Assistant Professor

Dr Rajendra Kumar

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


  • Design, Analysis, Prototyping and Testing of Electrical Machines
  • Electromagnetic FEA
  • Analytical Modeling of Magnetic Losses



Sri Balaji College of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur (Affiliated to: University of Rajasthan, Jaipur)


Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,


Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati


    • April 2010-January 2012 – Project Engineer, PM Dimensions (P) Limited, Project site-BHAVINI Nuclear Power Plant-Kalpakkan, TN, India
    • January 2012 – November 2015 –Assistant Professor, Faculty of PG studies and research, EE, MEFGI Rajkot (now Marwadi University)
    • July 2022-May 2024 – Postdoctoral Fellow, CHARGE, University of Windsor, ON, Canada

Research Interests

  • Development of harmonic models of induction machines for rapid-performance evaluation considering phenomenal impacts of magnetic non-linearity.
  • Design and developments of synchronous and asynchronous EV motors-1 kW to150 kW.
  • Fast and accurate models of various magnetic losses in rotating machines.

Awards & Fellowships

  • 2016-2021 – Institute Fellowship (during Ph.D.) – MHRD, Government of India
  • 2008-2010 – Institute Fellowship (during M.Tech.) – MHRD, Government of India
  • All India Rank-150 in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2006- EE


  • Reviewer for more than six IEEE Journals/Transactions

List of Publications


  • Sub-domain Model for Induction Motor with More Accurate Realization of Tooth-Saturation, Rajendra Kumar, Narayan C. Kar in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, doi: 10.1109/TEC.2024.3356988 (2024)
  • Stray Loss Formulation for Inverter-Driven Induction Motors for a Wide Range of Switching Frequency and Motor's Loading, Rajendra Kumar, Bikash Sah and Praveen Kumar in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 2385-2394 (2023)
  • Core Loss Estimation for an Inverter-fed Induction Motor with More Accurate Realisation of Material Non-Linearity and Impact of Hysteresis Minor Loops, Rajendra Kumar, Praveen Kumar in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 327-336 (2022)
  • Stray Loss Model for Induction Motors with Using Equivalent Circuit Parameters, Rajendra Kumar, Praveen Kumar, Teruo Kanekawa, Koji Oishi in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 1036-1045 (2020)
  • International Conferences:

      • Modelling of Stray-Load Loss for Medium Power Induction Motors, Rajendra Kumar, Praveen Kumar, IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Washington, DC, USA, 2018, pp. 571-576 (2018)

    Technical report:

      • Electric 2-wheeler drive cycle-based drivetrain sizing: A comprehensive analysis, Praveen Kumar, Sai Krishna Mulpuri, Om Jee Singh, Bikash Sah, Arunesh Singh, Rajendra Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Guwahati-781039, Assam, India, ISBN: 978-93-5578-973-0.

    Patent applications filed:

    • Lamination design for high power and torque density three-phase induction motor for use in two-wheel drive, Rajendra Kumar, Praveen Kumar (2021), Indian Patent Application Number: IN20210622140349
    • Lamination design for a high power and torque density three-phase induction motor to drive a four-wheel light electric-motor vehicle, Rajendra Kumar, Praveen Kumar (2021), Indian Patent Application Number: IN20210622140444
    • Design of 1.2kW low speed, high power and torque density three-phase outer rotor (hub) induction motor to drive a four-wheel light electric-motor vehicle, Rajendra Kumar, Praveen Kumar (2021), Indian Patent Application Number: IN20210622140417

    Contact Details
