Distinguished Visiting Professor

Prof K Narayana Chandran

Department of English


  1. Modern/ Postmodern Poetry and Theory
  2. English in India- History
  3. Pedagogy, and Politics of the discipline;Malayalam regional studies.



University of Kerala
English Language and Literature, English social History, Sociology


University of Kerala
English Language and Literature, Teaching of English, American Literature


I I T Bombay
PhD (English, American Poetry of the XX Century)


  • 1. The UGC Career Award for Middle Level Teachers (1992-1995)
  • 2. Consultant to the Directory of Scholars: Classical and Modern Literature—A Quarterly (CML Inc. Indiana 47808- 0629) 1994-1997
  • 3. Senior Fulbright Fellowship, Stanford University, 1999.
  • 4. Colin A. Sheppard Memorial Lecture, St, Berchmans' College, Changanasserry, Kerala, 2004.
  • 5. Visiting Fellow, UGC Centre for Advanced Studies in English, Jadavapur University, Kolkata. February-March, 2005.
  • 6. Visiting Fellow, UGC-DSA, Department of English, University of Delhi. February-March, 2006.
  • 7. Professor C. P. Sivadasan Commemoration Lecture, Kannur University, November 2012.
  • 8. Visiting Professor, UGC-DSA, University of Delhi, February-March 2013
  • 9. Visiting Professor, UGC-DSA, University of Calcutta, University of Tezpur, 2015.
  • 10. XI Anita Baruah Sarmah Memorial Lecture. Guwahati University, 2016.
  • 11. Subhi Teresa Sebastian Memorial Lecture, Sacred Heart College, Kochi.2018
  • 12. “And Gladly Teach? The Professional Fate of English in India.” Inaugural C. K. Seshadri Memorial Lecture, M. S. University, Baroda.2018.
  • 13. Invited Lecture to the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology- Bhubaneswar, 2018.
  • 14. Adjunct Professor (by invitation): Kannur University, Kerala, 2018.
  • 15. Keynote and other invited lectures at several academic venues across the country since 1986 (Especially Refresher Courses, Conferences, Panel-discussions, etc.)
  • 16. Confidential work relating to faculty Selections and Development (IITs and Universities) across the country for more than 30 years.

Research Interest

  • Translation
  • Intertextuality and intergenres
  • Short Narrative Forms including short fiction
  • Reading Theories
  • Literacy Studies
  • Indian aesthetic theories
  • Allusion and intertextuality

Awards & Fellowships

  • 1992 to 1995 Mid-career Award for Teachers- UGC
  • 1999 Senior Fulbright Fellow- US Educational Foundation, Stanford University


  • Membership in standing/ad hoc departmental/school committees on syllabus, discipline, admissions, Study India Programmes, etc. of the University of Hyderabad (1986 to 2016)
  • Coordinator, DRS/Special assistance Programme, Phase –I, Department of English, University of Hyderabad, (1996-98);
  • Coordinator, UGC Refresher Course for English teachers, University of Hyderabad, 1995;
  • Coordinator, Entrance Examinations of the University, Cochin centre, 1996, 1998, 2000;
  • Project Director, “The Roots of Kerala’s Literacy: Malayalam Documents in English Translation”, UGC Career Award, 1992-1995.
  • Member, Boards of studies― CALTS, Dept. of Political Science, University of Hyderabad; Nizam College, OU, EFL University, Tezpur University, IITs, among many others
  • Member, School Board; Academic Council, University of Hyderabad (since 1998—2016.)
  • Head/Chair, Board of Studies, English-- University of Hyderabad (July 2001—2004.)
  • Programme Coordinator, UGC/SAP/DRS (Phases I and III) (1995, 2005–2009)


Essays/Research Notes (Serial Publications):
  • 1. “Foreword.” Selections from Indian Writers on English. https://indianwritinginenglish.uohyd.ac.in/foreword-k-narayana-chandran/ Downloaded 16 August 2022.
