Assistant Professor

Dr Satchidananda Tripathy

Paari School of Business


  • Supply chain optimization
  • Circular economy
  • E-Waste Management



BPUT, Rouerkela, Odisha, India


VSSUT, Burla, Odisha, India


IIT, Kharagpur, India

Professional Service

  • July 2016-June 2018 - Assistant Professor – CVRCE, BBSR, Orissa, India

Research Interests

  • Business Analytics: Machine learning, Text analysis, Natural language Processing, Time Series Analysis, Forecasting, Data mining, Web scrapping
  • Supply Chain Management: Sustainability, closed-loop supply chain, Product Returns and Remanufacturing
  • Logistics and Transportation: Reverse Logistics and Circular Economy

Awards & Fellowships

  • 2013 – 2015- GATE Scholarship- Ministry of Human Resource Department, Government of India.
  • 2018 – 2023- Ph.D. Fellowship -Ministry of Human Resource Department, Government of India.


  • Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers Student Chapter (IISE)
  • Vice President, IISE Student chapter, IIT Kharagpur (#660) May 2020 – April 2021
  • Production and Operations Management Society


Journals Paper

  • Tripathy, S., Kumar, A., and Mahanty, B. (2023), “Short-lived Product Returns Forecasting When Customers are Unwilling to Return the Product: A Grey- Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique,” (Technological Forecasting & Social Change, SCI, IF-12.9, ABDC-A, ABS 4)

Referred International Conferences Proceedings (Scopus Indexed)

  • Tripathy, S., and Kumar, A. (2023), “Enhancing Short Life Cycle Remanufacturing Through Spare Parts Reuse: Managing Uncertainty and Component Commonality Across Multiple,” CIE 50, October 30-November 2, 2023, American University of Sharjah, UAE
  • Kumar, G., Tripathy, S., and Kumar, A. (2023), “Efficient Fleet Planning for Rail Freight Transport Operators: A Mathematical Optimization Approach” CIE 50, October 30-November 2, 2023, American University of Sharjah, UAE
  • Tripathy, S., Kumar, A., and Mohanty, B., (2023), “Mitigating Uncertainty in Short Life Cycle Remanufacturing: Leveraging Spare Parts Reuse in Multiple Generations” IEEM2023, Dec, 18-21, 2023, Marina Bay Sand, Singapore. /10.1109/IEEM58616.2023.10406930.
  • Tripathy, S., and Kumar, A., (2021) “Predicting the exchange price of the returned core using data mining approach: A case study on smartphones”, POMS India International Conference 2021, December 22 – 24, 2021, SPJIMR, Mumbai, India

Book Chapter

  • Tripathy, S., & Kumar, A. (2023). Quantifying the quality grade of the returned mobile phone. Springer Nature Singapore.

Contact Details