Current Happenings

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare June 16, 2021

    The School of Entrepreneurship and Management Studies (SEAMS), SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, introduces a series of academic webinars exclusively for its students of BBA and MBA. The first among the series, organised on the theme AI/ML in Healthcare, will be held on June 19, 2021, at 4.00 pm. Dr Shibasish Dasgupta, Associate Director – Statistics, Pfizer Health India Pvt. Ltd, will be the guest speaker of the webinar.

    Dr Dasgupta earned his PhD in Statistics from the University of Florida and is currently an adjunct professor of Data Science at Chennai Mathematical Institute. Speakers from industry and academia will be invited for every session of the webinar series to throw light on diverse topics. The webinar series aims at giving perspectives to students about the latest best practices in the field of Management.

    Join this enlightening session on June 19, 2021, at 4.00 pm to know various aspects of data science used in the healthcare sector.

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  • BSE- Investors awareness programme for BBA students June 10, 2021

    The School of Entrepreneurship and Management Studies (SEAMS), SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh collaborates with Value Ideas Investment Services Pvt Ltd, to conduct an enlightening webinar titled “Investment Awareness Programme” on June 12, 2021, from 11 am onwards. Dr J Murthy, an executive from Value Ideas Investment Services will engage the BBA students on this webinar which is exclusively designed as part of their coursework.

    Value Ideas Investment Services is a Mumbai based Consulting and Investment firm that has mandated executors to conduct Awareness Programme on Money Management for students across India. They conduct these sessions on behalf of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) / Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the main objective is to educate and empower participants and create financial literacy so that they can make sound decisions with respect to their personal finances in future. The programme will also educate the audience not to invest in wrong Financial Schemes (Ponzi Schemes) and end up losing their hard-earned money. Stocks and investments are complicated financial areas and expert advice is mandatory as a beginner level investor.

    The webinar aims to mentor and guide the students to develop a clear understanding of finance and investment which will help them in their further studies and future professional life. The webinar is coordinated by Dr Lalita Mohan Mohapatra, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, SRM-AP.

    All the students in BBA stream are invited to join the webinar and gain first-hand insights on investments from the expert.

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