  • 2. “What Can Poetry Do?” (On Ranjit Hoskote’s Hunchprose). The Book Review 45. 10 (2021): 4 pages. https://www.thebookreviewindia.org/what-good-can-poetry- do/?ihc_success_login=true
  • 3. “The Familiar Compound Ghost of ‘The Demon Lover:’ A Correspondent Reading of Elizabeth Bowen and T. S. Eliot.” The Elizabeth Bowen Review 4 (2021): 6-17.
  • 4. “Invisible Poetry: Secret-sharing Classrooms.” Comparative Media Arts Journal 8 (2020). https://www.sfu.ca/cmajournal/issues/issue-eight--invisibility--escaping-notice- .html
  • 5. “The Stroke of the Midnight Hour: Remembering Krishna Baldev Vaid.” Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature, 57- 58 (2020- 2021): 11- 28.
  • 6. “Robert Frost and T. S. Eliot: A New Source for ‘Directive’”. Notes & Queries 68. 3 (2021): 357- 358.
  • 7. “A Possible Allusion to Shakespeare’s Sonnet147 in East Coker IV. Notes & Queries 68. 3 (2021): 356- 357.
  • 8. “Ways of Seeing: English/ Comparative/ Other.” Manaswee Madhusudan (Festschrift for M. S. Pati) Ed. Natyabhusan J. Chhuria and Birendra Kumar Jhankar. Balangir: Smrutibindu Foundation, 2020. 294 -313.
  • 9. “Reading Differences: Difficult English Poetry and Indian Students.” The Use of English 73. 2 (2022): 11- 30.
  • 10. Super Schoolmaster: Ezra Pound as Teacher, Then and Now. Robert Scholes and David Ben-Merre. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2021. modernism/ modernity. (Review.)
  • 11. “The Hero on a Pedestal: Reading Wallace Stevens in an Indian Classroom.” The Wallace Stevens Journal 46. 1. Wallace Stevens in the World Spl. No. (2022): 43 -55.
  • 12. “Tharisubhumiyute Nooruvarshangal” (One Hundred Years of The Waste Land). Anyōnyam Triannual 2. 1 (April 2022): 103-112.
  • 13. “Dilip Kumar Barua, A Tribute.” Dibrugarh Journal of English Studies 30 (2022): 1- 6.
  • 14. “Marginalia: On Reading and Writing Acknowledgments.” Margins: A Journal of Literature & Culture 10 (2021): 7- 30.
  • 15. “Peripheral Pedagogics: Nadine Gordimer’s ‘Once Upon a Time.’” Anglo Saxonica, 18. 1 (2020): 1-11.
  • 16. “To the Indian Manner Born: How English Tells its Stories.” Hermēneus, 20 (2018): 87-104. [Revision and expansion of “When English Tells an Indian Story: A Commentary through Three Indian Narratives.” Gandhigram Literary Review, 2017.]
  • 17. “That Corner into which No One Looks: On Difficult Poetry and Poets.” Criticism & Research. (New Series. BHU English Department Annual) 8 (2017): 50- 65.
  • 18. “How Do We Fantasize Others? Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘A Very Old Man with enormous Wings.’”: The British Fantasy Society Journal, No. 19 (2018): 43-50.
  • 19. “Learning from Others: Reading Relations in Paule Marshall’s ‘From Poets in the Kitchen.” Pacific Coast Philology (2017): 112-126.
  • 20. “The Stranger and Stranger Fiction: The Burden of Reading Susan Sontag’s ‘Description (of a Description)’” Studies in American Culture, 40.1 (October 2017). 31-46.
  • 21. “When the Place Becomes a Person: Paule Marshall’s ‘From the Poets in the Kitchen.” Re-Markings: 30 th Anniversary Number. 15. 1 (March 2016): 22-31. “English in India― Servitude in Freedom or Freedom in Servitude?” Journal of Intercultural Inquiry, 2.1 (Autumn, 2016)
  • 22. “Being Elsewhere: ‘Hills Like White Elephants:” Translation and an Indian Classroom.” Pedagogy, 16.3 (2016): 381- 392.
  • 23. “García Márquez in Malayalam.” Malayalam Literary Survey (April-May 2015): 45-51.
  • 24. “The Quest.” Translated Excerpts from Nandipoorvam (B. Hrudaya Kumari’s Autobiography). Malayalam Literary Survey: Part I. Women’s Writing in Kerala number (February 2015): 21-27.
