Strategic partnership with the UC Berkeley College of Engineering, U.S.

Design, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

SRM University, AP – Amaravati has entered into a strategic partnership with the College of Engineering, UC Berkeley, U.S.  through the Dado and Maria Banatao Centre for Global Education and Outreach from Berkeley Engineering (GLOBE). The partnership will entail bi-directional information exchange in the areas of engineering education. SRM will also be a Global Partner of the Jacobs Institute for Design Engineering and the Sutardja Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology [SCET].

This partnership would help to establish similar centres at SRM for Design, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. Like in SCET, the centre at SRM would embrace the study and practice of “technology-centric” entrepreneurship and innovation. Similarly, as with the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation, UC Berkeley, SRM Centre would be interdisciplinary hub for learning and making at the intersection of design and technology, bringing together technical depth, design methodology, and a focus on societal impact. We aim to educate students who understand both the under-the-hood details that make something work and the big-picture context that makes something matter.

At the SRM Centre we want to bring a confluence of international ideas, technological innovation and social impact. We eventually want to extend this to the entire city of Amaravati to build an ecosystem of meaningful creation. And we are working with the College of Engineering, UC Berkeley, U.S., to build this ecosystem.

Our faculty will be the backbone of this culture. The College of Engineering, UC Berkeley will provide support in the design and development of courses to bring in the concepts of design thinking and innovation. UC Berkeley will also facilitate faculty visits to U.S for capacity building. Students and faculty at SRM will also be invited to relevant events at the College of Engineering.

Our students will imbibe and propagate this culture. Students will be given the unique opportunity to spend a semester abroad to learn engineering at the Jacob’s Institute and SCET at UC Berkeley. A few select students with entrepreneurial ambitions will attend bootcamps at the Jacob’s Institute and SCET for a rigorous program on building and developing start ups. They will then return and pass on this knowledge to the students present at Amaravati, thereby creating the culture of design and innovation.


2 Comments to “ Strategic partnership with the UC Berkeley College of Engineering, U.S.”

  1. Prem Kumar says :Reply

    Good job

  2. Keshav Poudel says :Reply

    Does SRM’s Innovation cell and SHRISTI will help and provide some guidance to other students of any small private Engineering College.If they need guidance from you??

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