glass formation from two-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites”, published by Dr Chinmoy Das, Assistant Professor in the reputed Q1 Journal Chemical Science with an 8.4 Impact Factor. This groundbreaking research introduces a novel method for transforming crystalline phases into glasses through mechanochemical processes. This environmentally friendly and efficient method opens new doors for manufacturing glasses, revolutionising traditional processes. This remarkable research celebrates this extraordinary blend of chemistry, physics, and innovation!


The first mechanochemically-induced hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) crystal-to-glass transformation was reported as a quick, environmentally friendly, and productive method of making glasses. Within ten minutes of mechanical ball milling, the crystalline phase transformed into the amorphous phase, demonstrating glass transition behaviour as shown by thermal analysis methods. The microstructural evolution of amorphization was studied using time-resolved in situ ball-milling with synchrotron powder diffraction. The results indicated that energy may accumulate as crystal defects because the crystallite size reaches a comminution limit before the amorphization process is finished. The limited short-range order of amorphous HOIPs was discovered through total scattering experiments, and photoluminescence (PL) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy were used to examine their optical characteristics.

Explanation of the research in layperson’s terms

Crystalline inorganic perovskites (general chemical formula is ABX3, where A and B are cations, and X is anion) are generally known for their unique optoelectronic applications, such as solar cells, photodetectors, and LEDs (light emitting diodes). In this research, Dr Das revealed hybrid materials comprised of organic linkers and inorganic nodes, which constitute hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs). The research demonstrated a rapid and environment-friendly (mechanochemically ball milling assisted) synthetic approach to transform the crystalline phase to its non-crystalline/amorphous phase. Interestingly, the amorphous phase of HOIPs showed temperature-dependent glass transition temperature (Tg) at very low temperatures, ~50 C. The structure of the HOIP glasses has been characterised through total-X-ray diffraction studies and pair-distribution functions. The crystalline and glassy HOIPs showed optical properties, which were studied by photoluminescence (PL) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy.


Figure 1. Single crystal structures of (A) (S-NEA)2PbBr4 and (B) (rac-NEA)2PbBr4. Pb, Br, C, N and H atoms are represented by purple, brown, pink, blue, and grey colours, respectively. (C) Schematic illustration of the microstructural evolution on 2D HOIPs upon ball-milling. (D) UV-Vis and (E) photoluminescent properties of crystalline (S-NEA)2PbBr4 (purple) and glassy (S-NEA)2PbBr4 (blue) HOIPs.

Practical implementation/ social implications of your research

Through the mechanochemical approach, we prepared novel hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite (HOIP) glasses within ten minutes, showing the greater feasibility of processing the glass material for industrial implication. On the other hand, we also demonstrated that the HOIP glasses showed photoluminescence properties, which would enable us to fabricate the device for solar cells, photodetectors, LEDs and many more.


  • Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

The Department of Chemistry has established a research group at SRM University-AP, and the group has started to explore an emergent research area of crystal-glass composite materials towards the applications of atmospheric water harvesting, solid-state electrolytes, photovoltaics, and conversion of gaseous Carbon-dioxide molecules to industrially relevant liquids, such as methanol or ethanol.

Any interested candidate can reach out to Dr Chinmoy for exciting projects.

48Lakh ProjectGreen Pearl Education and Management Corporation (GPEMC) has recently sanctioned a significant consultancy project to SRM University-AP, titled “Multilingual Minutes of the Meeting Generation.” This project aims to develop innovative solutions for generating multilingual minutes of meetings, ensuring effective communication, and understanding across language barriers.

The Consultancy Project has been assigned to Dr. Ashu Abdul and Dr. Dinesh Reddy Vemula, Assistant Professors for a period of 7 months from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Their expertise in language processing and computational linguistics will play a crucial role in the successful execution of this project.

Joining them in this endeavour is Mr Phanindra Kumar, a dedicated PhD scholar, and a team of talented B.Tech. students, including Mr Shivansh Goel, Mr Md Ahmad Raza Khan, Ms Subrabala Dash, Mr Nithish Sri Ram, Mr Hadi Mahmood, and Mr Phanidra Kumar. Their combined skills and enthusiasm will contribute to the development of innovative solutions for multilingual meeting documentation.

The Consultancy Project has been sanctioned with an outlay of Rs 48,91,786/- as consultancy charges for a period of 7 months. This funding will support the research and development efforts required to deliver efficient and accurate multilingual minutes of meetings.

The objective of this project is to create an automated system that can generate minutes of meetings in multiple languages, ensuring accurate and comprehensive documentation. By overcoming language barriers, this project aims to facilitate effective communication and collaboration in diverse organizational settings.

The collaboration between SRM University-AP and GPEMC highlights the commitment of both institutions to research and innovation. This consultancy project presents an exciting opportunity for the faculty members and students to contribute to real-world problem-solving and make a substantial impact in the field of language processing.


The project ‘Multilingual Minutes of the Meeting Generation’ aims to develop an innovative application that automates the creation of meeting minutes, action plans, and summaries in multiple languages. Leveraging advanced research in natural language processing and speech recognition technologies, our application seeks to streamline the tedious and time-consuming task of minute-taking. It will do so by accurately identifying, associating, and documenting statements with their respective speakers during meetings using speech diarization techniques.

The primary objective is to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of meeting minutes while supporting diverse linguistic needs and eliminating human error, thereby catering to global business environments. The system will improve the meeting outcomes for all participants by identifying the action items from the meeting. This project intends to deliver an effective solution for enterprises by combining the latest technological advances with a user-centric design.

Explanation of the Research in Layperson’s Terms

The project called “Multilingual Minutes of the Meeting Generation” is about creating a new tool that automatically writes down what happens in meetings—like the minutes, action items, and summaries—and can do this in several languages. This tool uses the latest technology in understanding and processing human speech, which helps make the task of recording meeting details much faster and easier.

