Assistant Professor

Dr Sazzad Ali Biswas

Department of Mathematics


  1. Automorphic and Galois representations
  2. Arithmetic geometry
  3. Langlands Program
  4. Cryptography



Jadavpur University,


Jadavpur University,


University of Hyderabad,


  • Visiting Researcher, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, December 01, 2020 to March 31, 2021.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, October 1, 2019 to November 30, 2020.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, July 15, 2018 to September 30, 2019.
  • Visiting Faculty, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India, December 06, 2015 - July 12, 2018.
  • Visiting Scientist, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, May - June, 2017.
  • Visiting Fellow, Ecole Normale Suprieure de Lyon and University of Lyon 1, Lyon, France, April 21 - June 30, 2018.
  • Visiting scholar, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, September 2011 - May 2012.
  • University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, June 16-30, 2019.
  • MSRI, Berkely, USA, April 08-12, 2019.
  • Tata Institute of Fundamental Reseach, Mumbai, September 11-14, 2015.
  • Harish-Chandra Reseach Institute, Allahabad, Nov 1-30, 2015.
  • August - November, 2016, p-adic Analysis, Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI), Chennai, India.
  • August - November, 2017, Arithmetic Geometry, CMI.
  • January - April, 2018, Algebraic Number Theory, CMI.

Research Interest

  • Converse Problem in the Galois side: In the automorphic side of Langlands program, there are converse theorems. But in the Galois side, we do not have any such theorems. Currently, I have been trying to give a converse theorem for local Galois representations.
  • Geometric Analog of epsilon factors: By work of Robert Langlands and P. Deligne we can attach a unique complex number (which we call epsilon factor) for a given complex Galois representation. We also can attach a similar constant for a given elliptic curve over number field. But the relationship between epsilon factors of Galois representations and elliptic curves are not yet known. An explicit connection between these epsilon factors are very much important in arithmetic geometry. I am trying to find a result which connect them.
  • Galois representations and Analytic torsion: I also have been trying to construct Galois representations by using analytic torsions for some Riemannian manifolds.

Awards & Fellowships

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Israel Science Foundation (grant no: 1676/17) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 2018.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Chennai Mathematical Institute and the Infosys Foundation, India, 2015.
  • IMU-Berlin Einstein Foundation Fellowship for nine months in Berlin, Germany, 2011.
  • Received National Scholarship for the period: 2001-2006, Govt. of India.
  • Qualified in NET Examination held in December, 2007 and June, 2008 with CSIR Fellowship, Govt. of India.
  • Qualified in GATE, 2008, Govt. of India.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India, 2016 (did not avail).
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship at Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, India, 2016 (did not avail).
  • International travel grant from DST and NBHM for attending workshop and conference in Italy, 2011.
  • Travel grant from the Ecole Normale Suprieure de Lyon, France, 2018.
  • 700 USD nancial support from the MSRI, Berkeley, USA, 2019.
  • Travel grant from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 2019.
  • Travel support from the Berlin Mathematical School, Berlin, Germany, 2011.


  • S.A. Biswas, Epsilon factors of symplectic type characters in the wild case, Forum Mathematicum, 2021 DOI:
  • S.A. Biswas and E.-W. Zink, Local root numbers for Heisenberg representations-Some explicit results, International Journal of Mathematics, 2020, 1142/S0129167X2050127X.
  • S.A. Biswas, Langlands’ lambda function for quadratic tamely rami ed extensions, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 18 (2019), no. 7, 1950132, 10 pp.
  • S.A. Biswas, Computation of the Lambda function for a nite Galois extension, Journal of Number Theory, Volume 186, May 2018, Pages 180-201, 1016/j.jnt.2017.09.025.
  • S.A. Biswas, Invariant formula of the determinant of a Heisenberg representation, International Journal of Mathematics, 28, 1750068 (2017), S0129167X17500689.
  • S.A. Biswas, Twisting formula of epsilon factors, Proceedings-Mathematical Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, Volume 127, Issue 4, 2017, pp. 585-598, https://doi. org/10.1007/s12044-017-0350-7.
  • S.A. Biswas, Lamprecht-Tate Formula,
  • S. A. Biswas, The existence of nonabelian local constants and their properties, sub-mitted,
  • S.A. Biswas, An extension of Deligne-Henniart’s twisting formula and its applications,
  • Padova School on Serre Conjectures and the p-adic Langlands Program, University of Padova, Italy, May 27-June 14, 2019.
  • Hot topics: Recent progress in Langlands program, MSRI, Berkely, USA, April 08-12, 2019.
  • Automorphic forms and representation theory, a conference in memory of Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 12.03.2019.
  • A conference on Algebraic Groups and Geometrization of Langlands Program, ENS De Lyon, France, May 22-25, 2018.
  • Sino-French conference in Complex and Algebraic geometry at Institut Camille Jordan, University of Lyon 1, France, April 23-27, 2018.
  • One day workshop on Algebraic Number Theory, University of Hyderabad, India, September 18, 2017.
  • Conference on representation theory and Algebraic Geometry- In honor of Joseph Bern-stein, June 11-16, 2017, The Weizmann Institute of Science and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Workshop on Seshadri Constants, Chennai Mathematical Institute, India, January 30-February 10, 2017.
  • Indo-French Program for Mathematics, IMSc, Chennai, India, January 11-24, 2016.
  • A conference in Number Theory, IMSc, Chennai, December 14-18, 2015.
  • CMI-IMSc Joint Mathematics Colloquium, Conference on Analytic Theory of Auto-morphic Forms, IMSc, Chennai, December 9-13, 2013.
  • Winter School on Galois theory, Luxembourg, February 15 - 24, 2012.
  • School and Conference on Modular Forms and Mock Modular Forms and their Ap-plications in Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, February 28 - March 18, 2011.
  • ICM satellite Conference on Analytic and Combinatorial Number Theory, IMSc, Chen-nai, August 29 - September 03, 2010.
  • ICM 2010, Hyderabad, August 19-17, 2010.
  • ICM Satellite Conference on Number Theory and Automorphic Forms, Goa, India, August 13-17, 2010.
  • AIS School on Representation Theory, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, India, June 2-24, 2010.
  • ATM workshop on Analytic Number Theory, IMSc, Chennai, India, February 17 - March 02, 2010.
  • International Conference on Frontier’s of Interface between Statistics and Science, Hy-derabad, India, December 30, 2009 - January 02, 2010.
  • Non-abelian local root numbers and Langlands’ -functions, NISER, India, September 10, 2020.
  • Non-abelian local root numbers and Langlands’ -functions, IIT Indore, July 22, 2020.
  • Computation of Langlands’ -functions for nite Galois extensions, University of Copen-hagen, Denmark, February 21, 2020.
  • Local root numbers for Heisenberg representations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, December 17, 2018.
  • Local ( e.g. L-, gamma, epsilon)-factors, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, November 26, 2018.
  • Local converse problems, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, November 19, 2018.

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