  • 25. “The Parodic Parable and its Pedagogics.” The Quint: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly from the North. 6. 4 (2014): 167- 201.
  • 26. “‘The Site of Memory’: Some Riverine Thoughts from India.” Radical Teacher, 99 (2014): 86-87.
  • 27. “Sankalapuram Nagarajan (1929– 2014): A Tribute.” Journal of Contemporary Thought, 38 (2013): 113-127.
  • 28. “Imaginary Gardens with Real Toads in Them: A Reality Check with ‘Poetry’ and ‘Piano Lessons.” The EFL Journal, 4.1 (January 2013): 1– 15.
  • 29. “A Parodic Parable and its Pedagogics.” Jodhpur Studies in English, 11 (2013): 1– 15.
  • 30. “Russell Edson’s ‘Piano Lessons’ in an Indian Classroom.” Notes on American Literature, 21 (2012): 34– 42.
  • 31. “The Meaning of Freedom: Āzādi, Alas!” ETC: A Review of General Semantics. 69. 3 (July 2012): 291– 307.
  • 32. “The Untranslatability of Dreams.” Asiatic, 5.1 (June 2011): 20–27.
  • 33. “Poets and the Heliotrope: Some Poems of ‘Sunlit Absence’.” Re-Markings, 10.2 (September 2011): 68–74.
  • 34. “The Incomparable Comparatist: Ayyappa Paniker’s English Across Cultures.” South Asian Review, Special Topic: Postcolonial Considerations. 31. 1(2010): 102– 117.
  • 35. “‘Nothing Gold Can Stay’: A Heliotropic Reading.” The Robert Frost Review, Annual 2010: 60–66.
  • 36. “‘First They Said’: Alice Walker’s Poem for All Seasons.” The Radical Teacher, 87 (Spring 2010): 71–72.
  • 37. “A Source in Sorcery: The Black Hen and the Posthumous Poet.” A R I E L: A Review of International English Literatures, 40. 4 (October 2009): 143–150.
  • 38. “English in Comparison/ Comparison in English.” Languaging: A Journal of Language Teaching and Language Studies, 2 (2010): 109—118.
  • 39. “The Cat and Shakespeare and pooccahyaum shakespearum.” A Tale of Modern Indian Translation.” Comparative Critical Studies, 7.1 (2010): 68–81. (Also, “pooccayum shakespearum,” Current Books Bulletin, # 324, September 2010, p.22, an abbreviated translation into Malayalam)
  • 40. “Numbering Death: A Note on Kamala Das.” Haritham, # 20 (2009): 17–21.
  • 41. “English for ‘Specific/’Special’ Purposes: An Essay Concerning Indian Understanding.” Changing English: An International Journal of English Teaching. 16. 3 (September 2009): 301–312.
  • 42. “Mūnnōļam Cintakal.” Kerala Kavita. # 40 (2008): 191–193.
  • 43. “Sir Walter Ralegh’s ‘Three things there be’ and T. S. Eliot’s Little Gidding III.” Notes & Queries, 253 (2008): 506–507.
  • 44. “Frontier’s Virgule/Virgule’s Frontier.” Sarai Reader # 7 (December 2007): 325- 331.
  • 45. “W. H. Auden’s Plainspeak in India: A Prefatory Note.” Re-Markings (2007): 54- 58.
  • 46. “T. S. Eliot’s Literary Adoption: ‘Animula’ and The Child’ of H. E. Bates.” English Studies, 88.4 (August 2007): 418-427.
  • 47. “A Receipt for Deceit: T. S. Eliot’s ‘For Indians Who Died in Africa’.” Forthcoming, Journal of Modern Literature, 30.3 (Spring 2007): 52-69.
  • 48. “The Hawthorne Aspect of T. S. Eliot’s Coriolan.” Orbis Litterarum, 62 (2007): 58-70
  • 49. “On English from India: Prepositions to Post-positions.” The Cambridge Quarterly, 35.2 (2006). 151-168.
  • 50. “Form: A Dialogue.” Journal of Literary Criticism, 10.2 (2006). 64-90.
