Changes and Challenges in the Finance Domain


The B-School of SRM University-AP frequently organises invited lectures and guest talks by renowned industry experts that enlighten the students of the Paari School of Business on the evolving domains of business, finance and management. A recent guest talk featuring Dr Manish Jha, MD of Briisk Limited, founder and MD of Finkai and Myra Academy, as the keynote speaker was conducted on the topic “Digital Transformation in Financial Services: Challenges and Opportunities” on May 27, 2023.

Dr Manish Jha explicated the various nuances of the industry and advised the students on the specific skillsets that have to be mastered to survive in the rat race. He stated that improvisation skill is more important to survive in this dynamic field. Dr Jha explained the importance of an MBA and the difference in expectation and reality while pursuing a Master’s in Business. A detailed overview of different specialisations along with their scopes and opportunities was also discussed. He had also real-life examples from his own journey that deeply impressed and motivated the students and faculty of the school. Dr Jha also addressed Ms Sudha, who was also a guest at the talk and remarked that she is an inspiration for all the girl students who are interested in building up themselves.

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