73rd Republic Day Celebrations

On January 26, 2022 at 9.00 am IST, SRM University-AP celebrated 73rd Republic Day Celebrations with a display of strong unwavering patriotism with all protocols in place. All the staff members and students came together virtually to honour our constitution, our culture, and the celebration of our unity in diversity.

The event was an auspiciously planned by the Department of Student Affairs. The flag was unfurled and it was followed by the National Anthem.

  • The priority was given towards good health and good physical practices on this Republic Day and a note on the importance and providence of Yoga was provided by Dr Venkat Nori who then guided everyone through the various steps of Surya Namaskar. Dr Nori’s elaborate and passionate detailing of integrating Yoga into our 21st Century Lifestyle with a refreshing take on its growing necessity was a crucial message to not only the students of SRMAP but to the country as a whole.
  • The song by Sowmyadeep in his ethreal voice and with the heart pulling lyrics of “Desh Mere” brought a flair of lightness to the occasion.
  • In an incredible show of solidarity and togetherness with the whole country and with the SRMAP digital version of the Republic Day parade the students worked hard and prepared informative State Tableaus to represent and celebrate our diversity.
  • The dances by Navya and Prasanna transported us out to a world of music and beauty with a show of the creative range that our students have that extends beyond their academics.
  • The song by Sruthi was another delicately woven melody that pulled on our heart stings. It was nostalgic and reminded us about what we as a country are striving towards.
  • The short movie on Freedom by Movie club was remarkable in executing such brilliance despite the social distancing restrictions in place and is a show of our collective creative strength in face of challenges.

The event came to a close with a mixture of touching and motivating moments. It brought our love for our country and our responsibilities towards it to the forefront of our mind. But most importantly, it gave us the optimism to make our country a better place as we tackle the adversities of today and stay connected.

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