Vishal and Akanksha, students of SRM University- AP, won the National level VOIS for Tech Innovation Marathon 2022, which began on October 14 in Pune. They received a cash prize of Rs.2 lakhs, along with certificates and mementoes. Vodafone India, Voice, and Connecting Dreams Foundation jointly organised the Technology Marathon-2022 competition to bring out the latent technological creativity among engineering students.
Five hundred sixty teams from all over the country participated in the competition. Third-year Computer Science Engineering students Vishal Kumar Singh and Akanksha Patil participated in the competition on behalf of SRM University- AP. Both showed excellent talent and bagged the first position in the three-stage project presentation, Q&A, and review competitions. The organisers rewarded them with Rs.2 lakh and other souvenirs.
The winners, Vishal and Akanksha, were felicitated by President Dr P Satyanarayanan, Vice Chancellor Prof Manoj K Arora, and Registrar Dr Prem Kumar of SRM University- AP on Tuesday.