From Concept to Reality: The Promising Future of AlN-GDC-HEMT in Electronics

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University-AP, is pleased to announce that Assistant Professor Dr Durga Prakash has published a noteworthy research paper titled “A Novel LG=40 nm AlN-GDC-HEMT on SiC Wafer with fT/IDS,peak of 400 GHz/3.18 mA/mm for Future RF Power Amplifiers.” This accomplishment reflects Dr Durga Prakash’s expertise and dedication to advancing research in the field and further enriching the academic contributions of the varsity.


This study presents the initial RF/DC performance of innovative AlN/GaN/Graded-AlGaN/GaN double-channel HEMT (AlN-GDC-HEMT) on SiC wafer. Traditional AlGaN/GaN/Graded-AlGaN/GaN double-channel HEMTs (AlGaN-GDC-HEMT) and the AlN-GDC-HEMT are compared. Both devices form two quantum wells, resulting in prominent double peaks in transconductance and cut-off frequency graphs, demonstrating efficient inter-channel communication. AlN-GDC-HEMT and AlGaN-GDC-HEMT are compared based on gate recess length (LR) and top barrier thickness. Gate lengths (LG) are also used to study HEMT scaling. Additionally, gate engineering and lateral scaling affect both devices’ DC/RF behaviour. Based on rigorous comparison investigation, the AlN-GDC-HEMT outperforms the AlGaN-GDC-HEMT due to its higher polarization (spontaneous) density and larger bandgap. The optimized AlN-GDC-HEMT with LG = 40 nm, LGS = 250 nm, and LGD = 400 nm has high performance, with transconductance (GM) values of 203.1 and 787.5 mS/mm at two peaks, IDS_peak of 1.97 A/mm, IDS_sat of 3.18 A/mm, and the highest fT of 285.1 and 416.8 GHz from the left and right peaks First-stage results suggest AlN-GDC-HEMTs could be used in future RF power amplifiers.

Practical & Social Implications of the Research:

It can be concluded that the AlN-GDC-HEMT that has been proposed is extremely promising, as it possesses remarkable performance and is appealing for power microwave GaN-based HEMT production. This highlights the fact that it is suitable for a broad variety of high-performance applications.


Department of ECE, Faculty of Science and Technology (IcfaiTech), ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education Hyderabad, Hyderabad-501203, India.

Future Research Plans:

Novel semiconductor device development


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