Global Immersion Programme at UTP Malaysia: Rendering Diverse Learning Experiences

global immersion programmeEngagement with different environments, cultures and economies helps students to create links and expand their reach across the map. The Directorate of International Relations & Higher Studies and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS collaborated to conduct the 10-day Global Immersion Programme from January 19 to January 28, 2023. An MoU inking ceremony between the two institutions was also held during the programme, featuring 17 students and two faculty members!

With other members, Dr Mohamed Ibrahim, Vice Chancellor, UTP Malaysia, and Dr Naga Swetha Pasupuleti, Associate Director, International Relations and Higher Studies, signed and exchanged the Memorandum of Understanding. “Participating in the Global Immersion programme will increase the Global Quotient in the students and helps them to become an empowered global citizen,” added the programme coordinator Mr Sandeep Samala while recalling the immersion programme.

Short courses on Latex, R Statistics, ESE, Energy Management & Data Reporting, Group presentations on the live projects, City tours of Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, Little India, and Batu Caves, Photo sessions, Kayaking and Fun at UTP Campus were the highlights of the immersion programme.

Students of SRM AP enjoyed the local food, cultural diversity, and networking with the local students at UTP Malaysia. The short courses and project presentations, which are part of the programme, helped them deepen their knowledge in their respective areas of expertise. The short courses and project presentations helped students deepen their understanding of their respective areas of expertise.

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