School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Reimagining Engineering Education For the Future

The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at SRM-AP is envisaged as a one-of-a-kind in terms of providing learning experience to its students. The School endeavors to provide its students with unique integrated components such as research-intensive education and training, multidisciplinary projects, entrepreneurial activities, enrichment of design experiences, experiential learning through industry collaboration, professional skill development, and extensive study abroad opportunities. Even more uniquely, Engineering students will also have the option of pursuing minors in disciplines related to Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities.

One aspect that will receive its due focus is practical learning, in keeping with the way the world and educational regulatory attitude is moving. SEAS curriculum focuses on practical and experiential learning very aggressively. Prasant Mohapatra, Dean of Graduate Studies, and Vice-Provost of Graduate Education, Professor, Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of California says, “The School has adopted a multifaceted approach to promote the practical learning experience. Students are encouraged to pursue research with our highly talented faculty, go for semester-long or summer internship in industry, or pursue semester abroad design and entrepreneurial learning activities. The curriculum as well as the campus infrastructure provides ample opportunities for collaborative brainstorming outside the classroom without any boundaries of learning approaches. We recognize and facilitate customized learning experiences.”

Another traditional gap that SRM-AP aims to close is that of international exposure. This aspect is becoming increasingly important in an integrated world economy. SRM University-AP, Amaravati faculty is encouraged to travel and attend international conferences, establish research collaboration with faculty abroad, and adopt a continual learning culture that will help enhance the intellectual capital of SRM-AP. The students get opportunities to spend a semester at universities and research facilities outside India. For example, a small number of the first-year students are currently spending a semester at UC Berkeley learning about design and entrepreneurship. The curriculum at SRM-AP has been designed through deeper analysis of the curriculum of multiple leading universities of the world. This also includes adopting the rigour that is typical of some of the best American universities. In fact, many of SEAS’s beginning courses were formulated in collaboration with MIT.

Extending the point of holistic learning further, SEAS students will leverage multidisciplinary research experiences that would span Engineering, Sciences, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. They can get involved in large projects that can impact society through these experiences. In addition, the Engineering students will have the option to pursue minors in subjects of their interests in the areas of Liberal Arts and other sciences. Overall, SRM-AP will provide a very holistic learning experience for Engineering, Sciences, and Liberal Arts students.

The overarching goal of SRM-AP is to provide a transformational learning experience. Upon completion of their degree, our students will be equipped with deeper academic knowledge, broader awareness of societal issue, global exposure, professionalism that includes ethics and integrity and a passion for life-long learnings.

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