  • 51. Harold Monro and T. S. Eliot: A Source for the ‘house agent’s clerk’ in The Waste Land.” Points of View, 13.1 (2006): 26-27.
  • 52. “Wilbur D. Steele and T. S. Eliot: The Fishermen Lounging.” Points of View, 13.1 (2006): 28-29.
  • 53. T. S. Eliot and W. E. Henley: A Source for the ‘Water-dripping Song’ in The Waste Land.” English Language Notes, 43.1 (2005). 59-62.
  • 54. “A Very Indian English Poet (Nissim Ezekiel, 1924-2004)” Re-Markings (2005): 22-34.
  • 55. “Some Parrhesiac Thoughts.” Haritham, # 17 (2005). 9-20. (Also in Think India Quarterly, 8.2 (2006):88–95.
  • 56. “Harold Pinterinte Parvathabhasha” (Harold Pinter’s Mountain Langugae: Prefatory Note and Translation into Malayalam). Bhāshā Pōshini, n.s. 29.7 (2005). 50-55.
  • 57. “On T. S. Eliot’s Theatre: A Dialogue.” Yeats Eliot Review, 19.2, August 2002. 2- 12. Revised reprint. CIEFL Bulletin, New Series. 13.1 June 2003. 71-91.
  • 58. “Antinomiana.” Re-markings, 1.2 (2002). 16-32.
  • 59. “Letter from Sambalpur.” T. S. Eliot Society Newsletter, 45.2 (2001). 3.
  • 60. “Effects of Distance: Hoskote’s Dreamscapes.” Kavya Bharati, 13 (2001). 146- 154.
  • 61. “Punk: A Soliloquy.” Journal of Contemporary Thought, # 12 (2000). 51-61.
  • 62. “T. S. Eliot’s Recall of W. E. Henley: East Coker III and ‘Ballade of Dead Actors.’ Notes & Queries, 245 (2000). 339.
  • 63. “M. Govindan Smarana” (Ezhuttinte Kaanappurangal). Samakaalika Malayalam Vaarika, 12 November 1999. 60.
  • 64. “Fishing in the Dark: The Poetry of Keshav Malik.” Kavya Bharati, 11 (1999). 161-166.
  • 65. “Coherence in Poetry— A Collage.” Ravenshaw Journal of English Studies, 9. 1&2 (1999). 1-4.
  • 66. “‘Hills Like White Elephants’: A Teacher’s Report.” Haritam, # 9 (1997). 68-75.
  • 67. “‘Surrender’ in The Waste Land: A Reply.” Yeats Eliot Review (1997). 42-43.
  • 68. “Phantoms of the Mind: T. S. Eliot’s ‘To Walter de la Mare.’” Papers on Language & Literature, 33.2 (1997). 213-219. Reprint, Essays & Studies X (1997). 25-30.
  • 69. “T. S. Eliot’s Ghostly Compound: Coleridge and Whitman in Little Gidding II.” American Notes & Queries, 10.1 (1997). 26-28.
  • 70. “If That is What Krishna (Really?) Meant: The Dry Salvages III and the Commentators.” Revista di Literature Moderne e comparate. (Reprint, The Viswa- Bharati Quarterly, ns. 5.3&4 (1997). 148-158.
  • 71. “Aadhunikatayute Uttarangal” (The ‘Answers’ of Modernism.) Sahityalōkam, Special number on Postmodernism. 12.6 (1996). 27-33.
  • 72. “Professor V. Y. Kantak and Indian (English) Literary Culture.” Manascarya, 2.2&3 (1996). 32-38.
  • 73. “Wallace Stevens’s ‘Anecdote of a Jar.’” Katihar Journal of English Studies, 1.1 (1996): 96-97.
  • 74. “Wallace Stevens’s ‘Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird:’ A Note Prefacing Translation.” Kerala Kavita (1996): 57.
  • 75. “An Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot, Lines17-18.” Katihar Journal of English Studies, 1.1 (1996): 95-96.
  • 76. “The Motorized Muse: A Partial View of Recent American Poetry.” Kakatiya Journal of English Studies, Special number on American Literature, 16 (1996): 70-82.
  • 77. “English Literature and India.” The Cambridge Quarterly, 25.2 (1996): 197-200.
