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Design of modern MW size wind turbine rotor blades

July 17, 2021 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Department of Mechanical Engineering at SRM University-AP organises a talk on “Design of Modern MW Size Wind Turbine Rotor Blades” as part of the departmental seminar series on July 17, 2021, at 4.00 pm. Dr Subbareddy Daggumati, Assistant Professor at IIT Tirupati will be the guest speaker at the event. This talk aims to highlight the various energy sources in India and the role of renewable energy in electricity production.

Dr Daggumati obtained his PhD from Ghent University, Belgium. He had been the wind turbine blade designer at Siemens and General Electric Co. In this lecture, he will elucidate on the energy production using wind energy. The kinetic energy of wind is collected using the blades of wind turbines. Wind flows over the blades creating lift (similar to the effect on aeroplane wings), which causes the blades to turn. The blades are connected to a drive shaft that turns an electric generator, which produces (generates) electricity. The lecture will consequently introduce various parts of modern MW size wind turbine parts to the attendees. The methods to develop wind turbine rotor blade designs will also be discussed in detail.

Join this technical lecture organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on July 17 at 4.00 pm to learn more about the design of modern MW size wind turbine rotor blades.

Zoom Link: https://srmap.zoom.us/j/96497015237?pwd=OVdiNlhaQy8raFRnYS9RWUtyR0VOUT09#success


July 17, 2021
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Event Categories:
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