Assistant Professor

Dr Thirukovela Nikhilesh

Department of Literature and Languages


  • Theoretical Linguistics (Morpho-Syntax)
  • Language Contact and Variation
  • Natural Language Processing



University of Hyderabad
Integrated MA


Indian Institute of Technology – Delhi


  • June 2022 to August 2022 – Assistant Professor – GITAM-HYD
  • Research Interest

  • My research focuses on noun modification in general and particularly on adjectives in language that do not contain adjectives as lexical items. These languages, instead, build adjectives from other lexical items such as nouns and verbs using complex syntactic mechanisms such as relativization and case marking. I seek to understand how these structures are built in syntax and how the modification relation is established within semantics.
  • Awards & Fellowships

  • 2017 – Institute Fellowship – IIT Delhi
  • 2015 – NET (Linguistics) – UGC
  • Publications

  • Nikhilesh, T. 2022. Semantic mismatch and microvariation in Telugu Psych-PC predicates: Event structure of ’-ki’ and ’-gaa’. Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Proceedings of (F)ASAL-11, eds. Samir Alam, Yash Sinha and Sadhwi Srinivas, Jan 12, 2022. ISSN: 2510-2818.
  • Conference Presentations:

  • Nikhilesh, T, 2022. Syncretism and underspecification in Telugu agreement paradigm. In the South Asian Linguistics Association (SALA)-36 and the 43rd Lingustics Society of Nepal (LSN) conference, Madan Bhandari Memorial College, Baneshwor, Kathmandu. 26-29 November, 2022.
  • Nikhilesh, T. 2022. Relativization as modification Strategy in Property Concept (PC)- expressions: Evidence from Telangana Telugu. In Ling-Chai Sessions, Linguistics unit, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HuSS), IIT-Delhi. April, 2022
  • Nikhilesh, T. 2021. Semantic mismatch and microvariation in Telugu psych-PC predicates: Event structure of ‘-ki’ and ‘-gaa’. In (Formal) Approaches to Asian Languages, (F)ASAL-11. Institute of Linguistics, University of Minnesota. Minnesota- Minneapolis. USA. 26-28th March 2021.
  • Nikhilesh, T. 2019. Exponents of the adjectival (a)-categorizer in Telangana Telugu. In 41st International Conference of Linguistic Society of India (ICOLSI-41). Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU), Amarkantak, MP, India. 13-15th November 2019.
  • Contact Details