  • 78. “An Age of Prudence: An Allusion to Pope’s ‘Epistle to a Lady’ in The Waste Land.” Yeats Eliot Review, 14.1 (1996): 44.
  • 79. “Holding the Heights: Hart Crane’s Evocation of Walt Whitman in Cape Hatteras.” Points of View, 3.1 (1996): 110-112.
  • 80. “Note” (prefacing translation, “My Obituary” by Vaikom Muhammed Basheer). Revaluations. (1996): 125.
  • 81. “T. S. Eliot and Ambrose Bierce: Another Source for the Witty Rhyme in ‘A Cooking Egg.’” Notes & Queries, 241 (1996): 59.
  • 82. “Aucitya in American Poetry: Some Examples.” Weber Studies, 13.3 (1996). 31- 41. Reprint, Revaluations, 1.2 (1996): 1-13.
  • 83. “Paristitiyum Noolamaalayum” (The Environment and the Labyrinth). Sahityalokam, Special number on Ecology and Aesthetics. 20.5 (1995): 70-73.
  • 84. “‘P’yute Praveśakangal.” (The Prefaces of P. Kunjuraman Nair). Samakaaleena Kavita, 6 (1995): 278-281.
  • 85. “Escobarring.” Verbatim: The Language Quarterly, 21.3 (1995): 20-21.
  • 86. “Octavio Pazinte India.” Samakaaleena Kavita, 6 (1995): 63-64.
  • 87. “Our Singing Strength: Some Recent Collections of Indian English Poetry.” SB Academic Review, 4.1 (1995): 103-109.
  • 88. “Orma/Memory.” Journal of Contemporary Thought, (1995): 194-204.
  • 89. “Aksharavum Aadhunikatayum” (Reflections on the Alphabet and Modernity). Samakaaleena Kavita, 6 (1995): 358-368.
  • 90. “‘In Memory Only:’ Allusions to T. S. Eliot’s Poetry in Donald Barthelme’s ‘Great Days.’ ” Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 29 (1995): 173-178.
  • 91. “Using Reading Frames: An Example from The Waste Land.” Journal of English and Foreign Languages, Special Issue on Pedagogical Linguistics, 13 & 14 (1994). 102-116. Reprint, English in Education, 29.1 (1995): 31-39.
  • 92. “Polypheme or Polyphemus?: On a Crucial Allusion in ‘Sweeny Erect.’ Classical and Modern Literature, a Quarterly, 14.4 (1994); Anglia: Zeitschrift für Engische Philologie, 113.2 (1995): 213-216.
  • 93. “Auden’s Allusion to ‘In Memory of Constance and Eva Gore-Booth’ in ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats.” American Notes & Queries, 7.2 (1994): 82-84.
  • 94. “Kili: A Word from Kerala’s Newspeak.” Verbatim: The Language Quarterly, 20.4 (1994): 21.
  • 95. “Changes in Literacy: India and the Example of Kerala.” Journal of Reading, 37.6 (1994): 514-517.
  • 96. “Teaching Narrative Pastime: Mark Twain’s ‘A Cat-Tale.’ Nebraska English Journal, 39.1 (1994): 86-93.
  • 97. “Some Shakespearean Reminiscences in Philip Larkin’s ‘Old Fools.’ The Literary Half-Yearly, 35.1 (1994): 78-82.
  • 98. “‘Gecko’s Tail:’ A Note and Translation.” Kavya Bharati, 6 (1994): 43-45.
  • 99. “Ezra Pound and Walter Raleigh: Allusions to ‘The Lie’ in Some Lustra-Blast Poems. Neophilologus, 78.3 (1994). 497-503. Reprint, English Association Journal, 7 (1994): 71-80.
  • 100. “Yeats’s Recall of Julius Caesar in ‘Death.’ ” CIEFL Bulletin, 5.1 (1993): 133-137.
  • 101. “The Plot’s Return: A Ramble on Some Contemporary Poems.” Literature & Criticism, 2.1&2 (1992-93): 149-158.
  • 102. “Little Gidding V: An Allusion to Henry Vaughan’s ‘On Sir Thomas Bodley’s Library.’ ” Notes & Queries, 238 (1993): 500.
