Assistant Professor

Dr Mrutyunjaya Mangaraj

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


  • Power Quality
  • Renewable Energy Integration
  • Artificial Intelligence



Berhampur University




NIT Rourkela


  • 2023- Reviewer– Electric Power Component & System
  • 2022- Reviewer– Electric Power Component & System
  • 2021- Reviewer– Electric Power Component & System
  • 2020- Reviewer– Electric Power Component & System
  • 2019- Reviewer– IET Power Electronics
  • 2019- Reviewer– IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
  • 2018 – Reviewer– IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
  • 2018 – Reviewer–IET Power Electronics
  • 2018 – Reviewer–IET Power Electronics
  • 2017 – Reviewer–IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
  • Research Interests

  • Design and Experimental Validation of DSTATCOM Using Various Hybrid ANN Techniques
  • Distributed Energy Renewable Integrated Back-to-Back VSI Based DSTATCOM for Micro Grid
  • Inductively coupled distributed static compensator for power quality analysis
  • Awards & Fellowships

  • 2019 – Start-up Research Grant – SERB-DST, New Delhi
  • 2014-2018- Institute Fellowship- MHRD, New Delhi
  • Memberships

  • List of Publications

  • DSTATCOM employing hybrid neural network control technique for power quality improvement- A.K. Panda and M. Mangaraj, IET Power Electronics, 10(4), 480-489, (2017).
  • Performance analysis of DSTATCOM employing various control algorithms- M. Mangaraj and A. K. Panda, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 11(10), 2643-2653, (2017).
  • NBP-based icosϕ control strategy for DSTATCOM- M. Mangaraj and A. K. Panda, IET Power Electronics, 10 (12),1617 – 1625, (2017).
  • DSTATCOM deploying CGBP based icosϕ neural network technique for power conditioning- M. Mangaraj and A. K. Panda, International Journal of Ain Shams Engg. Journal (Elsevier), 9(4), 1535-1546, (2018).
  • Modelling and simulation of KHLMS algorithm-based DSTATCOM- M. Mangaraj and A.K Panda, IET Power Electronics, 12 (9), 2304 – 2311, (2019).
  • An Adaptive LMBP Training Based Control Technique for DSTATCOM- M. Mangaraj, A. K. Panda, T. Penthia and A. R. Dash, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 14(3), 516–524, (2020).
  • Real-time simulation and Performance of DSTATCOM using an improved load current detection-based control technique for compensation of current harmonics and load transients- T. Penthia, A. K. Panda and M. Mangaraj, International Journal on European Power Electronics and Drives, 1 – 6, (2020).
  • Experimental validation of ADALINE least mean square algorithm in a three-phase four-wire DSTATCOM to enhance power quality- T. Penthia, A. K. Panda and M. Mangaraj, International Journal on Electric Power Components & Systems, 48(8), 769 – 780, (2020).
  • Sparse LMS Algorithm for Two-level DSTATCOM, - M. Mangaraj and A. K. Panda, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 15(1), 86 – 96, 2021.
  • Operation of Hebbian Least Mean Square controlled distributed Static Compensator- M. Mangaraj, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 15 (13), 1939 – 1948. ( 2021).
  • GLMS Control Strategy based DSTATCOM for Power Quality Enhancement: Modelling & Comparative Analysis- J. Sabat and M. Mangaraj, International Journal of Energy System, Oct. 2021. (DOI:10.1007/s12667-021-00489-x )
  • Operation and Control Performance of Interactive DZSI based DSTATOM- J. Sabat and M. Mangaraj, International Journal of Institution of Engineers: Series B, 103(4), 1259-1267, (2022).
  • PQ Assessment of EDS With DER Penetration by DVSI based DSTATCOM Using ALMS Algorithm- M. Mangaraj and J. Sabat, International Journal of Ambient Energy, pp. 7775-7786, (2022).
  • Experimental Study of T-I-VSI Based DSTATCOM using ALMS Technique for PQ Analysis- J Sabat and M Mangaraj, International Journal of Institution of Engineers: Series B, 104, 165–174 (2023).
  • FPGA Based Execution on DER Supported EDS for Enhanced PQ with OAPFC- M Mangaraj and J Sabat, International Journal of ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications. I.F: 0.83.
  • DER Integrated BTB-VSI Based DSTATCOM for PQ Enhancement- M Mangaraj and J Sabat, International Journal of Electronics,
  • MVSI and AVSI supported DSTATCOM for power quality analysis- M. Mangaraj and J. Sabat, IETE Journal of Research, 69 (6), 3852–3858, (2023).
  • Contact Details
