Dr. Atik’s Initiative on Better Understanding of Graphs using Matrices

SERB Project in Mathematics

Dr. Fouzul Atik, Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics in SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh has received a prestigious Start-up Research Grant (SRG) from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India.

Objective of the Grant:

This is a Start-up Research Grant (SRG) has a particular objective to assist researchers to start off their research career in a new institution. This two-year grant ushers in researchers in the domain of research from where they can escalate to the mainstream core research grants.

Selection and Nature of Support:

The selection for this grant is highly competitive and is based on the profile of the applicant and his proposed research plan. Nationwide only 500 grants are awarded per year across all subject areas.
The one-time research grant will cover equipment, manpower, consumables, travel and contingency apart from overheads. Applicant has the flexibility to propose budget under various heads as per requirement.

About Dr. Fouzul Atik’s Project:

In his project titled as “Characterization of graphs by spectra of its distance and resistance matrix and some problems related to matrix theory and graph theory”, Dr. Atik is initiating the investigation of different properties of graphs with the help of several matrices associated with it. “In this project we will focus on the distance matrix and resistance matrix of graphs. Many challenging problems are there which are equally important in the fields of graph theory and matrix theory. We will try to solve few of them in this project.” Dr. Atik said.


SERB, India – http://www.serb.gov.in/home.php

SRG – http://www.serb.gov.in/srgg.php

Dr. Fouzul Atik- https://srmap.edu.in/faculty/dr-fouzul-atik/

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