  • 103. “ ‘The Jig of Forslin’ and East Coker III: An Addendum to a Source.” Notes & Queries, 238 (1993): 502-03.
  • 104. “Learning to Speak the Good Word” (On Katammanitta Ramakrishnan’s Poetry, prefacing an Interview). Haritam, 1.2 (1993): 126-127.
  • 105. “The Politics of Language in Alice Walker’s ‘First, They Said.’” Ravenshaw Journal of English Studies, 3.2 (1993): 35-38.
  • 106. “Heavenly Apathy: Jayanta Mahapatra’s A Whiteness of Bone.” Poetry Chronicle, 5.1-3 (1993): 49-53.
  • 107. “Etymologica Obscura: ‘Cashew-Nut’― A folk-etymological Tale in Malayalam.” Verbatim: The Language Quarterly, 20.1 (1993): 17.
  • 108. “The Education of Sir Mohan Lal: On Khushwant Singh’s ‘Karma.’ Studies in Short Fiction, 30.3 (1993): 399-401.
  • 109. “Poe’s Use of Macbeth in ‘The Masque of the Red Death.’ Papers on Language & Literature, 29.3 (1993): 235-240.
  • 110. “Echoes of ‘Abt Vogler’ in the Cantos 74, 81.” English Language Notes, 30.4 (1993): 59-61.
  • 111. “ ‘The Three Ravens’ and Ash-Wednesday II.” CIEFL Bulletin, ns 4.1&2 (1992): 123-126.
  • 112. “From ‘Prufrock’ to The Rock.” Yearly Review, 6 (1992): 105-108.
  • 113. “Walt Whitman and William Cowper― A Borrowing.” Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, 9.4 (1992): 211-214.
  • 114. “All New? All News?” Indian Book Chronicle, 17.1&2 (1992): 17-18.
  • 115. “Dharma Come Home: Robert Frost’s ‘One More Brevity.’” Kyushu American Literature, 33 (1992): 49-55.
  • 116. “Ezra Pound’s ‘Meditatio’: Two Notes.” Paideuma, 21.1&2 (1992): 161-166.
  • 117. “Songs of Cold Comfort.” Poetry Chronicle, 3.3&4 (1991): 92-96.
  • 118. “Directions in Frost Studies: Two Recent Books.” Indian Journal of American Studies, 21.2 (1991): 99-103.
  • 119. Hart Crane’s Three Songs: A Reading Towards Integration and Focus.” Dibrugarh University Journal of English Studies, 8 (1990-91): 10-14.
  • 120. “C. B. Cox’s ‘Lord Ganesh.’ The Explicator, 49.2 (1991).
  • 121. “Echoes of The Waste Land in Dylan Thomas’s ‘And death shall have no dominion.’” Notes & Queries, 236 (1991): 346-347.
  • 122. “T. S. Eliot and A. E. Housman: A Borrowing.” Notes & Queries, 236 (1991): 342-343.
  • 123. “T. S. Eliot’s ‘Cousin Nancy’ and a Nursery Riddle.” Notes & Queries, 236 (1991): 341.
  • 124. “A Portmanteau Allusion to Arnold-Heine in Henry James’s ‘London.’” Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 227.142 (1990).
  • 125. “Unguent as Adjective in a ‘Game of Chess’: The Waste Land, line 88.” American Notes & Queries, 3.4 (1990).
  • 126. “Dat(t)a: What have we given? Notes towards Unteaching Poetry.” Poetry Chronicle, 2.2 (1990): 46-51.
  • 127. “The Pining Gods and Sages in Emerson’s ‘Brahma.’” English Language Notes, 69.1 (1989): 55-57.
  • 128. “Shanti in The Waste Land.” American Literature, 69.1 (1989): 681-683.
  • 129. “Making Cosmos: Building/Creation in the Cantos. Paideuma, 17. 2&3 (1989): 177-189.
  • 130. “Classics for the Classroom: Notes on a Recent Anthology.” Indian Journal of American Studies, 19.1 (1989): 115-120.
  • 131. “Revolt from the Grave: Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters. The Midwest Quarterly, 29.4 (1988): 438-447.
