
  • Photonic crystals-based DWDM devices for optical networking applications September 21, 2021

    The research scholars from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering with great support and supervision from the faculty have planned to conduct their second Research Scholar’s Talk Series MSV-II on 25 September 2021 at 02:30 pm. Mr D Lenin Babu will engage the participants from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm with his enlightened talk on Photonic crystals-based DWDM devices for optical networking applications.

    About the Speaker:
    Mr D Lenin Babu is pursuing his PhD under the guidance of Dr Sreenivasulu (Department of ECE, SRM University-AP). He received his B Tech degree in ECE from JNTU Kakinada and received his MTech with specialization in Embedded systems from Vignan University in 2015. His research interests include integrated optical devices for optical communication systems. He is working towards his thesis titled “Photonic crystals based DWDM devices for optical networking applications”.

    Join this engaging webinar on 25 September 2021, at 02.30 pm to learn more about photonic crystals-based DWDM devices for optical networking applications!

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  • “Chemists have to play a major role to achieve sustainable development”- opined Prof Lakshmi Kantam in the University Distinguished Lecture Series April 19, 2021

    Observing the ninth edition of University Distinguished Lecture Series, SRM University, Andhra Pradesh, invited Prof Lakshmi Kantam Mannepalli, the Dr B P Godrej Distinguished Professor of Green Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, to address a captivating speech on “Design and Development of Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Catalysts for Sustainable Chemical Industry”. Prof D Narayana Rao, Pro Vice-chancellor, inaugurated the talk with a welcome speech. The ceremony was attended by Prof VS Rao, Vice-Chancellor SRMAP and Dr S Mannathan, Department of Chemistry. Prof D Narayana Rao expressed that “Industrial collaboration is very much necessary in the context of self-reliant India (Atma Nirbhar Bharat)”.

    Advancing with Prof Lakshmi Kanam’s presentation, she added, “Global and Indian chemical industry estimate 5.1 trillion and 108.4 billion USD in 2021. Catalysis is a highly demanded technology for a sustainable society and drives innovation in many other fields. Achieving the high catalytic selectivity is the aim of catalysis science in 21 st century”.

    She also stated in her presentation, “The catalysis of organic reactions by homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts remains a diversified field of scientific inquiry. It attracts a large group of scientists with specialities spanning synthetic organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, surface science, material science, reaction engineering and computational modelling”.

    As a part of Prof Lakshmi Kantam’ s research study, she briefly explained, “Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a hydrated calcium phosphate material, which is an important biomaterial because of its similarity to the mineral component of mammalian bone. We have utilised these materials, and their metal exchanged materials as catalysts for C-C and C-N coupling reactions. Similarly, hydrotalcite, anionic clays have been exchanged with different metal ions and successfully applied in a number of organic transformations”. An overview of the work on the design and development of catalysts for sustainable, economical process and technologies for the chemical industry was introduced.

    Noted personality in the field of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Prof Lakshmi Kantam holds esteemed titles of FNA, FTWAS, FNASc, FRSC. Her fields of expertise are Catalysis, Materials and Process Chemistry. Prof Lakshmi Kantam served as the Director of CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. Prof. Lakshmi Kantam is Non-Executive Independent Director of Godavari Bio Refineries Ltd, Indo Amines Ltd, Vinati Organics Ltd and several others.

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  • Prof Lakshmi Kantam to present a captivating speech on Catalysts for Sustainable Chemical Industry April 7, 2021

    SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, invites Prof M Lakshmi Kantam in the ninth edition of the University Distinguished Lecture Series to deliver the keynote address on “Design and Development of Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Catalysts for Sustainable Chemical Industry” on Saturday, April 17, 2021, at 03.30 PM. Our guest of the evening, Prof M Lakshmi Kantam, FNA, FTWAS, FNASc, FRSC, is a renowned name in the field of Chemical Sciences and Engineering. She is presently the Dr B P Godrej Distinguished Professor of Green Chemistry and Sustainability Engineering at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai.
    Her areas of expertise are Catalysis, Materials & Process Chemistry.

    Prof Lakshmi Kantam did her Bachelor in Science from Andhra Pradesh. The Alumna of Kurukshetra University pursued her masters and doctoral studies there. She has further received Honorary Doctorate in Science by Sri Padamavati Mahila Viswavidayalam, Tirupathi, in 2014.

    She was the former Director of CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. She is also an Honorary Professor at The University of New Castle, Australia and an Adjunct Professor at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Apart from managing various academic and leadership positions for various organisations, Prof Kantam is also the Non-Executive Independent Director at Godavari Biorefineries Ltd, Indo-Amines Ltd., and Vinati Organics Ltd.

