Assistant Professor

Ms Madhu Lata

Department of Management


  • Workplace Spirituality
  • Workplace Incivility
  • Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour



Patna University
B.A. (Psychology Honours)


Patna University
M.A. (Psychology)


Indian Institute of Technology Patna
PhD (Thesis Submitted)

Awards & Fellowships

  • 2018- Ph.D. Research Fellowship -Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
  • 2019 – Best Poster Award– Indian Institute of Technology Patna
  • 2019- One of the Best Papers of Academy of Management Proceedings- Academy of Management
  • 2015- Indian Psychological Association President’s Gold Medal Award- Indian Psychological Association
  • 2014- Gold Medal for securing 1st rank in the university in M.A. Examination-Patna University
  • 2013- Mother Theodosia A.C. Memorial Scholarship-Patna Women’s College
  • 2012-Gold Medal for securing 1st rank in the university in B.A.- Patna University
  • 2011- Best Paper Presentation Award-Patna Women’s College
  • 2009- Hindustan Pratibha Samman for securing 1st rank in the school in class 12th - Hindustan Times Media Limited


  • Academy of Management


  • Lata, M., & Chaudhary, R. (2022). Workplace spirituality and employee incivility: Exploring the role of ethical climate and narcissism. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102, 103178. (ABDC- A*, Scopus-Q1, SSCI, Impact factor- 11.7).
  • Chaudhary, R., Lata, M., & Firoz, M. (2022). Workplace incivility and its socio-demographic determinants in India. International Journal of Conflict Management, 33(3), 357-384. (ABDC- A, Scopus-Q1, SSCI, Impact factor- 3.3).
  • Lata, M., & Chaudhary, R. (2021). Workplace spirituality and experienced incivility at work: Modeling Dark Triad as a moderator. Journal of Business Ethics, 174(3), 645-667. (Ranked in Financial Times top 50 journals, ABDC-A, SSCI, Scopus-Q1, Impact factor- 6.1).
  • Lata, M., & Chaudhary, R. (2020). Dark Triad and instigated incivility: The moderating role of workplace spirituality. Personality and Individual Differences, 166, 110090. (ABDC-A, SSCI, Scopus-Q1, Impact factor- 4.3).
  • Firoz, M., Chaudhary, R., & Lata, M. (2022). The socio-demographic determinants of workplace loneliness in India, Evidence-based HRM, 10(1), 17-34. (ABDC-B, Scopus-Q3, ESCI, H-index- 19).

Contact Details

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