  • 132. “The Translator as Reader.” The Literary Criterion, 22.2 (1987): 43-48.
  • 133. “The Springfield Myth: Vachel Lindsay’s Poetry.” Indian Journal of American Studies, 15.1 (1985): 19-24.
  • 134. “P. Keshavadev: A Writer and his Credo.” Indian Literature, 27. 4 (1984): 91- 92.
  • 135. “Malayalam Studies on T. S. Eliot.” Littcrit, 9.1 (1983): 1-6.
  • 136. (With Veenu Luthria) “Emerson Scholarship in India: A Bibliography with Annotations on Select Entries.” Journal of Literary Studies, Emerson Special number, 1982. 104-116.
  • 137. “Of Axles and the Oil of Song: Hart Crane’s Early Poetry.” Indian Journal of American Studies, 11.2 (1981): 51-55.
  • 138. “Hart Crane’s Cape Hatteras: A Reading.” The Literary Half-Yearly, 22.2 (1981): 24-32.
  • 139. “The City, Yes: A Note on Carl Sandburg’s Poetry.” Journal of Literary Studies, 4.1 (1981): 1-10.
  • 140. “The Assumptive Fallacy: Recent Indian Responses to T. S. Eliot.” Journal of Literary Studies, 3.1 (1980): 73-81.
  • 141. “A Note on the Polypheme Myth: T. S. Eliot’s ‘Sweeney Erect.” Littcrit, 5.1 (1979): 38-41.
Entries / Chapters in Books/ Edited Volumes:
  • 1. “The haunted classroom: The afterlife of allusions.” English Teachers’ Accounts. Ed. Nandana Dutta. London & New York: Routledge, 2022. 20- 34.
  • 2. “Foreword.” Gaea and Other Poems by Athira Unni. Kolkata: Writers Workshop, 2020. 9-10.
  • 3. “English.” Entry in Keywords for India: A Conceptual Lexicon for the 21 st Century. Ed. Rukmini Bhaya Nair and Peter Ronald deSouza. London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 308-309.
  • 4. “Reading Theory, Teaching in Theory: Our English Classrooms and Work in Progress.” Post-Theory and the Discourses of the New: Introductory Readings. Ed. Shivshankar Rajmohan A. K. and Rafseena M. Kottayam: Saradhi, 2019. 1- 13.
  • 5. Editorial contribution (circa 100 entries) as “Indian English Adviser” to The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, IV Edition, Ed. Colin McIntosh. 2014.
  • 6. “English and Indian Languages Debate”}
  • 7. “English Literature and Indian Literature Interface”}The People’s Linguistic Survey of India. Ed. Ganesh Devy et al. (Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2020).
  • 8. “Language Notes” (Occasional short notices and comments on semantics and usage in the ELT Hyderabad Newsletter (2011 to 2013).
  • 9. “Dreams and their Relations.” Critical Expressions: A Festschrift in honour of DJPN Reddy. Ed. R. Poli Reddy. Delhi: Manglam, 2011. 304–313. (Reprint. “The Untranslatability of Dreams.” Deconstruction: New Considerations in Humanities: Festschrift in Honour of Professor J. B. Paranjape. Ed. Dhramdas Shende et al. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert, 2011. 91–96.)
  • 10. “English Bhasha: A Commentary through Three Indian Narratives.” Indian English and ‘Vernacular’ India. Ed. Makarand R. Paranjape and G. J. V. Prasad. Delhi: Pearson, 2010. 18- 26.
  • 11. “Pravēsika.” Ormakondu Thurakkavunna Vaathiliukal by K. G. Sankara Pillai. Manorama-Penguin, 2008. 7–14.
  • 12. “English/Kerala: The Question of the Archive (On Vidyasamgraham: The Cottayam College Quarterly Magazine, July 1864–April 1866).” New Bearings in English Studies: A Festschrift for C. T. Indra. Ed. R. Azhagarasan, Bruce Bennett et al. Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2008. 85-100.
  • 13. “Foreword.” Jayasheelante Kavithakal. Trichur: Current Books, 2008. 12-16.
  • 14. “Foreword.” S. Sreetilak, Fiction into Film/Film into Fiction: The Social Life of New English India. (New Delhi: Viva, 2006).
