• Seven Mantras of Entrepreneurship: A Talk by Mr Siddharth Tripathi November 18, 2023


    The Paari School of Business invited Mr Siddharth Tripathi, Founder and CEO of Skillizen Learning, for a Guest Talk on the “Seven Mantras of Entrepreneurship”. In the talk held on November 14, 2023, Mr Tripathi extensively discussed the key strategies and skills required to gain entrepreneurial success. He enlightened that the term ‘Entrepreneurship’ originates from the French language but derives its innermost inspiration from the Sanskrit word ‘Antah Prerna’. He enlightened the students that an entrepreneur should always have original and innovative ideas and sound domain knowledge.

    During his session, Mr Tripathi stated, “The world belongs to the change agent” emphasising that young entrepreneurs must always focus on becoming change agents who can change the norms of the world. He also highlighted that there is no right strategy for successful entrepreneurship. The key to success in entrepreneurship is financial capital as well as social capital, as networking is crucial for the development of the company and critical to entrepreneurial success. Mr Tripathi encouraged budding ventures claiming that in the tortoise and rabbit race in entrepreneurship, the rabbit always wins, but the tortoise comes back with a solid stay, sharing that the fastest launcher will always be the first.

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  • Dr Gaurav Arora on the Power of Entrepreneurship October 25, 2023


    Paari School of Business is committed to nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit among its students. The school had invited Dr Gaurav Arora, Global Entrepreneur at Enhance (Luxury Hospitality and Tourism Representation), to deliver an inspiring lecture on October 11, 2023. The lecture titled “Entrepreneurship: Nurturing Innovation, Profitability, and Business Growth” encapsulated key insights for budding entrepreneurs.

    Dr Arora dispelled the notion that entrepreneurship is an exclusive venture, asserting that anyone can dare to dream and embark on this journey. He highlighted the importance of enthusiasm, initiative, and teamwork in entrepreneurial success. The lecture showcased the power of keywords such as passion, motivation, and reliability, which serve as the foundation for a successful entrepreneurial career.

    He shared valuable experiences in navigating challenges, including the digital transformation his company undertook during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr Arora emphasised self-reliance and the significance of taking initiative to achieve one’s goals. The lecture concluded with a simple yet effective approach to success: Dream, Plan, and Execute. Dr Arora also shared an inspiring success story, “Zerodha” India’s leading stockbroker.

    The lecture provided a wealth of insights, encouraging students to embrace creativity, take calculated risks, and maintain a clear vision for their entrepreneurial endeavours.


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