National Science Day: Enkindling scientific spirit in young minds

Every year National Science Day is celebrated across the nation to commemorate the discovery of the Raman Effect by Indian physicist Sir CV Raman, a milestone in the realm of science that won him the Nobel Prize. SRM University-AP, a pioneering multi-stream research institution has also celebrated the occasion of National Science Day on February 28, 2022, with immense pride, and paid homage to the pre-eminent scientist.

The event was celebrated in collaboration with South Asian Meteorological Association (SAMA) under the 2022 theme ‘Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future’ to exploit the burgeoning possibilities in the scientific domain for a healthy and prosperous future. Distinctive talks on the works of Nobel laureates of Physics, 2021 by notable scholars, Prof. T. Yasunari, Advisor, RIHN KCCAC, Japan and Prof. Krishna Achuta Rao, Head, CAS, IIT-Delhi were also arranged to shed light on the latest research practices and developments.

The inaugural address was delivered by Prof. V.S. Rao, Vice-Chancellor. He appreciated the students for their enormous participation in the activities organised as part of the celebration, and for rightly articulating the significance of the focal theme through their representations. “There cannot be a better example than the pandemic which demonstrated the integration of science and technology” he asserted. He also recollected the invaluable contributions of Indian scholars like Dr Jagadish Chandra Bose, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Homi J Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai who transformed the scientific outlook of the country.

Prof. BV Babu, Dean of School of Engineering and Sciences addressed the gathering and briefed about the relevance of taking science and technology together towards a sustainable future. He emphasized the relevance of non-conventional sources of energy in the times ahead and the social benefits associated with them. He further elaborated on the concept of digital lean solutions and their impact on our lives.

Prof. D Narayana Rao, Pro Vice-Chancellor presided over and expressed concern over the inescapable repercussions of climate change and ruthless exploitation of nature. He also recognised the pivotal role SRM University-AP continues to play in creating talents and masterminds through intensive research practices and exposure to global technological facilities.

Prof. Someshwar Das, Convenor SAMA introduced the organisation, South Asian Meteorological Association and briefed about the numerous remarkable activities it carried out since its inception. He also highlighted various plans the organization intends to execute in future.

Further, there were talks on the works of Nobel Laureates 2021. Prof. T. Yasunari explicated the major works of the Nobel Laureate Prof. Syukuro Manabe and reiterated Manabe’s philosophy of ‘Simplicity and Balance’ in Climate Modelling. Prof. Krishna Achuta Rao threw light into the Stochastic Climate model, the innovation of another Nobel winner, Klaus Hasselman. A question-answer session was also organised with both the speakers for the students to gain insight into global scientific developments.

An array of programmes including science exhibition, laboratory visit, and quiz competition was also organised as part of the science day celebrations. Nearly 400 students from around 20 schools in and around the city of Guntur and Vijayawada actively participated in the events and expressed their inquisitive spirit and passion for science.

Awards and certificates were distributed to the winners and all other participants by the dignitaries. Students who have come up with innovatory models such as bluetooth car, human rescue detection system and many more were specially acknowledged and given mementoes. Dr Premkumar, Registrar proposed the vote of thanks and expressed his gratitude to everyone, especially the students for their enthusiastic participation.

The programme was made a huge success with the active and timely coordination of the organising committee, effective participation of the students and cooperation of every supporting staff and student at the university. SRM University-AP surges ahead as a revolutionary institute in research and developments and intends to disseminate scientific temper among the students to make phenomenal contributions to the world of science.

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