  • 15. “Poe’s Use of Macbeth in “The Masque of the Red Death.” [Rpt. from Papers in Language & Literature]. Short Story Criticism # 88. Ed. Rachelle Mucha. Thomas J. Schoenberg, and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Detroit & London: Thomson/Gale, 2006. 221-223.
  • 16. “To the Best of My Knowledge: Reflections on Teaching English.” English Studies: Indian Perspectives. Ed. Makarand Paranjape with Amit Sarwal and Aneeta Rajendran. New Delhi: Mantra, 2005. 1-19
  • 17. “Reflections on Contemporary American Literature.” Professor R. K. Sinha Commemorative Volume, Patna. (2004)
  • 18. “Foreword.” Cleo McNelly Kearns, T. S. Eliot and Indic Traditions: A Study in Poetry and Belief. First Indian Edition © Cambridge UP, 1987. New Delhi: Samvaad India Foundation, 2004. vii-x.
  • 19. “Eliot in Steinese: Some Speculations on ‘The Fifteenth of November’.” Reflections on Literature, Criticism and Theory: Essays in Honour of Professor Prafulla C. Kar. Ed. Sura P. Rath, Kailash C. Baral, D. Venkat Rao. Delhi: Pencraft International, 2004. 209-220.
  • 20. “Interpreting The Waste Land, with Peers.” Interpretation of Texts: Text, Meaning and Interpretation. Ed. K. C. Baral. Delhi: Pencraft, 2002. 37-41.
  • 21. “Preface.” DA/ Datta: Teaching “The Waste Land.” Ed. K. Narayana Chandran. Hyderabad: CIEFL, Hyderabad, 2001.v-xv.
  • 22. “Sorting out Ideologies and Fiction: Some Pedagogical Reflections.” American Fiction and Ideology. Ed. Sukhbir Singh. New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2000. 12-17.
  • 23. Analytical summary entries with short bibliographical supplements on the poems, “As Consequent, etc.,” “As I ponder in Silence,” “The Centenarian’s Story,” “Darest Thou Now, O Soul,” “Earth, My Likeness,” “Sometime with One I Love,” “Who Learns My Lesson Complete.” The Walt Whitman Encyclopedia. Ed. J. R. LeMaster, Donald D. Kummings. New York: Garland, 1998.
  • 24. “Foreword.” Elective Affinities: Joyce Carol Oates’s Short Fiction, by P. Sreelakshmi. Madras: T. R. Publishers, 1996). iii- vi.
  • 25. “Longing and the Long Poem: Robert Pinsky’s An Explanation of America.” Framing Literature: Essays in Honour of M. Sivaramakrishna. Ed. Rama Nair et al. New Delhi: Sterling, 1995. 197-206.
  • 26. “The Waste Land and ‘Shadow― A Parable’: A Source Reconsidered.” A Way of Leaving so as to Stay: Papers in Honour of S. Viswanathan. Ed. Sudhakar Marathe, et al. Madras: T. R. Publications, 1994. 43-49.
  • 27. (Reprint) “Dharma Come Home: Robert Frost’s ‘One More Brevity.” Literary Spectrum: Essays in Homage to Professor N. Krishna Rao. Ed. D. J. P. N. Reddy. New Delhi: Arnold Associates, 1994. 202-207.
  • 28. “Yeats and Shakespeare: A Source for ‘The Great Day’ in King Lear, IV.vi. 150-164.” Yeats Annual # 10. Ed. Warwick Gould. Houndmills & London: Macmillan, 1993. 257-258.
  • 29. “Isaac and Archibald: A Lesson in Dialogism.” Literature and Popular Culture. Ed. R. S. Sharma et al. Hyderabad: Cauvery, 1990. 3-13.
  • 30. “Evasion as Trope: Harold Bloom on Hart Crane’s Precursors.” Critical Spectrum: Responses to Literary Theories. Ed. B. Chandrika. Calcutta: Papyrus, 1993. 19-27.
  • 31. “And thereby hangs a tale…: Mark Twain’s “A Cat-Tale.” Mark Twain and Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Ed. E. Nageswara Rao. Hyderabad: ASRC, 1992. 1-7.

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