    Prof Lakshmi Kantam is one of India’s leading researchers in the domain of Chemical Engineering and is bestowed with numerous awards and recognition for her commendable contributions to the scientific fraternity. The admirable scientist has published 347 research papers in reputed peer-reviewed journals with citations of 16018. she has further authored and edited five books. The brilliant scientific mind has been granted 52 patents for her innovations. Her present Industry Collaborations include companies such as GBL, VOL, Hikal Ltd, Indo Amines Ltd, Jubilant, Rallies, Kesar Petroproducts Ltd, GACL, Marvel Drugs, Prasol, Mangalam Organics etc.

    She is associated with various Government Organisations, including the Department of Atomic Energy, Department of Science and Technology, High Energy Materials Research Laboratory-Pune (DRDO), IIT-Hyderabad, GAIL, etc., to name a few.

    Prof Kantam’s contributions are recognised with numerous honours and awards. She has been awarded ICC -D.M.Trivedi Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019, Devang Mehta – National Education Award (Women in Education Award) in 2017, Asian Paints Padma Vibhushan Dr R A Mashelkar Medal and Chemcon Distinguished Speaker Award (For leadership in Science, Technology and Education)-CHEMCON in 2016, J.C.Bose Fellowship (SERB-DST) in 2015, Lifetime Achievement Award by Indian Chemical Society in 2011.

    She is further honoured as a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Indian National Science Academy, The Royal Society of Chemistry- UK, National Academy of Sciences, India.

    The spirited woman also performs her scholarly duties as the Editorial Board Member at Chemical Record (TCR), Wiley-VCH and Journal of Chemical Sciences, Springer Publishers and the Associate Editor, Catalysis in Green Chemistry and Engineering, Begell house.

    Join the webinar on April 17 at 3.30 PM to listen to the captivating speech of the leading scientist in Chemical Engineering and avail this opportunity to broaden your perspectives.

    Register:     (Registration Closed)

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  • Research Day Celebration 2021 January 31, 2021

    “Startups and Government bodies must be complementing one another to steer space industry towards excellence”- Sri S Somanath, Director, VSSC

    Research Day 2021 ceremony at SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh encompasses various endeavors aimed at appreciating and encouraging scholars to carry out extensive research works to enrich the society. Applauding the initiative, Dr P Sathyanarayanan, President, SRM AP stated “Research Day is when SRM University-AP commemorate the faculty and students for their outstanding research contributions. This university, though just a three-year-old one, has grown leaps and bounds in research and is now clearly the front runner among all the universities in the region.”

    Prof V S Rao, Vice-Chancellor, SRM AP welcomed the Chief Guest Sri S Somanath, Director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram, and other revered audience. Prof V S Rao highlighted, “Research day brings an excellent opportunity for the scientific community to showcase their accomplishments and impactful research works.”

    Advancing the celebration, Prof D Narayana Rao, Pro Vice-Chancellor, SRM AP took the virtual podium to comment “Science and Technology is the driving force for the economic development of India. We need to encourage young scholars by providing a vibrant and conducive research environment. Expanding the frontiers of knowledge by triggering interest among students must be the priority of the institutions. Also, focus should be on translational research with societal applications through collaborative research to make our nation a global leader.”

    During his motivating speech on “The Indian Space Enterprise Achievements & New Directions”, Dr S Somanath interpreted the complexities of Space Engineering by describing details pertaining to space infrastructure, and technology elements in rocket production involving the development of space vehicles capable of operating for years unattended in the space. He further informs, “The high cost and low volume production remains the challenge associated with Space Engineering.” He also stated that there are increasing demand and scope for satellite startups and the export potential is on the higher side for satellites in India.

    Dr S Somanath proceeded to illuminate the audience on the changing horizons of the space industry, contributed by the emerging technologies such as integrating satellites, drones, and terrestrial imagery. In addition, he addressed the disruptive technologies that led to reusable rockets, space technology-driven drones, etc., enhancing the market substantially for the satellite production and reducing the market for the launching vehicles.

    Consequently, Dr S Somanath accentuated that the government bodies such as ISRO, IN-SPAC, and NSIL should remodel its direction of operation. He suggests, “Government of India should be opening the space sector and assist the new participants by sharing technological expertise. Startups and government bodies must be complementing one another to steer this industry towards excellence.”

    Progressing with the celebration, eminent scientific works and contributions of various faculty, research scholars, and undergraduate students were rewarded. As part of the research day programme, the students and faculty were urged to submit abstracts of their research. Among 176 submissions from students and 40 from the faculty community of SRM AP, 20 were awarded with gold medals while 6 were presented with silver medals. Further, a special issue of abstracts was unveiled during the Research Day celebration that comprised of all the submitted abstracts for public consumption.



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