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Know if you are an Otaku or a Weeb!

Are you a follower of Anime Society? Did you watch or had a look at the latest Manga and Anime releases? Tell us which was the series that pulled you

Catch the beat and dance it out

Coming together to dance your heart out will always be a good idea. Forgetting your deadlines and occasionally catching the rhythm of your life is an acceptable crime. Being spontaneously

Stay Curious! Join the Research Clan

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows - Sydney J Harris Every day is a chance to learn and unlearn things. The higher the curiosity to

Demystifying the essence of yoga

"Yoga is the practice of tolerating the consequences of being yourself"  - Bhagavad Gita Have you ever tried to demystify the meaning of yoga? Yoga, sometimes undefinable, is a multifaceted

Action plan for a career beyond the boundaries

Preferring to pursue a career abroad is a huge decision. Choosing the appropriate country and institution to study makes your decision worthwhile. Clearing an English Language Proficiency Test is the

Paridhaan: A celebration of colourful diversities

Do you wish to take a breather and forget all your worries? How about spending some time singing and dancing with your friends? Spending some time beyond classes, exams, and

Let your resume speak for yourself

A resume comes across the recruiter or employer way before you. It single-handedly opens the door to a world of opportunities. Making yourself visible in the crowd of applicants is

Know your style of writing

The art of writing can be branched out into different types depending upon the purpose of each piece of writing. You might have come across varied styles of writing such

Igniting the innovative spirit

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible"- Arthur C Clarke The indomitable spirit to give birth to the impossible