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Tech Fest – 2018
March 28, 2018

The first Tech Fest of SRM University – Andhra Pradesh, was inaugurated on 28th March 2018 by Dr. V.K Saraswat (Member – NITI Aayog), Dr. M. Nageswara Rao (Associated Director – ISRO Satellite Center), Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan (President – SRM University), Dr. D. Narayana Rao (Pro VC – SRM University – Andhra Pradesh) and Dr. D. Gunasekaran (Registrar – SRM University – Andhra Pradesh).
Universities and colleges from around and away were cordially invited to the technical festival. Teams from SRM-AP and teams from different universities competed in code race, design contest, IBM hackathon, roborace, robowars, techquiz and digital treasure hunt. There was many exiting and inspiring talks by the eminent scientists and professors including Dr. V.K Saraswat (Member – NITI Aayog), Dr. M. Nageswara Rao (Associated Director – ISRO Satellite Center), Prof. Sandeep Sancheti (Vice chancellor SRM IST Chennai), Mr. Solankutty Dhanabal (National Instruments), Dr. S. R Rao ( Senior Adviser, DBT) and others. Unity workshop and IoT workshop by National instruments were also arranged for the students. The event concluded on an enthralling note and prize distribution and closing ceremony was presided by Prof. Sandeep Sancheti.