The special feature of this tool is its ability to figure out who is speaking and accurately attach their words to them in the meeting notes. This makes sure the meeting records are both correct and detailed. The main goal here is to make creating and keeping track of meeting records more efficient and accurate, help people who speak different languages, and reduce mistakes that can happen when humans take down notes.

This system is especially useful in today’s global business setting, where people from different parts of the world need to work together smoothly. It aims to lessen the work involved in manually writing meeting notes and make the results easier for everyone to use and understand. Overall, the project promises to blend cutting-edge technology with designs that focus on the needs of the users to provide a practical tool for businesses.

Practical Implementation or the Social Implications Associated with the Research

The practical implementation of this project is particularly beneficial for enterprises, institutions, and professional settings where meetings are frequent. By automating minute-taking, it allows participants to focus more on discussion and decision-making, rather than note-taking. This leads to more productive meetings and ensures that important details are not lost or misinterpreted. Ultimately, this technology enhances communication and documentation accuracy across diverse linguistic and cultural landscapes in business and professional environments.


This project is being developed in collaboration with the members of the Next Tech Lab AP at SRM University-AP

Future Research Plans

The future plans for this project involve integrating the application with widely used platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, and others that support video/audio conferencing. This integration aims to seamlessly incorporate the automated minute-taking functionality into these platforms, enhancing accessibility and usability for users across various companies and institutions. By expanding compatibility with popular conferencing tools, the project seeks to further streamline meeting documentation processes and cater to a broader user base in diverse professional settings.


In a significant stride towards enriching their academic experience, students from the Department of Biological Sciences embarked on a captivating field trip to AIIMS Mangalagiri. This excursion served as an integral component of their Active Learning Process, fostering a deeper understanding of real-world applications in the realm of biology. The cohort comprised students from diverse academic backgrounds, including those pursuing 1st year B.Sc in Integrative Biology and M.Sc in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology. Their visit to AIIMS Mangalagiri provided them with a unique opportunity to gain firsthand insights into cutting-edge practices in the field of biomedicine.

During their visit, the students were granted exclusive access to the Integrated Stewardship and OPD Labs, where they were immersed in a world of advanced diagnostics and research methodologies. Expert lectures and demonstrations on state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques such as MALDI-TOF, CBNAAT, CLIA, Vitek, and BactAlert offered invaluable insights into the intricacies of disease detection and monitoring.

This excursion underscored the department’s commitment to fostering a culture of active learning and practical exposure among its students. By exposing them to prominent institutions and industries, such as AIIMS Mangalagiri, students were provided with hands-on training and the opportunity to engage with leading experts in the field.

Accompanying the students were esteemed faculty members of the department, including Dr Sutharsan Govindarajan, Dr Sudeshna Saha, and Dr Prateek Gupta, whose guidance and mentorship further enriched the learning experience.


Furthermore, the collaborative efforts between the faculty of SRM University-AP and researchers at AIIMS Mangalagiri were highlighted during the visit. These collaborations span various domains, from developing biomedical devices for disease diagnosis to research endeavours in antimicrobial resistance (AMR), early cancer detection, and drug targeting. Such synergies between academia and research institutions present students with unparalleled opportunities to engage in impactful research initiatives and contribute meaningfully to the advancement of scientific knowledge

Overall, the field visit to AIIMS Mangalagiri served as a catalyst for academic excellence and professional growth, empowering students with the skills, knowledge, and networks necessary to thrive in the dynamic field of biological sciences.

Harish BhardwajOn March 20, 2024, MBA students at Paari School of Business had the privilege of attending an enlightening discourse on communication strategies for branding, delivered by the distinguished speaker, Mr Harish Bhardwaj. Throughout the session, Mr Harish emphasised the pivotal role of problem identification in effecting meaningful change.

Mr Harish urged the students to adopt fresh perspectives and delve deep into issues, highlighting the importance of uncovering root causes. He asserted that solutions to complex problems often stem from simplicity. By encouraging students to think critically and analyse situations from different angles, he empowered them to approach branding challenges with innovative and effective strategies.

Furthermore, Mr Harish underscored the necessity of comprehending audience needs, stating, “It is not about what you have, but what they want.” He emphasised the power of active listening and genuine connections. By understanding the desires and preferences of the target audience, businesses can tailor their communication strategies to effectively engage and resonate with their customers.

Engaging the students in stimulating discussions, Mr Harish explored various topics related to branding. He delved into personal branding, emphasizing the importance of cultivating a strong and authentic personal brand that aligns with one’s values and goals. He also discussed the concepts of the ‘moment of truth’ and the ‘zero moment of truth,’ highlighting the significance of making positive impressions during customer interactions and the influence of online research on consumer decision-making.

He challenged the attendees to dissociate physical attributes from personality traits, emphasizing that serving others transcends mere personality. By focusing on providing value and meeting customer needs, businesses can build long-lasting relationships and establish a strong brand presence.

The session culminated in the exploration of the transformative potential of storytelling. He exemplified how stories can catalyse change, foster connections, and leave indelible impressions on audiences. Through captivating narratives, he illustrated the power of storytelling in creating emotional connections and engaging customers on a deeper level.

The discourse left the students at Paari School of Business enlightened and inspired, equipped with valuable insights into effective communication strategies for driving branding change. Mr Harish’s expertise and engaging delivery style ensured an enriching experience that will undoubtedly resonate with attendees for years to come.

Paari School of Business is committed to providing its students with opportunities to learn from industry experts and gain practical knowledge. Such insightful sessions contribute to the holistic development of students and prepare them to excel in their future careers.