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    “Team NAVAN” – a multi-disciplinary technical team, comprising of undergraduate students from various engineering branches such as Mechanical, EEE, Software and Information Technology participated in the technical competition APOGEE 2017, at BITS Pilani. The team is working on a project of a magnetic elevator which is based on the principle of magnetic levitation. The horizontal magnetic levitation is very commonly used but the vertical levitation is the most challenging work and team NAVAN has successfully completed the working model of the elevator which was presented at BITS Pilani and IIT Kanpur (results are awaited).

    About 106 teams from reputed institutes including entrepreneurs had registered for the event but only 28 of them reached the final round and team NAVAN was one amongst them. In the finals, the teams were evaluated in different categories such as innovation, feasibility, robustness and working model. Team NAVAN scored high in all the categories and were declared “Winners” in the domain of Prototype project presentation under Design Appliances Category at APOGEE 2017.

    The team’s motto is to work for the society as they believe that Engineering is to serve the society. Their upcoming works will focus on the “Society Need Products” and they have aimed to make products which will reach the market. The team is mentored by Mr.Shubrajit Bhaumik and Mr.Sodi Setty Prasad – Assistant Professors from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

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  • Strategic partnership with the UC Berkeley College of Engineering, U.S. March 5, 2017

    Design, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

    SRM University, AP – Amaravati has entered into a strategic partnership with the College of Engineering, UC Berkeley, U.S.  through the Dado and Maria Banatao Centre for Global Education and Outreach from Berkeley Engineering (GLOBE). The partnership will entail bi-directional information exchange in the areas of engineering education. SRM will also be a Global Partner of the Jacobs Institute for Design Engineering and the Sutardja Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology [SCET].

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